
Let's learn about "눈 좀 붙여"

눈 좀 붙여 = 잠깐 동안만이라도 자 : Catch some sleep; Sleep for a while

[other expressions]
- 눈 좀 붙여. (to younger people or friends)
- 눈 좀 붙여라. (to younger people or friends)
- 눈 좀 붙일래? (to younger people or friends)
- 눈 좀 붙여요. (to younger people or friends)
- 눈 좀 붙일래요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 눈 좀 붙이실래요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 눈 좀 붙이세요. (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 눈 좀 붙이셔요. (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 눈 좀 붙이십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 눈 좀 붙이시겠어요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)

- 잠깐 동안만이라도 자. (to younger people or friends)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 자라. (to younger people or friends)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 잘래? (to younger people or friends)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 자요. (to younger people or friends)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 잘래요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 주무실래요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 주무세요. (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 주무셔요. (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 주무십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 잠깐 동안만이라도 주무시겠어요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)

* 눈 : eye
* -을 : a particle makes 눈 objective after a word ends in a consonant

* 좀 : a short form of 조금(a little with nuance of "please")

* 붙다 : (1) [=부착하다] stick ; cling ; cleave (2) [=의지하다] live with (a person at his expense); be a parasite ; be a dependent (3) [=좇아서 따르다] belong to; be attached to; join; [=편들다] take sides[a side] with; take the side of; side with (4) [=바싹 가까이하다] keep[stand] close
- 모든 우리 상품에는 분명히 가격표가 붙어 있습니다 : All our goods are clearly priced
- 그녀는 어느새 그와 붙어살고 있었다 : Before we knew it, she was going around with him[married to him]
- 그는 늘 이기는 쪽에 붙는다 : He always takes the winning side
- 그 사람에게 붙어 있으면 넌 손해는 없다 : Under him you will have nothing to lose
- 그렇게 꼭 붙어서 걷지 마라 : Don't walk so close to me!
- 두 집은 서로 붙어 있다 : The two houses stand close to each other

* 붙이다 : a causative verb form of 붙다 by '-이'

* 붙여 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다; 이 + -여 contracted into 여) + -여(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 붙여라 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다; 이 + -여 contracted into 여) + -여라(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 붙일래 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + -ㄹ래(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 붙이실래요 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㄹ래(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 붙이세요 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어(a little propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 붙이셔요 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -여(a little propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 붙이십시오 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") 
* 붙이시겠어요 : 붙이(the stem of 붙이다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠어요(an honourific propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")

* 잠깐 : for a while

* 동안 : during; for
* -만 : only
* -이라도 : (1) a short form of 이라고 하여도; a descriptive suffix acknowledges or assumes a fact, but indicates that the backword is not tied to it and is followed by a fact that is more or less true (2) [=라도] Among many, an auxiliary suffix meaning that it is not distinguished or distinguished
- 밤이라도 달이 밝아서 대낮 같다 : Even at night, the moon is bright and it's like daylight
- 생선이라도 한 마리 사 들고 찾아가야지 : Let's buy some fish and visit

* 자다 : sleep (non-honourific word)
* 주무시다 : sleep (honourific word)

* 자 : 자(the stem of 자다; 자 + -아 contracted into 자) + -아(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 자라 : 자(the stem of 자다; 자 + -아 contracted into 자) + -아라(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 잘래 : 자(the stem of 자다) + -ㄹ래(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")
* 주무실래요 : 주무시(the stem of 주무시다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㄹ래(a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주무세요 : 주무시(the stem of 주무시다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어(a little propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주무셔요 : 주무시(the stem of 주무시다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -여(a little propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주무십시오 : 주무시(the stem of 주무시다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") 
* 주무시겠어요 : 주무시(the stem of 주무시다) + 시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠어요(an honourific propositive and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~")

* a verb + -아 / -ㄹ래 / -라 : a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix means "Would you ~"
* a verb + -아 / -ㄹ래 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -세요 / -셔요 / -십시오 / -겠어요 : a little imperative and persuasive verb ending suffix, means "Would you ~", has an honourific by ‘-요’ / ‘-오’

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