* 속눈썹 : [Pronunciation: 송눈썹] eyelashes; [=눈시울에 난 털] one of a fringe of hairs growing along the edge of an eyelid; lashes; cilia; winkers <-- 속(inside) + 눈(eyes) + 썹(a suffix means "hair")
* 겉눈썹 : [Pronunciation: 건눈썹] [양쪽 눈두덩 위에 가로 난 눈썹] an eyebrow; [ <-- 겉(outside) + 눈(eyes) + 썹(a suffix means "hair")
* 긴 속눈썹 : long eyelashes
- 긴 : long
- 길다 : be ling
* 인조 속눈썹 : false eyelashes
- 인조 : artificial
* 눈썹 : an eyebrow
- 굵은 눈썹 : strong eyebrows
- 그린[가짜] 눈썹 : painted eyebrows
- 그리다 : paint
- 그린 : (1) green (2) painted
- 찌푸린[팔자] 눈썹 : slanted eyebrows
- 짙은 눈썹 : thick[heavy / bushy / shaggy] eyebrows
- 반달 (같은) 눈썹 : arched[crescent-shaped] eyebrows
- 눈썹을 치켜올리다 : arch[raise / lift] one's eyebrows.
- 눈썹을 그리다 : pencil one's eyebrows
- 눈썹이 짙다 : have abundant[thick] eyebrows
* 눈썹도 까딱하지 않다 : remain unperturbed
- 눈썹도 까딱하지 않고 : with a poker face / without changing one's expression / without batting an eyelid[eye]
- 그녀는 아주 침착하여 눈썹도 까딱하지 않았다 : She was so cool that not a muscle of her face moved
* 눈시울 : the edge of an eyelid; the eye rims <-- 눈(eyes) + -시울 : a suffix means "the edge; the verge; the brink; the margin"
- 눈시울이 뜨거워지다 : be (almost) moved to tears / melt into tears / one's eyes moisten (with tears) / be touched
- 눈시울이 뜨거워지는 광경 : a pathetic[moving] sight
- 그 불쌍한 이야기를 듣고 눈시울이 뜨거워졌다 : The pathetic story appealed to my tender emotion
* 눈시울에 : 눈시울 + -에(a place suffix means "at")
* 양쪽 : both sides <-- 양(both; two) + -쪽(side; direction)
* 눈두덩 : [Pronunciation: 눈뚜덩] [=눈언저리의 두두룩한 곳] (the protuberant part of) an upper eyelid <-- 눈(eyes) + 두덩(a raised part of the body)
- 눈두덩이 붓다 have swollen eyes
* 두덩 : (1) [논(rice field)·밭(field)] a bank; a levee (2) [신체(body)] a raised part of the body; a mound.
- 논두덩 : levee / a ridge between rice fields
- 밭두덩 : a bank around a field
- 두덩에 누운 소 : <속담(proverb)> <비유(metaphoric)> a person in easy circumstances
- 두덩톱 : a short fat-bellied saw
* 눈언저리 : [눈의 가장자리] parts around the eye; an eye
- 눈언저리 : 에 around the eye
- 눈언저리를 한대 치다 : hit in the eye
- 그는 맞아서 한쪽 눈언저리에 멍이 들었다 The blow gave him a black eye
* 가장자리 : the edge; the verge; the brink; the margin; the hem; the border; the fringe; the brim
- 책상 가장자리 : the edge of a desk
* 위에 : 위(above; upper) + -에(a place suffix)
* 가 : (1) [=가장자리] an edge; a border; a margin; [절벽 등(cliff etc)] a brink; [=경계·주변] a verge (2) [=그릇 아가리의 언저리] a brim (3) [=끝] the end; the limits
- 길가 : the roadside / the wayside
- 강가 : a riverside / a riverbank
- 바닷가 : a beach / the seaside / the seashore
- 호숫가에서 on the shore of a lake
- 호숫가 : 호수(lake) + -ㅅ(a letter inserted between two nouns) + -가(a edge)
- 독가로 넘치는 물 water run[flow] over the brim of the pot
- 독 : (1) poison (2) pot
* 아가리 : [비속어(slang)] mouth; entrance <-- 악(bad) + -아리(mouth)
* 주둥이 : [=주둥아리] [비속어(slang)] mouth; entrance <-- 주둥 + 이(A suffix that means "a person or an object" and makes the word a noun)
- 주둥이(가) 싸다 : be a glib (talker); be talkative; be voluble; be a chatterbox
* 주둥아리 : [비속어(slang)] mouth; entrance <-- 주둥(mouth) + 아리(mouth)
* 주둥아리 has the nuance of "Your mouth is filthy + So shut the fuck up"; "There is a sense of 'too much nonsense(쓸데없는 말을 너무 많이 떠든다)"; "unreliable(믿음직스럽지 못 하다)"
* 아가리 has the nuance of "Your mouth is filthy"
* 아가리의 : 아가리 + -의(a suffix makes 아가리 possesive)
* 언저리 = 둘레 : the edge; the brim; the rim; bounds; limits
- 입 언저리 = 입가 : parts around the mouth
- 접시 언저리 : the brim of a dish
- 눈 언저리가 검다 : have dark rings around one's eyes
* 나다 : come out; spring out
* 난 : 나(the stem of 나다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb atttributive/adnominal)
* 털 : [사람(human being)] hair
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