
Let's learn about "찢어졌는데요"

찢어졌는데요 : It’s torn/ripped; There is a slit; There’s a tear; It got ripped

* 찢어진 : torn; ripped
* 틈, 찢어진 부분 : slit
* 찢어진 데 : tear

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 찢어졌다. (to younger people or friends)
- 찢어졌네. (to younger people or friends)
- 찢어졌어. (to younger people or friends)
- 찢어졌는데. (to younger people or friends)

- 찢어졌네요. (honourific by '요')
- 찢어졌어요. (honourific by '요')
- 찢어졌는데요. (honourific by '요')

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 찢어졌습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스‘)

* 찢다 : tear
* 찢어지다 : be torn <— 찢다 + 어(a connection suffix between two verbs) + -지다(a verb ending suffix makes a verb passive tense)

* 찟어졌다 : past tense of 찍어지다 by '-였-'

* 찢어졌는데요 : 찢어졌(the stem of 찢어졌다) + -는데(A sentence-final ending used to ask the listener while anticipating his/her answer) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 찢어졌습니다 : 찢어졌(the stem of 찢어졌다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -어 / -는데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -어 / -는데 + 요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / '-ㅂ'

* 찢어진 : 찢어지(the stem of 찢어지다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past perfect and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 부분 : [部分] a part; a portion; a section

* 틈 : [=갈라진 자리] a crevice; a crack; a chink; a chasm; a fissure; a cleft; a gap; space; an interstice

* 데 : [명사(noun)] [=곳] a place; a spot; [=점] a point; [특징] a feature; a distinction; [=대목] a passage; [=부분] a part; [=경우] a case; an occasion

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