
Let’s learn about "~~보다“

A-(으)ㄴ가 보다, V-나 보다, N인가 보다
앞의 말이 나타내는 사실을 추측함을 나타내는 표현이다
(An expression used to guess about a fact mentioned in the preceding statement)

(출처: 한국어기초사전; https://krdict.korean.go.kr/)

See: https://studying-korean.tistory.com/153

보거나 들은 근거를 통해서 상황에 대해 추측할 때 사용함(It is used to make assumptions about a situation based on what has been seen or heard)
- 그가 음식을 먹지 못해요. 배가 아픈가 봐요 : He can't eat. I think I have a stomachache
- 청바지가 몸에 잘 들어가지 않아요. 바지가 작은가 봐요 : Jeans don't fit me well. My pants must be small
- 그가 비행기표를 샀대요. 고향에 가나 봐요 : He bought a plane ticket. I guess I'm going to my hometown
- 전화를 아무리 해도 받지를 않아요. 전화가 고장이 났나 봐요 : No matter how hard I try, he doesn't answer the phone. I think his phone is broken
- 그가 식사를 조금밖에 하지 않았어요. 맛이 없나 봐요: He only ate a little. I guess it doesn't taste good
- 그녀가 책을 들고 도서관에 들어갔어요. 아마 학생인가 봐요 : She went into the library with a book. I guess he's a student
- 그가 수술복을 입고 응급실에 들어갔어요. 의사인가 봐요 : He entered the emergency room in his surgical suit. I guess he's a doctor

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