소금 좀 건네주세요 : Pass me the salt, please; Can you pass me the salt?; Hand me the salt; Could you get me some salt?
김치 좀 건네주세요 : Pass me the kimchi, please; Can you pass me the kimchi?; Hand me the kimchi; Could you get me some kimchi?
A. 라자냐 맛이 좀 이상해요. 소금을 더 넣어야 할 것 같은데. 거기 소금 좀 주세요 : A This lasagna tastes funny. Maybe it needs more salt. Can you pass me the salt?
B. 소금을 넣어도 별 차이 없을 것 같은데요. 후추를 넣어야 해요 : I don’t think salt will do it. You need pepper
[other expressions]
- 소금 좀 건네줘. (to younger people or friends)
- 소금 좀 건네줘라. (to younger people or friends)
- 소금 좀 건네줄래. (to younger people or friends)
- 소금 좀 건네줘요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 소금 좀 건네줄래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 소금 좀 건네주실래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 소금 좀 건네주세요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주셔요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주시지요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주시죠. (more honourific by ‘시’; -시죠 is a short form of -시지요)
- 소금 좀 건네주십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주시겠어요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주시겠습니까. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 김치 좀 건네줘. (to younger people or friends)
- 김치 좀 건네줘라. (to younger people or friends)
- 김치 좀 건네줄래. (to younger people or friends)
- 김치 좀 건네줘요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 김치 좀 건네줄래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 김치 좀 건네주실래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 김치 좀 건네주세요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 김치 좀 건네주셔요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 김치 좀 건네주시지요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 김치 좀 건네주시죠. (more honourific by ‘시’; -시죠 is a short form of -시지요)
- 김치 좀 건네주십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘시’)
- 소금 좀 건네주시겠어요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 김치 좀 건네주시겠습니까. (more honourific by ‘시’)
* 소금 : salt
* -을 : a particle makes 소금 objective after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted
* 김치 : kinchi
* -를 : a particle makes 김치 objective after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted
* 좀 : a little with nuance of "Please"
* 건네다 : (1) [=말을 붙이다] speak[talk] to ; address (oneself to) (2) [=넘겨 주다] hand (over) ; turn over; deliver (3) [=건너게 하다] pass over[across]; carry across; [배로(by ship)] take[row] over; ferry over
- 지나가는 사람에게 말을 건네다 : talk to[address] a passerby
- 돈을 건네다 : hand over the money
* 주다 : (1) give (2) have an effort to in the sentence
* 건네주다 : 건네(the stem of 건네다; 건네 + -어 contracted into 건네) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs) + 주다(do an effort)
* 건네주다 : (1) [=건너게 하여 주다] put across (2) [돈˙물건 따위를) 남에게 옮기어 주다] send, consign, hand over
- 나룻배로 손님을 건네주다 : hand over one's guests by ferry
- 선물을 건네주다 : hand over a gift
* 건네받다 : [Pronunciation: 건네받따] [(돈˙물건 따위를) 남으로부터 옮기어 받다] receive from somebody
- 친구로 부터 빌려준 돈을 건네받았다 : I got a loan from a friend
* 줘 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -어(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줘라 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -어라(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주세요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주셔요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -여(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주실래요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주십시오 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 주시겠어요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주시겠습니까 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* a verb + -어 / -어라 / -ㄹ래 : a non-honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~"
* a verb + -어 / -ㄹ래 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -세요 / -셔요 / -실래요 / -십시오 / -ㅂ시오 / -시겠어요 / -시겠습니까 : an honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~”
* 라자냐 : lasagna
* -의 : a suffix makes 라자냐 possesive; this omitted
* 맛 : taste
* -이 : a particle makes 맛 subjective after a word ends in a consonant
* 좀 : a short form of 조금(a little; a bit)
* 이상한 : weird; strange
* 이상하게 : an adverb form of 이상한 by '-게'
* 이상하다 : be weird; be strange
* 이상해요 : 이상하(the stem of 이상하다) + -어(a non-honourific verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 이상합니다 : 이상하(the stem of 이상하다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 소금 : salt
* -을 : a particle makes 소금 objective after a word ends in a consonant
* 더 : more
넣다 : [Pronunciation: 너타] put into
* 넣어야 : 넣(the stem of 넣다) + -어야/-아야/-여야(have to; A connective ending used when the preceding statement is an essential condition for the following statement)
* 하다 : do
* -어야 하다 / -아야 하다 / -여야 하다 : have to do
* 할 : 하(the stem of 하다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and attributive)
* 거 : a thing
* -를/을/-ㄹ 거 같다 = * -를/을/-ㄹ 것 같다 : I think that ~; I feel as if ~
* 같다 : [Pronunciation: 갇따] (1) be equal to (2) seem; look (3) I think in the sentence
* 같은데 : 같(the stem of 같다) + -은데(A sentence-final ending used to admire something while anticipating the listener's response; A sentence-final ending used to ask the listener while anticipating his/her answer; A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow)
* 거기 : there
* 여기 : here
* 소금 : salt
* -을 : a particle makes 소금 objective after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted
* 좀 a little with the nuance of "Please"
* 주다 : give
* 주세요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* -을/-를 (나에게/저에게) 주세요 : Please give me something
* (나에게/저에게) -어/-아/-여 주세요 : Please do an effort for me
* 넣어도 : 넣(the stem of 넣다) + -어도/-아도/-여도(even)
* -어도 / -여도 / -아도 : a subordinate connection suffix that acknowledges the fact but has nothing to do with the following words means "but; yet; even though"
- 싫어도 가야 한다 : Even if you don't like it, you have to go
- 재물은 적어도 마음은 넉넉하다 = (그는) 재물은 적지만 그러나 마음은 넉넉하다 : He has little wealth, but he has a generous heart
- 눈이 와도 쌓이지는 않는다 : It doesn't pile up even if it snows
- (그는) 키는 작아도 힘은 세다 : He's short but strong
* 별 : a short form of 별로
* 별로 : [別로] (1) in particular; particularly; specially; especially; very; much (2) [as the short form of 별로 아니다•별로이다] not particularly; never
- 오늘은 별로 바쁘지 않다 : I am not particularly busy today
- 아니 별로 : not really; never
* 차이 : [差異] (a) difference; (a) divergence; disagreement; [=구별] (a) distinction(구별); [=불일치] (a) discrepancy; (a) [=불균형] disparity; (a) [=같지 않음] dissimilarity; a gap
* -가 : a particle makes 차이 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel
* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따; ㅅ + ㄷ should be always pronounced as 따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) have in the sentence
* (-이/-가) 없다 : [Pronunciation: 업따; ㅅ + ㄷ should be always pronounced as 따] (1) be not ; noe exist; there is[are] not (2) don't have in the sentence
* 없을 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -을(a suffix makes a verb future tense and attributive)
* 거 : a thing
* -를/을/-ㄹ 거 같다 = * -를/을/-ㄹ 것 같다 : I think that ~; I feel as if ~
* 같다 : [Pronunciation: 갇따] (1) be equal to (2) seem; look (3) I think in the sentence
* 같은데요 : 같(the stem of 같다) + -은데(A sentence-final ending used to admire something while anticipating the listener's response; A sentence-final ending used to ask the listener while anticipating his/her answer; A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 후추 : pepper
* -을 : a particle makes 후추 objective after a word ends in a consonant
* 넣어야 : 넣(the stem of 넣다) + -어야/-아야/-여야(have to; A connective ending used when the preceding statement is an essential condition for the following statement: 앞에 오는 말이 뒤에 오는 말에 대한 필수적인 조건임을 나타내는 연결 어미)
* 해요 : 하(the stem of 하다; 하+ -어 contracted into 해) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* -어야/-아야/-여야 하다 : have to do; must do
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