
Let's learn abour "거스르다"

* 거스르다 has the following two meanings

1. [=반대 방향을 취하다] go[act] against; act contrary to; run counter to; oppose; disobey; defy; cross ; offend

- [일론 머스크] 감히 내 말을 거슬러. 오늘부로 해고야 : [Elon Musk] How dare you go against me. You're fired as of today
- …을 거슬러 : against / contrary to / in defiance of / in the face of
- 바람을 거슬러서 나아가다 : go in the teeth of the wind
- 물결을 거슬러 헤엄치다 : swim against the current[stream]
- 부모의 말을 거스르다 : defy[disobey / contradict] one's parents
- 운명을 거스르다 : strive[fight] against fate
- 하늘의 뜻을 거스르다 : fly in the face of Providence / give offense to the will of God
- 중론을 거스르다 : stem the tide of public opinion
- 시대의 조류를 거스르다 : swim against the current of the times / go against the stream of the times
- 그는 남의 비위를 거스르지 않으려고 노력했다 : He tried not to cause offense
- 그는 부모의 뜻을 거슬러 대학에 진학했다 : He went to college against his parent's wishes

2. [=거스름돈을 주고 받다] give change; make change

- …을 받고 10원을 거슬러 주다 : give ten won (in return) for ‥
- 거슬러 받다 : get the change
- 천 원짜리를 내시면 거슬러 받게 됩니다 : You can get it at less than one thousand won. / You will get change if you give a thousand won note

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