여기서 멀어요? = 여기에서 멀어요? : Is it far from here?; Will it take long from here?; Is it a long ride?: How far is it from here? / Is it nearby?
A. 여기서 먼가요? : Is my destination far from here?
B. 그렇게 멀지도 가깝지도 않아요. 한 20분 정도 걸려요 : Well, it’s not that far, but not so close either. It’s about a twenty minute ride
[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 여기서 머니? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 머나? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 머냐? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 먼가? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 먼지? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 멀어? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기에서 머니? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기에서 머나? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기에서 머냐? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기에서 먼가? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기에서 멀어? (to younger people or friends)
- 여기서 머나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기서 먼가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기서 멀어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기서 멉니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 여기에서 머나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기에서 먼가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기에서 먼지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기에서 멀어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 여기에서 멉니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘-시’)
* [Memo]
* Extreme honorifics(극존칭) are not used when the subject(주어) is not a person(사람). In other words, extreme honorifics(극존칭) are used only when the subject(주어) is a person(사람) : 주어가 사람이 아닌 경우는 극존칭을 사용하지 않는다. 즉, 주어가 사람인 경우에만 극존칭을 사용한다
* 여기 : here
* -서 / 에서 : a place suffix means "a place where an action takes place"
* 먼 : far (from here)
* 멀다 : [ㄹ 불규칙(irregular)] be far
* 멀게 : an adverb form of 먼
* 머니? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㄴ) + -니?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 머나? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㄴ) + -나?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 머냐? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㄴ) + -냐?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 먼가? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㄴ) + -ㄴ가?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 먼지? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㄴ) + -ㄴ지?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 멉니까? : 멀(the stem of 멀다; ㄹ erased before ㅂ) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ')
* a verb + -니?/ -나? / -냐? / -어? / -ㄴ가? / -ㄴ지? / -지? : a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix
* a verb + 나? / -어? / -ㄴ가? / -ㄴ지? / -지? + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -ㅂ니까? : an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix has an honourific by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
* 그러하다 / 그리하다 / 그렇다 : [Pronunciation: 그럳타] be so; be such
* 그렇게 : [Pronunciation: 그러케] like that; so much
* 멀지 : 멀(the stem of 멀다) + -지(a connection suffix makes a verb negative meaning before a verb means negative nuance)
* 않다 : [Pronunciation: 안타] be not; never
* 않아요 : 않(the stem of 않다) + -아(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 한 : [as the form of "한 XXX 정도] [=약•대략] approximately
* 20분 : [Pronunciation: 이십분] 20 minutes
* 정도 : * 정도 : approximately
* 걸려요 : 걸리(the stem of 걸리다; 리 + -여 contracted into 려) + -여(a declarative verb ending suffix; 어 changed into 여 for easy pronunciation) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
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