
Let's learn about "몸을 움츠리다"

몸을 움츠리다 : shrink back

- 그녀는 날씨가 너무 추워서 몸을 움츠렸다 : It was so cold that she shrank
- 그녀는 굉음에 감짝 놀라면서 몸을 움츠렸다 : She shrank in surprise at the roar

* 몸 : body
* -을 : a psrticle makes 몸 objective after a word ends in a consonant

* 움츠리다 : shrink (away/back), withdraw; (겁을 먹어) cower

* 움츠렸다 : past tense of 움츠리다 by '-였-'

* 그녀 : she
* -는 : a particle makes 그녀 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 날씨 : weather
* -가 : a particle makes 날씨 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 춥다 : be cold
* 추운 : cold
* 추워서 : 춥(the stem of 춥다; ㅂ change into 우 before 어 and conjugated into 워) + -어서(because)

* 굉음 : [轟音] (deafening) roar, (폭발·총성 등의) boom
- 굉음과 함께 차가 불길에 휩싸였다 : The car burst into flame with an explosive roar[boom]
* -에 : a place suffix means "at"; because of

* 놀라다 : be startled
* 놀라게 하다 : startle

* 놀라면서 : 놀라(the stem of 놀라다) + -면서(with ...ing)

* 깜짝 : (1) [눈을 떴다 감는 모양] with a wink; with a blink[blinking] (2) [놀라는 모양] with surprise; with a start
- 깜짝하다 : wink[blink] (one's eyes); bat one's eyes[eyelids]
- 눈 깜짝할 사이에 : in the twinkling of an eye / in a twinkling / in an instant / in a flash
- 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않다 : do not flicker an eyelash / [=태연자약하다] be perfectly calm and collected
- 일주일이 눈 깜짝할 사이에 지나갔다 : A week has passed in a flash
- 깜짝 놀라다 : be startled out of one's wits / be struck all of a heap / be thunderstruck / one's heart leaps into one's mouth / bat an eyelid / eyebrows go up / be rocked on one's heel
- 깜짝 놀라게 하다 : startle / astonish / take by surprise / take breath away / knock the breath out of / strike dumb
- 세상을 깜짝 놀라게 하다 : startle the world / cause the public to gasp with surprise
- 깜짝 놀라 기절하다 : faint from fright
- 깜짝 놀라 눈을 뜨다 : awake with a start
- 나는 깜짝 놀랐다  :I was very surprised
- 이제 봐, 자네들을 깜짝 놀라게 하겠다 : Watch this, because it's going to amaze you
- 그는 그 기발한 학설로 세상을 깜짝 놀라게 했다 : He astonished the public[caused a sensation] with his novel theory
- 그는 감쪽같은 요술로 모두를 깜짝 놀라게 했다 : His trick was so exquisite that it took people's breath away
- 자네를 깜짝 놀래줄 일이 있다 : I have a surprise (in store) for you
- 그 소리에 깜짝 놀라 사슴은 귀를 쫑긋 세웠다 : Startled at[by] the noise, the deer pricked up its ears
- 검은 그림자를 보고 나는 깜짝 놀랐다 I started at the sight of a dark figure
- 무서움에 깜짝 놀라 나는 그 자리에서 꼼짝 않고 섰다 Struck with terror, I stopped dead in my tracks

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