너 이번에 이태리 여행가서 생고생했다면서 : I heard you had a hard time during your trip to Italy
[other expressions]
- 너 이번에 이태리 여행가서 생고생했다면서. (to younger people or your friends)
- 오빠 이번에 이태리 여행가셔서 생고생하셨다면서요. (to person is older than you)
* 너 : you (non-honourific word)
* 오빠 : a man is older than a woman (honourific word)
* -는 : a particle makes 너 / 오빠 subjective after a word ends in vowel
* 이번 : [=금번] this time; [=현재] now; [=다음번] next time; [=머지않아] shortly; soon; [=최근] recently; lately
* -에 : a time suffix means "at/in/on"
* 이태리 = 이탈리아 : Italy
* 여행 : travel; trip
* 여행가다 : go on a trip
* 여행가시다 : an honourfic word form of 여행가다 by '-시-'
* 여행가서 : 여행가(the stem of 여행가다) + -서/-아서/-어서/-여서/-고서(A complementary suffix attached to the end of '-고', '-아', '-여', etc., clearly indicating the meaning of the word)
* 여행가셔서 : 여행가시(the stem of 여행가시다) + -서/-아서/ -어서/-여서/-고서(A complementary suffix attached to the end of '-고', '-아', '-여', etc., clearly indicating the meaning of the word)
* 생고생 : pain without cause
* 생- : real
* 고생 : [苦生] hardship, trouble, suffering
* 고생하다 : have trouble[difficulty] (in/with), have a hard[difficult] time, suffer[go through] hardship
* 생고생하다 : have a trouble without cause; have a real trouble
* 생고생하시다 : an honourific form of 생고생하다 by '-시-'
* 생고생했다 : past tense of 생고생하다 by '-었-'
* 생고생하셨다 : past tense of 생고생하시다 by '-였-'
* -면서 / -이면서 / -며 has the meanings as followings
(1) [동작·상태의 진행] ‥ing; [=…하면서(동시에)] while; as; between; during; over; with; at the same time (that)
- 가난하게 살면서 : while living in poverty
- 울면서 이야기하다 : tell between sobs
- 수상한 자가 주위를 둘러보면서 그 집으로 숨어들었다 : A suspicious-looking man looked around carefully and stole into the house
- 식사를 하면서 이야기합시다 : Let's talk over our meal
- 포도주를 마시면서 이야기합시다 : Let's talk over a bottle of wine
- 그는 눈을 반짝이면서 선생님의 말에 귀를 기울였다 : He listened to the teacher with shining eyes
(2) [=…이지만] though; [=…에도 불구하고] but; yet; still; in spite of; for[with] all
- 싫어하면서(도) : against one's will / reluctantly
- 몸에 해로운 줄 알면서 담배를 끊을 수 없다 : I cannot give up smoking, knowing as I do that it is bad for the health
(3) a conjunctional descriptive suffix that is attached to a vowel ending statement, indicating two or more facts together
- 나는 한 남자의 아내면서 두 딸의 어머니다 : I am the wife of a man and the mother of two daughters
(4) [=라고 들었다] I heard that ~
- 너 TOPIC 6급 땄다면서 : I heard you got level 6 for TOPIK
* 생고생하셨다면서요 : 생고생하셨다(had a real trouble) + -면서(I heard that ~) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
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