1. 싸다 : [대·소변(urine and feces)] excrete ; void; discharge
- 오줌을 싸다 : pee / wet one's pants / [잠자리에서(in a bed)] wet the bed / make[pass] water
- 대소변을 보다 = 대소변을 싸다 : relieve oneself
- 똥을 싸다 : defecate / have a movement of the bowels / <비유(metaphoric)> have a hard time of it / pay dearly / get the worst of it / get a real raw deal
- 그 소년은 융단에 오줌을 쌌다 : The boy peed on the carpet
- 때문에 똥쌌다 : I paid dearly for it. / It cost me dear
2. 싸다 has the following meanings
1) [물건을 포장하다] wrap (in); do up ; pack (up) ; bundle
- 보자기에 싸다 : tie[do / wrap] up in a cloth wrapper
- 짐을 종이에 싸다 : do[wrap] up the package in paper / wrap paper round a thing
- 과자를 예쁜 포장지로 싸다 : package the candy in colorful wrappers
- 싸 드릴까요? : Shall I wrap it up?
- 이것을 종이에 싸 주세요 : Please wrap this up in paper
- 나는 그 꽃병을 선물용 포장지로 싸도록 했다 : I had the vase gift-wrapped
- 돈을 싸지도 않은 채 주는 것은 실례다 : It is not good manner to make a gift of money unwrapped
2) [도시락(box lunch)] fix a lunch; prepare a luncheon; put up a lunch; pack a lunch basket[box]
- 도시락을 싸다 : pack lunch
3. [=(입이) 가볍다] glib(-tongued); talebearing; tattling; talkative; loquacious; prattling; gabby
- 입이 싼 사람 : a talkative person / a blabber / a tattler / [여자·아이 등(woman•child etc)] chatterbox
4. [=속도가 빠르다] fast; swift; quick
- 걸음이 싼 사람 : a quick walker / a light-footed person
- 걸음이 싸다 : be quick[swift / fleet] of foot / have a quick step / be quick on one's feet[legs / pins]
- 싸게 걷다 : walk at a brisk[quick / rapid] pace / walk at a quick step / walk with a rapid step
- 싸게 다녀오너라 : Go and come back quickly
- 싸게 (싸게) 가자 = 빨리 가자 : Let's get there quickly; Hurry up
5. [=(불기운이) 세다] intense; burn fast
- 불이 싸지다 : get lively[briskly]
6. (물건 값이) cheap; inexpensive; low(-priced); of low price; moderate; moderately-priced
- 싼 집세 : a low rent
- 싼 카메라 :a low-priced camera
- 값이 싸고 질이 나쁜 구두 : shoes of low price and poor quality / cheap and nasty shoes
- 값은 싸나 좋은 옷 : an inexpensive but good dress
- 싸게 산 물건 : a good[a great] bargain
- 싸게 치이다 : cost little / come cheap / prove economical
- 싸게 팔다 : sell cheap[at low prices / at a small profit / at a bargain]
- 싼 물건을 찾아다니다 : look[hunt] for a bargain
- 아주[터무니없이] 싸다 : be cheap as dirt / be dirt-[dog-]cheap / be ridiculously cheap
- 나는 싼 임대료로 차를 빌렸다 : I rented[hired] a car at low rates
- 지방이 대도시보다 물가가 싸다 : Prices in the country are lower than in big cities
- 시계를 싸게 샀다 : I bought a watch cheap[at a low price]
- 싼 급료로 살아가기 힘들다 : I have a hard time getting by on my low[small / meager] salary
- 그 값이면[5,000원이면] 싸다 : It's a bargain at that price[at 5,000 won]
- 싼 것이 비지떡 : <속담(proverb)> Low price means low quality. / Buy cheap and waste your money
- 좀더 싼 것은 없습니까? : Haven't you anything less expensive?
- 좀 더 싸게 할 수 없을까요? : Couldn't you come down a little more[cut the price down a bit more]? / Can't you make it a little cheaper? / Can't you reduce the price a little?
- 수입 오렌지가 싸졌다 : Imported oranges have gone down (in price)[have become cheaper]
- 설탕은 저 슈퍼마켓이 더 싸다 : Sugar is cheaper at that supermarket. / They are selling sugar cheap[at low prices] at that supermarket
- 싸게 잘 샀군! : It's a buy!
- 냉장고를 20% 싸게 샀다 : I bought a refrigerator at a twenty percent discount on the fixed price. / I got a refrigerator for twenty percent off the list price
7. [=(죄에 대한 벌이) 마땅하다] be well deserved; be none too little
- 욕먹어도 싸다 : deserve censure / need to be scolded
- 그놈, 죽어 싸지 : He deserves death. / He needs to be killed
- (내 말을 듣지 않더니) 그 꼴을 당해도 싸다 : It serve(s) you right! / You richly deserve it! / Serves[And serve] you right! / You had it coming!
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