그녀는 가난의 굴레에서 벗으나려 발버둥 치고 있었다 : She was struggling to get out of the grip of poverty
* 그녀 : she
* -는 a particle makes 그녀 subjective after a word ends in a vowel like '-녀'
* 가난의 굴레 : the yoke of poverty
* 가난 : poverty; want
* 가난한 : poor; needy; impoverished; bad off; badly off
* 가난하게 : an adverb form of 가난한 by '-게'
* 굴레 : (1) (말에 씌우는) bridle; halter (2) yoke (3) [=구속•속박] restriction; restraint; tie; (literary) fetters
* -에서 : from
* 벗어나다 : (1) (일정한 공간·범위 등을) get out (of) (2) (가난·구속 등에서) free (sb from sth), break away (from), rid oneself of (3) (요점·주제 등을) be off the point, be beside the point <-- 벗다(slip off; take off (clothing)) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs) + 나다(go out)
- 도심을 벗어나다 : get out of the downtown area
- 죄책감에서 벗어나다 : rid oneself of guilt
- 그 질문은 요점을 벗어난 것 같습니다 : The question seems to be beside[off] the point
* 벗어나려 : 벗어나(the stem of 벗어나다) + -려/-려고(in order to do)
* 발버둥 : (1) [= 몸부림] an act of twisting one's body violently (2) (어떤 일을 이루려고 애쓰는 것) struggle
- 아무리 발버둥 쳐도 소용 없다 : It is no use struggling and wriggling
- 성공을 위해 발버둥 치다 : struggle to succeed
* -을 : a particle makes 발버둥 objective after a word ends in a consonant like '-둥'; this imitted
* 몸부림 : (1) (몸을 심하게 뒤트는 행동) an act of twisting one's body violently (2) (비유적) struggle
- 괴로워서 몸부림(을) 치다 : writhe in (a desperate) agony
- 재기의 몸부림을 치다 : struggle to regain one's feet
* 치다 : (1) [=주먹•발 등으로 공격하다] hit (2) [=거짓말 하다] fib; lie (3) [=노력하다] do hard in the sentence
* 발버둥(을) 치다 : be struggling
* 치고 : 치(the stem of 치다) + -고(and)
* 있다 : (1) be; exist (2) have
* 있었다 : past tense or present perfect of 있다 by '-었-'
* -고 있다 : be ...ing; be in the middle of ..ing
* -고 있었다 : was ...ing; was in the middle of ..ing
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