
Let's learn about "굳이? / 뭐하러 그래?"

굳이? / 뭐하러 그래? : Why bother?

* "뭐하러 그래?" can mean "What are you doing?"

[other expressions]
- 굳이? (to younger people or friends)
- 굳이요? (to person is older than you)

- 뭐하러 그래? (to younger people or friends)
- 뭐하러 그래요? (to person is older than you)
- 뭐하러 그럽니까? (to person is older than you)

* 굳이 : [Pronunciation: 구지] (1) strongly; firmly; decisively; strictly (2) [구태여•고집스럽게]
- 굳이 묻다 : inquire importunately
- 굳이 원하신다면 : if you particularly wish it / if you insist (upon it)
- 굳이 사양하다 : decline once for all
- 네가 굳이 혼자 가겠다면 할 수 없지 : If you insist on going alone, please do so
- 굳이 사시겠다면 (그것을) 내놓더라도 (저는) 상관없습니다 : If you really want to buy it, I don't mind parting with it
- 아버님이 굳이 원하셨으므로 나는 그 회사에 들어갔다  : I joined that company because my father earnestly desired it
- 이미 결정된 것이라면 굳이 바꾸라고는 하지 않겠다 : If it has already been decided on, I won't insist that you change it[insist on a change]
- 굳이 비교하자면 영수가 작문은 좀 낫다 : If forced to compare them, I'd say that Yong-su is a little better at composition
- 그 모임에는 굳이 참석할 필요가 없다 : It's not absolutely necessary for you to be present at the meeting
- 굳이 말리다 : stop strongly it
- 지난 일은 굳이 캐묻지 않겠다 : I won't pry into the past

* 뭐 : (1) a short form of 무엇(what; something) (2) [놀라움] what; huh; why

* 하다 : do
* 하러 : 하(the stem of 하다) + -러(in order to do)

* 그러하다 / 그렇다 : be such
* 그래 : (1) [긍정의 대답(an affirmative answer)] yes; ok; okay [부정 의문문(a negative question)] no (2) [감탄•가벼운 놀라움] a word indicates an exclamation;a slight surprise

* 굳이요? : 굳이 + -요?(a non-honourific interrogative ending suffix)
* 그래요? : 그래 + -요?(a non-honourific interrogative ending suffix)
* 그럽니까? : 그렇(the stem of 그렇다; ㅎ erased before -ㅂ니까?) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)

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