
Let's learn about "의심"

* 의심 : [疑心] [=의혹] (a) doubt; [=의문] a question; [=불신] (a) distrust; (a) mistrust; [=혐의] (a) suspicion

- 당치 않은 의심 : petty suspicions / bigoted distrust
- 의심을 품다 : have doubts
- 의심을 풀다 : clear oneself of[from] suspicion / dispel[clear away] suspicion / dispel[remove / clear away] doubts
- 너는 (매사에) 의심이 너무 많다 : You are too suspicious (about everything)
- 의심이 풀렸다 : My doubts has disappeared[vanished]
- 그의 당황한 태도에 의심이 갔다 : His flurried manner aroused my suspicion
- 그는 그 돈을 훔치지 않았나 하는 의심을 받았다 : He was suspected of having stolen the money
- 그런 행동은 의심을 받기 쉽다 : Such conduct is likely to arouse suspicion
- 그는 낯선 사람에 대해서는 의심이 많다 : He doesn't readily trust strangers. / He takes a distrustful attitude toward(s) strangers. / He is suspicious of strangers
- 그의 행동은 그들의 의심을 샀다 : His behavior incurred their suspicion. / His behavior gave rise to their suspicion
- 내가 범인일 것이라는 의심을 받았다 : I was suspected to be the criminal
- 남의 의심을 받을 짓은 하지 마라 : Don't lay yourself open to suspicion / Don't do anything that would excite[rouse] people's suspicion

* 의심하다 : [=의혹을 품다] doubt (of); be doubtful of; have[entertain / feel] a doubt ; [=믿지 않다] distrust; mistrust; [=혐의를 걸다] suspect; be suspicious of[about]

- 믿어 의심치 않는다 : have no doubt that ~;  Believe me, I don't doubt it.
- 많은 사람이 그의 결백을 의심했다 : Many have expressed their doubts as to his innocence
- 그의 성공을 의심하는 사람은 아무도 없다 : No one doubts his success
- 이 약품은 그 안정성을 의심해볼 필요가 있다 : There is some doubt about[We are doubtful of] the safety of this medicine
- 그가 그것을 했다는 것은 의심할 여지가 없다 : There is no room for doubt that he did it
- 그 서명의 신빙성에 대해서는 의심할 여지가 없다 : There is no question about the authenticity of the signature
- 그는 의심할 나위없이 성공할 것이다 : I have no doubt that he will succeed. / He is sure to succeed. / It is[I am] certain that he will succeed
- 이것은 의심할 나위없이 진짜다  :There is no doubt[question] (but) that this is the real thing. / This is unquestionably[undoubtedly] the real thing
- 급우들은 나를 의심하는 눈으로 보았다 : I was looked upon with suspicion[suspicious eyes] by my classmates
- 그들은 내가 돈을 가져갔다고 의심하고 있는 것 같다 : They seem to think[suspect] that I took the money
- 그들은 그의 말을 의심했다 : They would not believe[They had doubts about] what he said
- 나는 그가 약속을 지킬 것을 믿어 의심하지 않는다 : I do not have the slightest doubt[I am confident] that he will keep his word
- 그의 능력을 의심하지 않을 수 없다 : I can't help being doubtful[skeptical] of his ability
- 우리는 그가 돈을 횡령하지 않았나 하고 의심했다 : We suspected that he had embezzled the money. / We suspected him of embezzlement[embezzling the money]
- 그녀는 사람을 의심할 줄 모른다 : She always takes people at their word

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