
Let's learn about "들어가세요"

들어가세요 : (1) Goodbye (2) Come in, please (4) join our club and so on

ex #1)

A. 조심해서 들어가세요 : Be careful on your way. Good bye

B. 그래! 다음에 또 보자 : Okay. see you next time

ex #2)

A. 들어가세요. 다른 분들은 모두 와 계세요 : Come in please. all the others are here

B. 내가 제일 늦게 도착했네 : I was the last one to arrive

[other expressions]
- 들어가. (to younger people or friends)
- 들어가라. (to younger people or friends)
- 들어가요. (honourific by '-요')
- 들어가세요. (more honourific by '-시')
- 들어가셔요. (more honourific by '-시')
- 들어가십시오. (more honourific by '-시')

* 들어가다 : (1) [=안으로 가다] enter ; go[get / come] in; go[get / come] into ; walk[step] in; walk[step] into ; turn in; make one's entry into ; find one's way into; set foot inside ; let oneself in (2) [틈·속·사이로) go through; enter; penetrate; be inserted; be lodged (3) [=움푹 패다] sink; sag; be hollow; cave[fall] in; be sunk(en) (4) [=모임·단체 등의 구성원이 되다] join; enter; go into; associate oneself with ; (회사 등에) join; go to work for ; find[take] service in[with]; be employed ; (학교에) enter ; pass into (5) [=포함하다] contain; hold; include; enter; go into; be included[contained] (6) [=수용 능력이 있다] hold; accommodate; house (7) [시작하다·시기가 되다] begin; set in; enter <-- 들다(move in) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs) + 가다(go)
- 창으로 들어가다 : enter by[through] a window
- 물[수영장]에 들어가다 : enter[go into] the water[swimming pool]
- 기어 들어가다 : creep[crawl] into[under]
- 적진으로 깊숙이 들어가다 cut one's way into the enemy's position
- 들어가게 하다 : let enter / allow to get into 
- 들어가 있다 : be in
- 몰래 방에 들어가다 : steal[slip] into a room
- 붐비는 회장에 억지로 들어가다 : force one's way into a crowded hall
- 들어가도 좋습니까 : May I come in?
- 들어가지 마시오 : <게시(Notice)> No admittance
- 들어가십시오 : [수위의 말(word of janitor)] Please pass on
- 안으로 들어가 주십시오 : Move[Step] back to the rear, please
- 우리는 안내를 받아 서재로 들어갔다 : We were shown[ushered] into the study
- 우리는 마음대로 그의 방에 들어갈 순 없다 : We can't enter[go into] his room without permission
- 우리는 미궁에 들어가서 헤매었다 : We wandered into a maze
- 집은 큰길에서 조금 들어간 곳에 있다 : The house is a little way off the main street
- 뚫고 들어가다 : penetrate into
- 군중 속을 밀어 제치고 들어가다 : thrust oneself into a crowd
- 바늘 귀에 실이 들어간다 : A thread goes through the eye of a needle. / A needle is threaded
- 총알이 벽을 뚫고 들어간다 : A bullet penetrates[is lodged in] a wall
- 상처에 세균이 들어갔다 : The wound got infected
- 그 단어는 이 두 단어 사이에 들어간다 : The word goes[is to be inserted] between these two words
- 깊숙이 들어간 만 : a landlocked bay
- 쑥 들어간 눈 : deep-set[retreating] eyes
- 배가 고파서 내 눈이 들어갔다 : My eyes grew hollow with hunger
- 돌이 떨어져서 보닛이 약간 들어갔다 : The rock hit the hood and left a little dent
- 클럽에 들어가다 : join[enter] a club / be enrolled in a club / become a club member
- 대학에 들어가다 : enter[pass into / get into] a college / register[make one's registration] at a college
- 그는 이번에 재무부에 들어갔다 : He was appointed to the staff of[got a job in] the Finance Ministry
- 그는 실업계[정계]에 들어갔다 : He went into business[politics]. / He entered the business[political] world
- 그는 군대에 들어가 있다 : He is in the army
- 그 녀석 좋은 자리에 들어갔군 : What a good berth he has got!
- 나도 거기에 들어가 있었다 : I was among[one of] the number
- 인명사전에는 그의 이름도 들어가 있었다 : The biographical dictionary contained his name
- 잡비도 계산 속에 들어가 있다 : The miscellaneous expenses are included in the account
- 그것은 이 항목에 들어간다 : It comes[falls / is included] under this heading. / It belongs in[under] this category
- 이 회관은 1,500명 들어간다 : This hall seats[can accommodate / hold] 1,500 people
- 전원이 들어갈 수 없습니다 : There is not enough room for all of you
- 이 병은 얼마나 들어갈까 : How much will this bottle hold?
- …의 손에 들어가 있다 : be in the hands of ‥
- 중요한 서류가 경찰의 손에 들어갔다 : An important document fell into the hands of the police
- 집을 짓는 데 많은 돈이 들어갔다 : Much money has gone into building the house
- 이 사업엔 돈이 막 들어간다 : This enterprise eats money. / This is a very costly enterprise
- 새 생활로 들어가다 : enter upon a new life
- 내일부터 신학기에 들어간다 : The new semester begins tomorrow
- 장마철에 들어갔다 The rainy season has set in
- 그 시합은 연장전으로 들어갔다 The game went into extra innings
- 내가 나타나자 그의 기세는 쑥 들어가고 말았다 : As soon as I showed up, he was suddenly daunted[dispirited]
- 열심히 공부하면 머릿속에 다 들어간다 : Just study hard, and you'll come to apprehend[master] all

* 들어가 : 들어가(the stem of  들어가다; 가 + 아 contracted into 가) + -어(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "DO" or "Please  ~")
* 들어가라 : 들어가(the stem of 들어가다) + -어라(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~")
* 들어가세요 : 들어가(the stem of  들어가다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 들어가셔요 : 들어가(the stem of  들어가다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -여(a propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 들어가십시오 : 들어가(the stem of  들어가다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~")

* a verb + -아 / -어라 : a non-honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~"
* a verb + -아 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -세요 / -셔요 / -십시오 / -ㅂ시오 : an honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "DO ~" or "Please ~”

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