
Let's learn about "사랑이겠죠"

사랑이겠죠 : It must be love


A. 요즘 자꾸 그 남자가 (내) 꿈에 나타나 : He keeps appearing in my dreams these days

B. ㅎㅎ 아마도 그건 사랑이겠죠 : Maybe it must be love

* 사랑이겠죠 : a short form of 사랑이겠지요 <-- 사랑(love) + -이(the stem of 이다) + -겠(one's conjecture) + -지(confirmation) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* -겠죠 : must be ~

* -겠- : This particle can express intention to do something, or an assumption about something. Unlike other pieces of grammar we have learned, 겠 goes in the middle of verbs rather than at the end. V + 겠 1. The most common usage of 겠 […]

* -죠 : a short form of -지요 <-- 지(See below) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* -지 : this has the meaning as followings

 (1) [확인(confirmation)] A sentence-final ending used when the speaker confirms and says something that the listener thought he/she already knew
- 그건 사랑이겠지 : it must be love
- 하늘을 보아야 별을 따지 = You can only get a star by looking at the sky --> [metaphorical] 결혼을 해야 아이를 낳지(I can have a baby only when I get married); 여자가 있어야 결혼을 하지(I can only get married if I have a woman)
- 보면 알겠지 : I can tell when I see it

(2) [확인질문(asking confirm)] A sentence-final ending used to ask something that the speaker already knows to cross-check the information
- 니가 했지? : You did it, right?

(3) [화자의 친근감 표시(Showing the speaker's friendliness)] A sentence-final ending used when the speaker talks about himself/herself or his/her thoughts in a friendly manner
- 겨울밤에 먹는 동치미 맛은 참 별미지 : The taste of dongchimi on winter nights is a delicacy

(4) [친근한 질문 표시(Show Friendly Questions)] A sentence-final ending used when the speaker asks the listener something in a friendly manner
- 언제 가지? = 우리 언제 갈까? : When are we going?
- 밖은 춥지?  = 밖은 춥지 않니? : It's cold outside, right?

(5) [권유(suggestion)] A sentence-final ending used to advise the listener to do something together
- 이제 일어나지 = 이제 일어나서 출발하자 : Let's stand up and go
- 자네도 같이 먹지 = 너도 같이 먹자 : You eat with me

(6) [아쉬움 표시(an expression of regret)] A sentence-final ending used to indicate the speaker's regret that something did not turn out the way he/she wanted
- 그거 내가 잘못해서 그랬지 = 내가 잘못해서 그렇게 해서 참 후회스럽다 : I regret that I did it wrong

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