
Let's learn about "귀호강/눈호강"

난 지금 음악감상실에서 귀호강하고 있다 : I am having eye candy in the music room
난 오늘 저녁 BTS 콘서트에서 귀호강하고 왔다 : I had a great time at the BTS concert tonight; I had a great eye candy at the BTS concert tonight

See : https://ko.hinative.com/questions/6183500

* 눈호강 : It is not a formal word. It is kind of new word which is made by teens. 
In this case, '호강' means 'to be well-treated (by something/someone)'. So if the sentence is translated literally, it would be 'my ears were truly well-treated (by something/someone)'. And it has a general meaning like 'I felt very happy when I hear something/someone'. 귀호강 is 귀(ears)+호강(this word is like...'living in luxury', 'living in comfort' or 'receiving nice treatment') this word is compound word and informal term. so.. for example, when you listen to beautiful music, you can say "귀호강하다"means 'your ears is being treated nicely'

* 귀호강하다 : a verb form of 귀호강

* 눈호강 : 눈(eye) + 호강(receiving nice treatment)
* 눈호강하다 : a verb form of 눈호강

* 안구정화 : 안구(eye ball) + 정화(purification)
* 안구정화하다 : a verb form of 안구정화

* 눈호강하다 / 눈이 즐겁다 / 귀호강하다 / 귀가 즐겁다 / 보거나 들으면 기본 좋아지는 것 : eye candy(방송에 관심을 끄는 것에 사용되는, 보기에 매력적인 사람과 소지품을 가리키는 말=A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy)
- 나는 안구정화로 영화를 봐야겠다 : I will see movies because of eye candy. 
- 너는 그를 보면 쉽게 안구정화될 수 있을거야 : You could easily call him eye candy
- 난 그냥 안구정화하러 왔다 / 난 그냥 귀호강하러 왔다 : I'm here for the eye candy

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