알랑쇠 = 아첨하는 사람 : lickspittle; a flattering or servile [person]; a parson trying to [curry favor] with the boss <-- 알랑(flatter; curry favor) + 쇠(a person in contempt)
A. 너 또 점심 먹으러 나가니? : Are you going out for lunch again?
B. 부장님 모셔야지 : I have to treat my head of department
A. 너 진짜 알랑쇠네! = 너 진짜 아첨꾼이구나! = 너 진짜 아부꾼이구나! : What a bleeding lickspittle !!"
* 알랑거리다 = 알랑대다 = 알랑 : flatter; curry favor; lickspittle
* 아첨 : [=아부•아유] flattery; adulation; sycophancy; toadyism; a compliment; sugary[sweet] words
* 아첨을 하다 = 아첨하다 : a verb form of 아첨
* 아첨하는 : 아첨하(the stem of 아첨하다) + -는(a suffix make a verb attributive or modifier)
* 사람 : person (non-honourific word)
* 분 : person (honourific word)
* -꾼 : (1) a person notorious[noted] for; a man occupied with (2) person(s) who gathers at a thing or occasion
* -치 : a man occupied with
* -쇠 : person in contempt
* 아첨꾼 : lickspittler
* 씨름꾼 : a wrestler
* 노름꾼 : a gambler
* 장사꾼 = 장사치 : businessman seller, merchant, trader,; (상점에서 물건을 파는) (Am) storekeeper, (Brit) shopkeeper, (Brit) tradesman
- 그는 타고난 장사꾼이다 : He is a born merchant [businessman]
* 구경꾼 : onlooker; bystander; looker-on
* 잔치꾼 : feast-goer
* 장꾼 : marketers; marketeers; market crowds
* 마당쇠 : (옛날에) 머슴이나 남자 종((archaic) A male servant working for a family)
* 구두쇠 : a miser; a niggard; a stingy[close fisted / tightfisted] fellow; a skinflint; a screw; a penny pincher; a tightwad
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