
Let's learn about "떼다"

* 떼다 has the following 10 meanings

1) take away[off]; remove; strip[tear] off; bare

- 선반을 떼(어 버리)다 : remove a shelf / take a shelf down
- (기관차에서) 차량을 떼다 : uncouple a train (from a locomotive)
- 포스터를 떼다 : clear of bills
- 달력을 한 장 떼다 : tear off a leaf from a calendar
- 옷의 장식을 떼다 : rip trimming off a garment

2) [=분리하다] part; separate; disconnect; divide; isolate; (사이를) keep from ; detach; space

- …과 떼어서 : separately from ‥ / apart from ‥ / independent(ly) of ‥
- (일정한) 사이를 떼고 : at (regular) intervals / sparsely
- 행간을 떼다 : leave spaces between lines / space the lines
- 어린 아이를 부모에게서 떼어놓다 : take a little child away from its parents
- 나는 싸우는 사내아이들을 떼어놓았다 : I parted[separated] the fighting boys
- 그에게서 눈을 떼지 마라 : Don't take your eyes off him
- 그 꼬마 녀석은 아주 장난꾸러기여서 눈을 떼서는 안 된다 : The little boy is so naughty, so we must keep an eye on him
- 이 문제는 저 문제와는 떼어서 생각해야겠다 : I will consider this matter separately[apart] from that one
- 10그루의 나무가 3미터씩 떼어서 심어졌다 : Ten trees were planted three meters apart[at intervals of three meters]
- 그것을 더 떼어놓아라 : Move it further away
- 우리는 그 두 마리 개가 서로 싸우기 때문에 떼어놓았다 : We keep those two dogs apart for they fought with each other
- 그 둘은 뗄 수 없는 사이[친구]다 : The two are inseparable (friends)

3) [=봉한 것을 뜯다] open[break / take off] the seal; cut open

- 입을 떼다 : open one's mouth to talk / broach / be the first to speak
- 함부로 봉을 떼다 : tamper with the seal

4) [=빼다·제하다] subtract ; deduct[subduct / detract] ; take away[off]

- 세금[비용]을 떼고 30만 원의 수입 : an income of 300,000 won after tax[expenses]
- 봉급에서 떼다 : deduct from one's salary / take off one's pay
- 그는 이자를 미리 떼고 돈을 빌려준다 : He loans money with the interest deducted in advance

5) [=거절하다] refuse ; reject; turn down; throw down; decline

- 부탁을 떼다 = 부탁을 거절하다 : reject[refuse / turn down] an request[an offer]

6) [수표 등] issue[draw / write out / make out] ; tear off

- 전표를 떼다 = 전표를 끓다 :  sign[give / write out] a chit / issue a voucher[a payment slip]
- 나는 그에게 100만 원짜리 수표를 떼어 주었다 : I have issued a check for one million won in favor of him
- 교통 위반 딱지를 떼다 = 교통 위반 딱지를 끓다 : get a traffic (violation) ticket

7) [병] cure ; [귀찮은 것] get rid of

- 학질을 떼다 : cure malaria / get rid of malaria

8) [=유산시키다] have an abortion

- 아이를 떼다 :  commit feticide / have an abortion / have an (artificial) abortion performed

9) [=끊다] quit[stop / give up] ; abstain[refrain] from ; cut altogether

- 젖을 떼다 : wean a child
- 버릇을 떼다 : [자기] get rid[break oneself] of a habit / overcome[get over] a habit / [남] cure of a habit / get out of a habit

10) [=끝내다] finish up

- 책[소설]을 떼다 = 책[소설]을 다 읽다 : read[get] through a book[novel] / finish (reading) a book[novel] / have done with a book[novel]

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