1. 훑다 : [Pronunciation: 흘따]
1) [벼 등(rice etc)] hackle; thrash; strip
- 벼를 훑다 : hackle[thrash / thresh] rice
- 뽕잎을 훑다 : strip off the leaves of a mulberry twig
- 손으로 잡아 훑다 : draw[squeeze] through one's hand
- 훑어 내리다 hackle down
- 그가 밀 이삭을 훑으면 밀알이 아래로 떨어졌다 : As he stripped off the ears of wheat[stripped the wheat with his hands], the grains fell to the ground
2) [=제거하다] remove; scrub
- 나뭇가지의 껍질을 훑다 : scrub away the bark of a twig
- 생선속을 훑다 : remove the guts from a fish / gut a fish
3) [=훑어보다] see the following of 훑어보다 <-- 훑(the stem of 훑다) + -어(a connective suffix between two verbs) + 보다(see; look; watch)
2. 훑어보다 : [Pronunciation: 훌터보다]
1) look up and down; stare[look hard] at ; survey[search / study] ; scrutinize[peruse]
- 남의 위아래를 훑어보다 : stare a person up and down / survey a person from head to foot
- 남의 얼굴을 훑어보는 것은 실례다 : It is rude[bad form] to look[stare] a person up and down
- 그가 내 얼굴을 자꾸 훑어봐서 무안했다 : I was embarrassed because he kept surveying[searching / studying] my face
- 그는 나를 자세히 (위아래로) 훑어봤다 : He measured me with his eyes. / He surveyed me from top to bottom. / He devoured me with his eyes
2) [=죽 살피다] look[go] over[through] ; pass an eye over ; scan
- 대강 훑어보다 : run one's eyes through / glance[run] (one's eyes) over / skim over[through] / dip into / give a hurried glance
- 책을 죽 훑어보다 : look through a book
- 청구서[편지]를 죽 훑어보다 : look over a bill[letter]
- 서류를 대충[쓱] 훑어보다 : run one's eyes through[over] the papers
- 그들은 시체를 찾기 위해 강바닥을 훑어보았다 : They dragged the river bottom[the bottom of the river] for the dead body
- 그는 그녀를 죽 훑어보았다 : His eyes swept over the woman
- 그는 신문을 죽 훑어보았다 : He scanned[ran his eyes over] the newspaper
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