
상사화(Magic Lily) - 안예은(Ahn Ye Eun) in 2017

상사화(Magic Lily) - 안예은(Ahn Ye Eun) in 2017

This song is OST of 역적(Rebel: Thief Who Stole The People) Drama

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekCBZa6hAtA&t=52s (안예은 song with 경주시 교촌한옥마을Gyochon Hanok Village, Gyeongju-si)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Lx2RnjEIY (임영웅 cover 2019, this is click by 10,000,000 persons worldwide)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vpfuRGHxfU (안예은 for 역적 drama in 2017)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMle1suRKeg (안예은 with 송소희 in 2020)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc_CSIBTVD8 (안예은 in 2020)

* 한옥 : Korean-style Tradition house

* 상사화란?  꽃이 필 때 잎은 없고 잎이 자랄 때는 꽃이 피지 않으므로 서로 볼 수 없다 하여 상사화라는 이름이 지어졌다고 한다.(What is Magic lily? It is said that the name Sangsa-hwa was given because there are no leaves when the flowers bloom, and when the leaves grow, the flowers do not bloom, so they cannot see each other)

* 상사 : [그리워서 병이 나는 것을 말함] the condition of being sick of missing a person

* 화 : flower

[Korean Lyrics]

사랑이 왜 이리 고된가요

이게 맞는가요 나만 이런가요

고운 얼굴 한 번 못 보고서

이리 보낼 수 없는데

사랑이 왜 이리 아픈가요

이게 맞는가요 나만 이런가요

하얀 손 한 번을 못 잡고서

이리 보낼 순 없는데

다시 돌아올 수 없는 그 험한

길 위에 어찌하다 오르셨소

내가 가야만 했었던 그 험한

길 위에 그대가 왜 오르셨소

기다리던 봄이 오고 있는데

이리 나를 떠나오

긴긴 겨울이 모두 지났는데

왜 나를 떠나가오

[English Lyrics]

Why is love that tough?

Is it right ? Only to me?

Without seeing your lovely face even once,

I can't leave you at all

Why is love that aching?

Is it right? Only to me?

Without holding your white hand even once,

I can't send you away at all

The rough path of no- return, such rough path

how come did you take?

The path I had to go to, such a rough path

How come did you choose?

Long awaiting spring is coming

Why are leaving me?

Long long harsh winter is gone away

Why are you parting me?

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