
Let's learn about "걸음거리"

* 걸음거리 : walking distance, place that is not too far away to walk to <-- 걸음(walking) + 거리(distance)


A. 쟤 걸음거리가 왜 저래? 쟤 다친 거니? : What's wrong with his walk? Is he hurt?

B. 맞아! (쟤가) 어제 길가다가 돌덩이에 걸려 넘어졌다고 하더라 : That's right! I heard that he tripped over a rock on the street yesterday

* 걷다 : [Pronunciation: 걷따] [ㄷ 불규칙: 걸으니•걸어] walk; go on foot; tramp; step; hike
- 걸어가면서 : as one goes / on the way
- 길을 걷다 : walk down[up / along] the road
- (어린아이가) 아장아장 걷다 : toddle[waddle] along.
- 사뿐사뿐 걷다 : walk lightly / walk with light steps
- 살금살금 걷다 : walk with stealthy steps / walk on tiptoe
- 뚜벅뚜벅 걷다 : tramp / tread heavily
- 성큼성큼 걷다 : stride (along) / walk with long steps[strides]
- 터벅터벅 걷다 : trudge along / plod on
- 비칠비칠 걷다 = 비실비실 걷다 : walk unsteadily / totter / stagger
- 절뚝절뚝 걷다 : walk lame / limp along
- 가만가만 걷다 = 가만히 걷다 : walk softly
- 한가로이 걷다 : stroll / saunter
- 마음이 내키는 대로 걷다 : go wherever one's humor dictates
- 걸으니 좋다 : It's nice to walk
- 걸어다니다 : walk about <-- 걷다(ㄷ changed into ㄹ before -어) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs) + 다니다(go and come; frequent)

* 걸음 : walking; stepping; a step; [=보조] pace <-- a noun form of 걷다 by '-음'
- 첫 걸음 : the first step
- 종종걸음 : short and quick steps / mincing steps
- 한걸음 한걸음 : step by step / by degrees
- 황소걸음으로  :at a snail's pace
- 빠른 걸음으로 : at a rapid[quick / brisk] pace / with a rapid step / briskly.
- 걸음이 빠르다[느리다] : be quick[slow] of foot / be a good[bad] walker
- 두 걸음 나서다[물러서다] : take two steps forward[backward]
- 한 걸음 앞서다[뒤지다] : be a step ahead[behind]
- 갑자기 걸음을 멈추다 : come to a sudden stop
- 천리길도 한 걸음부터 : A journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step. / Step by step one goes a long way
- 나는 걸음이 느리다 : I have a weak leg. / I am a poor walker
- 그는 걸음아 날 살려라 하고 달아났다 : He ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. / He ran for his[dear] life

* 헛걸음 : 목적을 이루지 못하고 가거나 옴 또는 그런 걸음(Go, come or step without achieving your goal) <-- 헛(void) + 걸음(walking; step)
- 그 여자분은 오지 않았을 거야. 괜히 헛걸음 하지 마 : She wouldn't have come. Don't walk in vain
* 한걸음 : 쉬지 않고 내처 걷는 걸음이나 움직임(a non-stop walk or movement) <-- 한(one) + 걸음(walking; step)
- 아버지에게 사고가 생겨서 나는 한걸음에 달려갔다 : My father had an accident, so I ran away at a single step
* 잰걸음 : 보폭이 짧고 빠른 걸음(a short, quick walk)
- 저기 잰걸음으로 가는 아이는 바로 잭이지? : Jack is the one who's taking a quick walk over there, right?

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