
Let's learn about "20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으세요?"

20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으세요? : Can you break a twenty?; Do you have change for a twenty?

A. 20달러짜리인데 거슬러 주실 수 있어요? : Can you break a twenty? 20

B. 그럼요. 영수증 필요하세요? : Sure, do you need a receipt?

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있니? (to younger people or friends)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있나? (to younger people or friends)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있냐? (to younger people or friends)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있어? (to younger people or friends)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있는가? (to younger people or friends)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있는지? (to younger people or friends)

- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있는가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있는지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있습니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘스’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으신가요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으신지요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으세요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)
- 20달러짜리인데 잔돈 있으십니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘-스’)

* 20달러 : [Pronunciation: 이십달러] $20

* 짜리 : a thing worth

* 이다 : be

* 인데 : 이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -ㄴ contracted into 인) + -ㄴ데/-는데(A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow: 뒤의 말을 하기 위하여 그 대상과 관련이 있는 상황을 미리 말함을 나타내는 연결 어미)

* 잔돈 : (1) [단위가 작은 돈] (small) change (2) [=거스럼돈] change
- 만 원짜리 바꿔 줄 잔돈 있으세요? : Do you have change for a 10,000-won bill?
- 여기 잔돈 500원 받으세요 : Here's 500 won change

* -이 : a particle makes 잔돈 subjective after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted

* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) have (3) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do

* 있습니까? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 있으신가요? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㄴ가?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 있으세요? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 있으십니까? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* a verb + -니? / -나? / -냐? / -어? / -는가? : a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix
* a verb + -나? / -아? / -는가? + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -으세요? / -으십니까? / -ㅂ니까? : an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘스-‘ / ‘-ㅂ’

* 거스르다 : [르 불규칙] give change; make change
- …을 받고 10원을 거슬러 주다 : give ten won (in return) for ‥
- 거슬러 받다 : get the change

* 거슬러 : 거슬(the stem of 거스르다; 거스르 + -어 contracted into 거슬러) + -어(A connective ending used to express the purpose of an action such as going, coming and giving: 주는 동작의 목적을 나타내는 연결 어미)

* -아/-어/-여 주다 = -아/-어/-여 드리다 : do an effort to do

* 거슬러 주다 / 거슬러 드리다 : make change (with effort)

* 줄 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 줄 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따; ㅅ + ㄷ should be always pronounced as 따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) have (3) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do 

* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* 있어요? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -어(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 있으세요? : 있으시(the stem of 있으시다; 시 + -어 contracted into 세) + -어(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 그럼 : yes;  yah; yeah; indeed; right; quite so; certainly; of course
* 그럼요 : 그럼 + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
- 뜰에 들어가도 됩니까? -- 그럼 : May I go into the garden? -- Yes, certainly
- 그럼요, 내 우산을 빌려 가도 좋아요 : Certainly, you may borrow my umbrella
- 좀 도와주겠니? -- 그럼요 : Can you help me? -- Surely[certainly]!

* 영수 : [領收·領受] receipt
- 계산서에 영수필이라 표시하다 : receipt a bill / stamp a bill "paid"(도장을 찍다)
* 영수필 : [領收畢] Received / Paid

* 영수하다 : receive
- 일금 백만 원을 틀림없이 영수하였습니다 : I certainly received[I acknowledge receipt of] (the sum of) one million won. / [증서에(at a certificate] Received the sum of ₩ 1,000,000
- 영수인 : a receiver; a recipient

* 영수 : [領袖] a leader; a chief; a head; a boss
- 정당의 영수 : the leader of a political party / a political[party] leader / a boss

* 증 : [證] [a short form of 증서(證書)]  a certificate; a warrant; a bill
- 학생증 : a student's (identification) card

* 영수증 : a receipt <-- 영수 + 증
* -이 : a particle makes 영수증 subjective after a word ends in a consonant

* 필요 : need
* 필요하다 : need
* 필요하시다 : an honourific form of 필요하다 by '-시-'

* 필요한 : necessary; 필요하(the stem of 필요하다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive)
- 필요한 것 없으세요? : Do you need anything? 
- 다른 것 필요한 것 없어요? : Do you need anything else?

* 필요하세요? : 필요하시(the stem of 필요하시다) + -어?(an interrogative verb ending suffix means "Would you ~") + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

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