* 놓다 : [Pronunciation: 녿타]
1. 놓다 has the following meanings
1) [=두다] put; lay; set(세워서); place
- 손을 테이블 위에 놓다 : rest one's hands on a table
- 펜을 놓으세요 : Put[Lay] down your pen(s). / Stop writing
- 의자를 그리 놓아라 : Put a chair there
- 다 쓴 후 제자리에 놓아라 : Put it back where it was when you are through
- 우산은 어디다 놓고 왔느냐? : Where did you leave your umbrella?
- 그는 명함을 놓고 갔다 : He left his card
- 그가 당신에게 편지를 놓고 갔소 : He left a note for you
- 책은 책장의 제자리에 갖다 놓아라 : Please put the book back on the shelf where you found it[it belongs]
2) [=해방하다] set free; release; unloose; turn[let] loose; [손(hands)] let go[off]; take off one's hand; let go one's hold ; quit one's grasp
- 그는 그녀의 손을 쥐고 있다가 놓았다 : He held her hand and then let it go
- 권총을 놓아라 : Take your hand(s) off the gun
- 그는 밧줄을 놓았다 : He let go (his hold) of the rope
- 이것은 아주 중요한 일이어서 지금 손을 놓을 수 없다 : This is an important piece of work so I can't stop now
3) [총포(firearm)] fire; discharge
- 한 방 놓다 : have a shot
- 총을 놓다 : fire a gun
4) [불(fire)] set
- 집에 불을 놓다 : set fire to a house / set a house on fire
5) [=가설하다] build; construct; lay on ; install ; lay down
- 강에 다리를 놓다 : build[throw] a bridge over a river
- 그들은 여우를 잡으려고 덫을 놓았다 : They set[laid] a trap for foxes
- 그들은 아파트에 전화를 놓았다 : They have had a telephone installed in the apartment house
6) [주사(injection)] inject; inoculate ; apply; syringe; [침(needle)] acupuncture
- 주사를 놓다 : give[make] an injection
- 침을 놓다 : needle / apply acupuncture
- 우두를 놓다 : inoculate for smallpox
7) [마음(mind)] ease; set at ease[rest]; give relief; [=방심하다] be in attentive; relax one's attention
- 마음을 놓다 : feel easy / make oneself at ease
- 한시름 놓다 : feel[be] relieved / breathe freely again
- 그 사람이라면 마음놓고 일을 맡겨도 된다 : You may trust him to do the work for you
- 잠깐 마음놓은 사이에 가방을 잃었다 : My suitcase was stolen in an unguarded moment
8) [자수(Embroidery)] embroider; adorn with
- 금실로 수를 놓다 : embroider figures on in gold thread
- 무늬를 놓다 : provide[decorate with] a pattern
9) [=셈하다] calculate; reckon; figure; compute; estimate
- 주판을 놓다 : figure it out[reckon] on an abacus
- 비용을 놓아 보다 : estimate the expense
10) [값(value)] offer ; bid; name
- 5만 원의 값을 놓다 : offer[bid] 50,000 won
- 그녀는 테이블에 6달러의 값을 놓았다 : She bid six dollars for the table
11) (돈을) lend[loan](at interest); (세를) hire (out); let (out); let on hire; rent; (부동산을) lease
- 돈을 4푼 이자로 놓다 : lend money at four percent interest
- 집을 세 놓다 : rent[let] a house
- 방을 세놓다 :let a room on hire
- 땅을 세놓다 : put out land to lease
12) [=돈을 걸다] pay; bet ; wager
- 천 원 놓고 점치다 : consult a fortuneteller with a fee of one thousand won
- 너는 얼마 놓겠느냐? : Name your wager
13) [속력(speed)] accelerate; increase
- 속력을 놓다 : accelerate[increase] speed / speed up
14) [말(word)] lower one's style of speech; talk plainly; relax one's honorifics
- 말씀 놓으시지요 : Please don't hesitate to drop your honorifics in talking to me, sir
15) [=중간에 사람을 두다] put in ; send
- 사람을 놓아 교섭하다 : negotiate through a third party
- 사람을 놓아 수소문하다 : get information through an agent / send a person for information
16) [=기르다·가꾸다] keep ; raise[rear]
- 개를 놓다 : keep a dog
- 닭을 놓다 : raise chickens
- 참외를 놓다 : sow melon seed / grow melon
17) [=솜 등을 채우다] stuff[pad] with cotton
- 방석에 솜을 놓다 : stuff a cushion with cotton
18) etc
- 목을 놓아 울다 : cry unrestrainedly
- 퇴짜 놓다 : refuse / reject / give the cold shoulder to
- 엄포를 놓다 : make a threat
- 석 점을 놓다 : [바둑에서(on the game of go)] accept a three-stone handicap
2. 놓다 has the following meanings
1) [=…해 두다] keep; have
- 방을 깨끗이 정돈해 놓다 : have one's room clean and tidy
- 잠 못 자게 해놓다 : keep awake
- 표를 사 놓으세요 : Buy the tickets in advance (now)
- 논 갈아 놓고 비를 기다린다 : We have finished plowing the paddy field and are waiting for rain
- 당신을 위해 방을 청소해 놓았습니다 : I've cleaned the room for you
1) leave
- 문을 열어 놓다 : leave[keep] the door open
- 그는 급료에서 언제나 3달러를 떼어놓는다 : He always keeps back three dollars from his wages
- 그가 좌석을 예약해 놓았다 : He has reserved a seat for me
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