Let's learn about "결코"
Let's learn about "흔치 않은 제품입니다"
Let's learn about "기능"
Let's learn about "의심"
Let's learn about "제일/가장"
Let's learn about "제일 좋은 제품입니다"
여로(Journey) - 이미자 in 1972
여로(Journey) - 이미자 in 1972
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wJwI0oqAo4 (이미자 on Sejong Hall in 1971)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cICJe8xsceg (이미자 Golden Disk II in 2005)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP2MjwIPbqY (김다현 on TV Program in 2022)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGIuFx6hP24 (류원정 on Miss Trot Contest in 2021)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0pgNB9ehpc (민우혁 on 2022)
그 옜날 옥색댕기 바람에 나부길때
When I was flutting because of the jade green puppy
봄나비 나래위에 꿈을 실어 보았는데
I put my dreams on the butterfly land in spring
날으는 낙엽따라 어디론가 가버렸네
She followed the flying leaves and went somewhere
무심한 강물위에 잔주름 여울지고
Fine wrinkles on the indifferent river
아쉬움에 돌아보는 여자의 길
The path of a woman to look back on with regret
언젠가 오랜옛날 볼우물 예뻤을때
One day, when dimples were pretty in the old days
뛰는가슴 사랑으로 부푼적도 있었는데
I was excited with my heart beating and love
흐르는 세월따라 어디론가 사라졌네
With the passage of time, that love disappeared somewhere
무심한 강바람에 흰 머리 나부끼고
There's a cold river breeze, so only white hair is flying
아쉬움에 돌아보는 여자의 길
The path of a woman to look back on with regret
Let's learn about "또 필요하신 건 없으세요?"
Let's learn about "손님한테 딱 맞는 게 있어요"
Let's learn about "이게 요즘 유행입니다"
슬픔의 심로(Anxiety of Love; Heartbreak) - 김학래 in 1983
슬픔의 심로(Anxiety of Love; Heartbreak) - 김학래 in 1983
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKZwFO90tn4 (American girl Saree McIntosh with her father; her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SareeMcIntosh)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv-NNT94LJY (Saree McIntosh Cover with English lyrics in 2023)
* Saree McIntosh's father had lived in Korea when he was in 30s and returned to America, and he is singing Korean songs with her daughter for a long time. He's in another business.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPLVyIeBNKI (박시환 on 불후의 명곡 in 2019)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LLWcxKXaAk&list=RD-LLWcxKXaAk&start_radio=1 김학래 - K-Pop Top 10 TV Program in 1983)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MKnW7COPXo (김학래 in 2016)
낙엽이 외로이 떨어지는 건
두 사람이 헤어지는 건
슬프기 때문에 눈물을 흘려요 두 사람이 흘려요
우린 헤어질 수 없기 때문에
창밖에는 비가 내려요
두 사람은 우산도 안 썼네요
헤어지기 마음이 아피 비를 맞아요 고개를 숙여요
우린 둘만이 사랑하기 때문에
이 시간이 지나고 또 지나 햇살이 비추면
온 마음을 열고 나그네가 되어요
뜨거운 마음으로 눈물을 적셔요 슬픔을 적셔요
이젠 뒤 돌아 서서 고개를 들어요
때론 슬픔에 아파 어쩔 줄 모르고
이룰 수 없는 순간들을 그렸어요
정다웠고 정다웠던 지난날의 이야기 속에
우리 이제는 떠나야 하나요
이 시간이 지나고 또 지나 햇살이 비추면
온 마음을 열고 나그네가 되어요
뜨거운 마음으로 눈물을 적셔요 슬픔을 적셔요
이젠 뒤 돌아 서서 고개를 들어요
이 시간이 지나고 또 지나 햇살이 비추면
온 마음을 열고 나그네가 되어요
뜨거운 마음으로 눈물을 적셔요 슬픔을 적셔요
이젠 뒤 돌아 서서 고개를 들어요
이젠 뒤 돌아 서서 고개를 들어요
이젠 뒤 돌아 서서 고개를 들어요
[English Translation]
We shed tears because it's sad that the two of us break up. We shed tears because we can't break up
It's raining outside. The two of us didn't even wear umbrellas. We're breaking up. We're getting rained on. We keep our heads down. We love each other
After this time, when the sun shines, we open our hearts and become travelers
With a hot heart, we wet our tears. We wet our sorrows. Now we turn around and we raise our heads
Sometimes we're saddened, and we've drawn moments that we can't achieve. Should we leave now in the story of the past when we were kind and kind
When the sun shines after this time, we open our hearts and we become travelers
With a hot heart, we wet our tears, we wet our sorrows. Now we turn around and we raise our heads
When the sun shines after this time, we open our hearts and we become travelers
With a hot heart, we wet our tears, we wet our sorrows. Now we turn around and we raise our heads
Now we turn around and we look up
Now we turn around and we look up
[English Lyrics By Saree McIntosh]
Autumn leaves drifting through airs
Pumpkin spice kisses that we shared
This time of year is when it hurts the most
I'm still wearing your coat
You gave to me when I was cold
Never thought I could loe this deep
You left me lonely in the street
My tears poured down but no one knew
The rain disguised my pain
But I'd still run to you again
I never signed up for heartbreak
I only came here for love
Choosing you gave me all of the above
I try not to cry, I don't want to scream
But I've lost everything
I don't think I can take any more heartbreak
Life must go on and I must forget you
Moving cities, leaving friends to get through
I'd rather be lonely than trapped in the past
The die has now been cast
We weren't meant to last
I never signed up for heartbreak
I only came here for love
Choosing you gave me all of the above
I try not to cry, I don't want to scream
But I've lost everything
I don't think I can take any more heartbreak
I never signed up for heartbreak
I only came here for love
Choosing you gave me all of the above
I try not to cry, I don't want to scream
But I've lost everything
I don't think I can take any more heartbreak
I don't think I can take any more heartbreak
그때 헤여지면 돼(Only then) - 로이킴(Roy Kim) in 2018
그때 헤여지면 돼(Only then) - 로이킴(Roy Kim) in 2018
* Roy Kim made this song with thinking about long distance love and parting his girl friend because it was hard for them to meet and so on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRSNEoIgssM (로이킴 on 유희열's Sketch Book TV Program in 2018)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkN_hWI6n28 (로이킴 in 2018)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG-CM5uXqgQ (로이킴 with Korean Lyrics in 2020)
남들이 뭐라는 게 뭐가 중요해요
서로가 없음 죽겠는데 뭐를 고민해요
우리 함께 더 사랑해도 되잖아요
네가 다른 사람이 좋아지면
내가 너 없는 게 익숙해지면
그때가 오면 그때가 되면 그때
그때 그때
네가 원하든 말든 널 잡을 거고
내가 더 이상 지쳐 걷지 못할 때 (=내가 지쳐서 더 이상 너를 만나기 힘들 때)
그때가 오면 그때가 되면
그때 헤어지면 돼
그때 헤어지면 돼
[English Translation]
t's not important what others say
We're going to die without each other. What are you thinking about
We can love each other more
If you like someone else
When I get used to not having you
When that time comes, when that time comes
At that time, at that time
I'm gonna get you whether you want to or not
When I can't walk anymore because I'm tired (=when I'm tired and I can't see you anymore)
When that time comes, when that time comes
You can break up then
You can break up then
Let's learn about "마음에 드는 걸로 골라 보세요"
Let's learn about "털"
Let's learn about "속눈썹"
내 생애 단 한번만이라도(Only Once in My Life) - 조영남 in 1973
내 생애 단 한번만이라도(Only Once in My Life) - 조영남 in 1973
https://youtu.be/omK1nIFdZTU?si=5GsLhetcHtSXm0eh (김기태 - 불후의 명곡(Immortal songs) in 2023)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_u_gPlmsyM (조영남 - Show Special TV Program in 1991)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSoiLacED-o (알리 - 불후의 명곡(Immortal songs) in 2018)
내 생에 단 한번만이라도(Only Once in My Life) Sung by 조영남
흘러가는 저 구름은
강물따라 흘러 흘러가지만,
젊은 날의 내 청춘은
어디로 흘러 흘러서 가나.
흘러가는 저 구름도 흐르다
서로 또 만나는데,
만나야할 내 사랑은
어디서 날 기다리고 있나.
내 생애
단 한 번만이라도 그대를
단 한 번 만이라도 그대를
사랑하게 하여주.
내 생애
단 한 번만이라도 그대를
단 한 번 만이라도 그대를
사랑하게 하여주.
사랑, 내 사랑, 내 사랑.
날아가는 저 제비는
봄이 오면 다시 돌아 오지만,
젊은 날의 내 청춘은
한 번 가면 다시 오지 않겠지.
단 한 번 밖에 없는
그대와 나의 젊은 날인데
우린 언제나 만나
영원한 앞날을 맹세하나.
내 생애
단 한 번만이라도 그대를
단 한 번 만이라도 그대를
사랑하게 하여주.
내 생애
단 한 번만이라도 그대를
단 한 번 만이라도 그대를
사랑하게 하여주.
사랑, 내 사랑, 내 사랑.
[English Translation]
That cloud that flows flows along the river,
Where does my youth flow in my youth.
Those clouds are flowing and they meet each other again,
Where is my love waiting for me to meet.
My life
Even just once, you
Even just once, you
Let me love you.
My life
Even just once, you
Even just once, you
The main thing that makes you love.
Love, my love, my love.
The flying swallow comes back when spring comes,
My youth in my youth will not come back once I go.
It's a young day for you and me that's only one time
Do we always meet and pledge our eternal future.
My life
Even just once, you
Even just once, you
Let me love you.
My life
Even just once, you
Even just once, you
Let me love you.
Love, my love, my love.
[Italian Original songs by Massimo Ranieri]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnFzFfQkO80 (Massimo Ranieri in 2016)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ_UWlXZ7XE (Orietta Berti in 2018)
Quando L'amore Diventa Poesia (사랑이 시로 승화될 때) in 1969
Io canto il mio amore per te
Questa notte diventa poesia
La mia voce sar?
Una lacrima di nostalgia
Non ti chieder? mai
Perch? da me sei andata via
Per me ?
giusto tutto quello che fai
Io ti amo e gridarlo vorrei
Ma la voce dell'anima
canta piano lo sai
Io ti amo e gridarlo vorrei
Ma stasera non posso nemmeno
parlare perch? piangerei
Io canto la tristezza che ? in me
Questa notte sar? melodia
Piango ancora per te
Anche se ormai ? una follia
Non ti chiedo perch?
Adesso tu non sei pi? mia
Per me ?
giusto tutto quello che fai
Io ti amo e gridarlo vorrei
Ma la voce dell'anima
canta piano lo sai
Io ti amo e gridarlo vorrei
Ma stasera non posso nemmeno
parlare perch? piangerei
Io ti amo io ti amo
I sing my love for you
This night becomes poetry
Will my voice be?
A tear of nostalgia
Don't you ask? never
Why? you left me
For me ?
everything you do is right
I love you and I would like to shout it out
But the voice of the soul
sing softly you know
I love you and I would like to shout it out
But tonight I can't even
talk why? I would cry
I sing the sadness that? In me
This night will it be? melody
I still cry for you
Even if now? madness
I don't ask you why?
Now you're no longer? my
For me ?
everything you do is right
I love you and I would like to shout it out
But the voice of the soul
sing softly you know
I love you and I would like to shout it out
But tonight I can't even
talk why? I would cry
I love you I love you