운동은 잘 못해요 = 운동은 잘하지 못해요 : I’m not so good at sports; I’m not very athletic; I’m not an athletic person; I’m not very good with sports.
A. 농구 할래? : Do you want to shoot some hoops?
B. 난 됐어. 운동에는 소질이 없거든 : I’ll pass. I’m not so good at sports
[other expressions]
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못한다. (to younger people or friends)
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못하네. (to younger people or friends)
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못해. (to younger people or friends)
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못하네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못해요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 운동은 잘(하지) 못합니다. (formal; honourific by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 나 : I (non-honourific word to younger people or friends)
* 저 : I (honourific word to the elderly)
* -는 : a particle makes 나 / 저 subjective after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted
* 난 : a short form of 나는
* 전 : a short form of 저는
* 운동 : [運動] (1) [=보건을 위해 신체를 움직임] (physical) exercise; [=경기] athletics; [=스포츠] sports; [=체조] gymnastics (2) [=목적을 위한 집단의 활동] a movement; a campaign; a drive; [의회] lobbing
* 운동을 하다 = 운동하다 : (1) take[get] exercise; exercise (2) conduct [carry on] a campaign ; canvass ; campaign ; agitate; lobby
- 적당히 운동하다 : take moderate exercise
- 여성 해방 운동 : Women's Liberation[Lib] / the women's movement
* -은 : a particle makes 운동 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a consonant; this can be omitted and replaced by -을(a particle makes 운동 objective after a word ends in a consonant)
* 잘 : well
* 잘하다 : do well <-- 잘 + 하다(do)
* 잘하지 : 잘하(the stem of 잘하다) + -지(a connection suffix makes a verb negative meaning before a verb means negative nuance)
* 못하다 : (1) [=수준이 떨어지다] inferior (to) (2) [used as a form of "못해도") at least (3) [=잘하지 못하다] be bad[poor] (at), be weak (in); can’t
- 훨씬 못하다 : fall[be] far beneath (in)
- 그녀를 짝사랑하는 남자가 못해도 다섯 명은 될 것이다 : At least five men have a crush on her
- 저는 노래를 못해요 : I'm a terrible singer
* 잘 못하다 : can’t do well
* 못해 : 못하(the stem of 못하다) + -어(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 못합니다 : 못하(the stem of 못하다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* -지 못하다 : can’t do
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -어 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘스’ / ‘-ㅂ’
* 농구 : [籠球] basketball
- 대한 농구 협회 : the Korea Amateur Basketball Association
- 농구 선수 : a basketball player; a cage star; a cager
- 농구 시즌 : cage season
- 농구화 : sneakers; basketball shoes.
* -를 : a particle makes 농구 objective after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted
* 하다 : do
* 농구를 하다 = 농구하다 : play the basketball
* 할래? : 하(the stem of 하다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a non-honourific popositive verb ending suffix means "Do you want to do?")
* 난 : I (non-honourific word)
* 전 : I (honourific word)
* 되다 : (1) become (2) pass in the sentence
* 됐다 : a short form of 되었다; 되 + -었 contracted into 됐
* 되었다 : past tense of 되다 by '-었-'
* 됐어 : 됐(the stem of 됐다) + -어(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 됐다 : This word has the special meanings
(1) [=오케이•드디어 성공했다] All right! / Good!
(2) [=심 봤다] Eureka!
(3) [=나는 안해도 된다•난 통과] [=this is used as the form of 나는 됐다•난 됐다•저는 됐어요•전 됐어요•저는 됐습니다•전 됐습니다] I'll pass
* 운동 : [運動] [=보건을 위해 신체를 움직임] (physical) exercise
* -에는 : A postpositional particle used to emphasize a certain object or compare it with another
* 소질 : [素質] [=자질] makings; temperament; character; nature; fiber; [=재능] talent; [=체질] constitution; make-up; [=경향] a tendency
- 문학적 소질이 있는 사람 : a person of a literary turn (of mind)
- 그는 붓글씨에 소질이 있는 것 같다 : He seems to have an aptitude[a talent] for calligraphy
- 미선이는 피아니스트가 될 소질을 가지고 있다 : Mison has all the makings of a fine pianist
- 그녀는 화가의 소질이 없다 : She is not endowed with any artistic talent
* (-이/-가/-은/-는) 없다 : [Pronunciation: 업따] don't have; not exist; there is[are] not
* (-이/-가/-은/-는) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] have; exist; there is[are]
* 없거든 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -거든(A sentence-final ending referring to the reason, cause, or basis for the preceding statement that the speaker thought of)
* -거든요 : an honourific form of 거든 by '-요'
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