
Let's learn about "새다"

* 새다 has the following meanings

1) [=날이 밝다] dawn; break

- 날이 새기 전에 : before dawn[daybreak] / before daylight
- 날이 새자 곧 일행이 도착했다 : The party arrived a little after daybreak
- 마침 날이 새고 있었다 : The day was just dawning

2) [액체·기체 등(liquid•gas)] leak; escape; get[find] vent; run out

- 물이 새지 않는 천 : waterproof cloth
- 공기[가스]가 새지 않는 파이프 : an airtight[a gastight] tube
- 파이프에서 가스가 새고 있다 : Gas is leaking[escaping] from the pipe
- 수도꼭지에서 물이 졸졸 새어 나온다 : Water is trickling from the faucet
- 지붕이 비가 샌다 : There is a leak in the roof. / The roof has a leak
- 우리 집 지붕은 비가 몹시 샌다 : The roof of our house leaks badly

3) [불빛 등(light etc)]come[shine / break] through; (말소리가) be heard outside

- 나무 사이로 새어 들어오는 햇빛 : sunlight shining through the trees
- 커튼 틈으로 새어 나오는 불빛이 보인다 : Light can be seen through the small opening between the curtains.
- 이 커튼은 빛이 바깥으로 새지 않는다 : This curtain does not let the light out
- 봄의 햇살이 나뭇가지 사이로 새어 들었다 : The spring sunshine streamed through the branches of the trees

4) [말·감정 등(word•emotion)] get[find] vent; find expression

- 그의 입에서 (자기도 모르게) 욕이 새어 나왔다 : A curse escaped his lips
- 그녀의 입술에서 흐느낌 소리가 새어 나왔다 : Faint sobs escaped her lips

5) [비밀(secret)] get[slip] out; leak (out); transpire; be disclosed

- 비밀이 샜다 : The secret was out[has leaked out]

6) [=슬쩍 빠져나가다] sneak away; slip off[out / away]

- 일행 속에서 슬쩍 새다 : sneak away from company

7) [=줄거리에서 빠져나가다] gets off the subject

- 그의 이야기는 자주 줄거리에서 벗어나 옆길로 샌다 : When he speaks, he often digresses[gets off the subject]

Let's learn about "타이어가 펑크 났어요"

타이어가 펑크 났어요 : The tire is flat; I have a flat tire; I got a flat; My tire blew out

타이어(가) 바람이 새는 것 같아요 : There may be a slow leak in the tires.

* 공기가 빠진 : flat
* 꺼지다, 바람이 빠지다 : blow out


A. 이런, 타이어가 펑크 난 것 같은데? : Uh oh, I think I got a flat.

B. 타이어 가는 방법 알아? : Do you know how to change a tire?

A. 아니, 근데 너는 알지? No, but you do, don’t you?

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 타이어가 펑크 났다. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어가 펑크 났네. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어가 펑크 났군! (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어가 펑크 났구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어가 펑크 났어. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어가 펑크 났는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같다. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같네. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같군! (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같아. (to younger people or friends)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같은데! (to younger people or friends)

- 타이어가 펑크 났네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어가 펑크 났군요! (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어가 펑크 났어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어가 펑크 났는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같군요! (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같아요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같은데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 타이어가 펑크 났습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

- 타이어 바람이 새는 것 같습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -의 : a suffix makes 내 차 possesive

* 타이어 : a tire

* -가 : a particle makes (내 차의) 타이어 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 펑크 : [<-- puncture] (1) A hole in a rubber tube or ball: 고무 튜브나 공 따위에 구멍이 나는 일 (2) a planned thing goes wrong along the way: 계획한 일이 도중에 틀어져 잘못되는 일 (3) a secret is revealed: 비밀이 드러나는 일

* 나다 : [=발생하다] happen; come to pass[happen]; come about; occur; take place; turn up; break out; rise; arise; spring[come] up

* 펑크 나다 : have a flat tire; My tire blew out
* 난 : past tense of 나다 by '-ㄴ'

* 펑크 난 : had a flat tire; the state which my tire blew out

* 났다 : [Pronunciation: 낟따] past tense of 나다 by ‘-았-‘

* 났는데요 : 났(the stem of 났다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 났습니다 : [Pronunciation: 낟씁니다] 났(the stem of 났다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 타이어 : my tire
* 가 : a particle makes 타이어 the topic of the sentence after a words ends in a consonant

* 바람 : wind
* -이 : a particle makes 바람 subjective after a words ends in a consonant

* 새다 : [액체·기체 등(liquid•gas)] leak; escape; get[find] vent; run out

* 샜다 : [Pronunciation: 샏따] past tense of 새다 by '-았-'; 새 + -았 contracted into 샜

* 새는 : 새(the stem of 새다) + -는(a suffix makea a verb present tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing)

* -는/-ㄴ 거 같다 =  -는/-ㄴ 것 같다 : I think that ~; something seems ~; something looks ~

* 같다 : [Pronunciation: 갇따] (1) be equal to (2) seem; look (3) I think in the sentence

* 같은데요 : [Pronunciation: 가튼데요] 같(the stem of 같다) + -은데/-ㄴ데(A sentence-final ending used to say something while anticipating the listener's response; A sentence-final ending used to ask the listener while anticipating his/her answer; A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 같습니다 : [Pronunciation: 가씁니다] 같(the stem of 같다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific declarative verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -군! / -구나! : a non-honourific exclamative verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 / -군! + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 공기 : an air
* 가 : a particle makes 공기 subjective after a words ends in a consonant

* 빠지다 : (1) (머리·치아 등이) fall out (2) (기체 등이) (타이어 등이) deflate (3) (정신·힘·기운 등이) drain (4) lose weight (3) [=떨어져 들어가다] fall[get] into; run into; be led into; lapse into; be drowned[sunk into] (water) (5) [=마음을 빼앗기다] be steeped [immersed / bogged down] in; indulge (oneself) in ; abandon [surrender] oneself to; give oneself (up[over]) to; be given to[in / on]; be absorbed [engrossed] in; be crazy[wild] with[about]
- 사랑에 빠지다 : be lost[fall] in love / be deeply[gone] in love 
- 주색에 빠지다 : give oneself up to women and wine
- 도박에 빠지다 : be addicted to gambling
- 그 녀석은 유행에 넋이 빠져 있다 : He is a slave to[of] fashion
- 삼촌이 우표를 몇 장 준 후 그는 우표 수집에 빠져들었다 :  After his uncle gave him some stamps he got hooked on stamp collecting
- 타이어 공기가 빠지다 : one's tire blew out

* 빠졌다 : past tense of 빠지다 by '-였-'

* 빠진 : 빠지(the stem of 빠지다; 진 + -ㄴ contracted into 진) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and adnominal)

* 이런 : (1) [=이러한] such; this; like this; such ‥ as this; of this kind[sort] (2) [=놀라울 때 내는 소리] Oh; Oh dear!; [a man's word] Oh, damn!; [a woman's word] Good gracious[heavens]!; Oh, my!

* 저런 : (1) [=저러한] such; that; that sort[kind] of; like that (2) [=가볍게 놀라는 모양] Dear me!; Oh, dear!; Great[Good] heavens!; Good[My] gracious!; My god!

* 같은데? : 같(the stem of 같다) + -은데?/-는데?(A sentence-final ending used to ask the listener while anticipating his/her answer: 일정한 대답을 요구하며 물어보는 뜻을 나타내는 종결 어미)

* 타이어 : my tire
* -를 : a particle makes 타이어 objective after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* 갈다 : [ㄹ 불규칙] (1) [=문지르다] polish; rub; grind (2) [=바꾸다] renew; change ; replace ; substitute ; attach[fix] anew

* 타이어를 갈다 : [as a phrase] change a tire

* 가는 : 갈(the stem of 갈다; ㄹ erased before 는) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and adnominal)

* 방법 : [方法] [=목적을 이루기 위해 취하는 방식] a way; [=체계적인 방법] a method; [=방책] a plan; a system; [=…식·양식] a manner; [=수단] a means; [=책략] a scheme; a device; a program; [=조치] a step; a measure; [=과정] a process; [=절차] a procedure; [=처방] a recipe; a formula

* -을 : a particle makes 방법 objective after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted

* 알다 : know

* 알아? : [ㄹ 불규칙] 알(the stem of 알다) + -아?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)

* 아니다 : be not
* 아니 : 아니(the stem of 아니다) + -다(a non-honourific basic declarative verb ending suffix; this omitted)

* 근데 : a short form of 그런데(..., but)

* 너 : you (non-honourific word to the younger peopele or friend)

* -는 : a particle makes 너 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 알지? : 알(the stem of 알다) + -지?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)

Let's learn about "차가 고장 났어요"

차가 고장 났어요 : My car broke down

시동이 안 걸려요 : My car won’t start


A. 왜 이렇게 늦었어? : What took you so long?

B. 미안해. 오는 길에 차가 고장이 났어 : I’m sorry. My car broke down on the way

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 차가 고장 났다. (to younger people or friends)
- 차가 고장 났네. (to younger people or friends)
- 차가 고장 났어. (to younger people or friends)
- 차가 고장 났는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 시동이 안 걸린다. (to younger people or friends)
- 시동이 안 걸리네. (to younger people or friends)
- 시동이 안 걸려. (to younger people or friends)
- 시동이 안 걸리는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 차가 고장 났네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 차가 고장 났어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 차가 고장 났는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 시동이 안 걸리네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 시동이 안 걸려요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 시동이 안 걸리는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 시동이 안 걸립니다. (formal; honourific by '-ㅂ')

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 차가 고장 났습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -가 : a particle makes 차 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 고장  [故障] trouble; a breakdown; [=결함] defect; something wrong
- 기계[엔진 / 전화]의 고장 : mechanical[engine / telephone] trouble
- 전기의 고장 : an electricity failure
- 고장 없이 : without trouble / smoothly / well / all right

* -이 : a particle makes 고장 subjective after a words ends in a consonant

* 나다 : [=발생하다] happen; come to pass[happen]; come about; occur; take place; turn up; break out; rise; arise; spring[come] up

* 난 : past tense of 나다 by '-ㄴ'

* 고장 난 : broken (machine etc)

* 났다 : past tense of 나다 by ‘-았-‘

* 났는데요 : 났(the stem of 났다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 났습니다 : 났(the stem of 났다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 시동 : [始動] starting
- 시동을 걸다 : switch on the ignition / start
- 엔진의 시동이 걸렸다 : The engine started
- 이 기계는 시동이 걸렸다 : My practice finally started to go well. / I finally got going on my practice
- 우리는 엔진의 시동이 잘 걸리지 않아서 애를 먹었다 : We had difficulty starting (up) the engine
- 시동 장치 : a starting device[gear / system]

* -이 : a particle makes 시동 subjective after a words ends in a consonant

* 안 : this is equal to "not" in English

* 걸다 : (1) [=매달다] hang ; hook; suspend (2) [=작동시키다] start to work
- 모자를 못에 걸다 : hang a hat on a peg
- 달력을 걸다 : hang a calendar on the wall
- 발동을 걸다 : start an engine / set an engine going
- 브레이크를 걸다 : put on[apply] the brakes
- 재료를 기계에 걸다 : put the material in the machine

* 걸었다 : past tense of 걸다 by '-었-'

* 걸리다 : (1) (그림·해 등이) hang, be hung (2) (장애물·구멍 등에) catch, be caught, be[get] stuck (in); (기계 등에 끼이다) be[get] jammed; (발이) trip, stumble (3) (그물·덫 등에) (그물 등에) be[get] caught [entangled], (덫에) be trapped [entrapped] (4) (시간이) take (time) (5) require (6) cost (7) [=작동되다•작동하다] work; run; go; operate <-- passive form of 걸다 by '-리-'
- 모자가 못에 걸려 있다 : A hat is hung on a peg
- 돌에 걸려 넘어지다 : trip[stumble] on[over] a stone and fall down
- 덫에 걸리다 : be caught in a trap[snare]
- 여기 오는 데 시간이 꽤 걸렸다 : It took a long time to get here
- 시동이 걸렸다 The engine has started
- 제동이 안 걸린다 The brake won't work

* 걸렸다 : past tense of 걸리다 by '-였-'; 었 changed into 였 after 리 for easy pronunciation

* 걸리는데요 : 걸리(the stem of 걸리다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 걸립니다 : 걸리(the stem of 걸리다; 리 + -ㅂ contracted into 립) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 왜 : why (this is the same etymology with "why" in English)

* 이러하다 = 이렇다 : [Pronunciation: 이럳따] [=이와 같다] like this; this sort[kind] of

* 이런 : a short form of 이러한(like this)

* 이렇게 : [Pronunciation: 이러케] an adverb form of 이렇다; like this

* 늦은 : [Pronunciation: 느즌] late
* 늦다 : [Pronunciation: 늗따] be late
* 늦게 : an adverb form of 늦다

* 늦었다 : past tense of 늦다 by '-었-'

* 늦었어? : 늦었(the stem of 늦었다) + -어(an interrogative verb ending suffix)

* 미안(하다) : be sorry (for)
* 미안한 : sorry

* 미안해 : 미안하(the stem of 미안하다; 하 + -어 contracted into 해) + -어(a declarative verb ending suffix)

* 오다 : come

* 오는 : 오(the stem of 오다) + -는(a suffix makea a verb present tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 길 : way; road
* 도로 : road

* difference between 길 and 도로 : <도로> 사람, 차 따위가 잘 다닐 수 있도록 만들어 놓은 비교적 넓은 길. 그러니까 사전적 의미로만 따져 보면, 동물의 통행이 가능한가의 여부가 길과 도로의 구분점인 셈이다. 즉 '길'은 동물이 지나갈 수 있는 공간이지만, '도로'는 그렇지 못하다(<도로> A relatively wide 길 that is designed to allow people and cars to travel well. In terms of dictionary meaning alone, whether animals can pass through is the distinction between 길 and 도로. In other words, a '길' is a space where animals can pass, but a '도로' is not)

* difference between 대로 and 로 : ‘대로(大路)’는 왕복 8차로(도로의 폭은 40m) 이상인 도로, ‘로(路)’는 왕복 2차로(도로 폭 12m) 이상 8차로 미만 도로이다. ‘길(街)’은 ‘로’보다 좁은 도로를 뜻한다(대로 means a 도로 with eight round-trip lanes (40 meters wide) or more, and 로 means two round-trip lanes (12 meters wide) or more and less than eight lanes. 길(街) means a 도로 narrower than 로)

* but, 길 may cover 도로, 대로, 로 etc

* -에 / -에서 : a place suffix


Let&#39;s learn about &quot;자동차 점검을 하러 왔어요&quot;

자동차 점검을 하러 왔어요 : I’m here for the inspection; I need to check up on my car; My car needs to be checked out; I need to get my car inspected.

* ~을 조사하다/확인하다 : check up on

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔다. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔네. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔어. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 자동차 : [自動車] a car; <英> a motorcar; an automobile; an auto
- 고물 자동차 = 고물차 : a used car / a flivver / a jalopy / an old banger.
- 영업용 자동차 = 영업용 차 : motorcars for business use / trade cars
- 임대 자동차 = 임대차 : a rent-a-car / a rental car
- 소형[중형/대형] 자동차 : a compact[medium-sized / large] car
- 유개[무개] 자동차 : a closed[an open] car
- 지붕을 접을 수 있는 자동차 : a convertible car
- 장갑차 : [장갑(裝甲車] an armored car
- 전기 자동차 = 전기차 : an electromobile / an electric motorcar
- 포장형 자동차 : a convertible (coupe[sedan])
- 화물 자동차 = 화물차 : a truck / a (motor) lorry
- 자동차로 가다 : go by (motor) car
- 자동차로 여행하다 : make a motor trip
- 자동차로 드라이브 가다 : go (out) for a drive
- 자동차에 타다 : ride in a car / take[go for] a ride in a car
- 자동차로 운반하다 : motor
- 휴일에 자동차로 놀러 가다 : drive out on one's holiday tour
- 자동차에 태워 주다 : give a ride[lift](in a car)
- 자동차를 운전하다 : drive a car[an automobile].
- 자동차를 세워 두다 : park a car
- 지금은 자동차시대(이)다 : This is an[the] age of motorcars
- 댁까지 자동차로 모셔다 드리지요 : [자기 차로(by his car)] I'll drive you home. / [택시로(by taxi)] I'll take you home in a cab

* -를 : a particle makes 자동차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 조사 : [照査] (an) examination by reference ; a check (up); verification; collation
* 조사하다 = 조사를 하다 : check; check up (on); examine by reference ; verify; collate

* 조사 : [弔詞·弔辭] [=죽음의 슬픔을 나타낸 글] words[a letter] of condolence; a memorial[funeral] address
* 조사를 하다 : express one's condolence / [=연설을 하다] make a memorial address (조사하다 not used for this meaning)

* 조사 : [早死] [=일찍 죽음] a premature[an untimely / an early] death
* 조사하다 : [=어려서 죽다•일찍 죽다] die young; die an early[a premature] death; die at an early age; die before one's time

* 조사 : [助詞] 『문법(in grammer)』 a postpositional word functioning as an auxiliary to a main word; a postposition

* 조사 : [祖師] [=학파를 세운 사람] the founder of a religious sect[a school]

* 확인 : [Pronunciation: 화긴] [確認] confirmation; affirmation; certification; validation
- 무효의 확인을 청구하다 : 『法(in law)』 call for the affirmation of the nullity of resolution
* 확인하다 = 확인을 하다 :  confirm; affirm; certify; validate; identify; ascertain; make sure
- 확인되지 않은 : unconfirmed / naked

* 점검 : [點檢] (1) (an) inspection; (an) examination; (a) check (2) [인원(the number of persons)] a roll call
- 불시 점검 : a spot check[test]
- 엔진 점검 : an engine checkup
- 피복 점검 : inspection of clothing
- (자동차의) 정기[6개월] 점검 : a periodical[semiannual] inspection (of a car)

* 점검하다 = 점검을 하다 : (1) inspect; examine; check (2) call the roll
- 기계를 점검하다 : inspect[check] a machine
- …을 점검하겠습니다 : Please let me check ‥
- 그는 작업 인원을 점검했다 : He took a[the] roll call of the workers

* 점검했다: past tense of 점검하다 by '-었-'; 하 + -었 contracted into 했

* 점검하러 : 점검하(the stem of 점검하다) + -하러(in order to)

* 오다 : come (here)

* 왔다 : [Pronunciatin: 왇따] past tense of 오다 by '-았-'; 오 + -았 contracted into 왔

* 왔는데요 : 왔(the stem of 왔다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 왔습니다 : 왔(the stem of 왔다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’


Let's learn about "3중 추돌 사고였어요"

3중 추돌 사고였어요 : It was a three-car collision; The collision was with three cars


A. 어느 정도 사고였습니까? : How big was the accident?

B. 3중 충돌 사고였어요 : It was a three-car collision

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 3중 추돌 사고였다. (to younger people or friends)
- 3중 추돌 사고였네. (to younger people or friends)
- 3중 추돌 사고였어. (to younger people or friends)
- 3중 추돌 사고였는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 3중 추돌 사고였네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 3중 추돌 사고였어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 3중 추돌 사고였는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 3중 추돌 사고였습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -는 : a particle makes 차 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 3중 : [Pronunciation: 삼중] a three-car collision

* 중- : [重] [접두사(prefix)] 《일부 명사 앞에 붙어(attached bedore some nouns)》 (1) [겹쳤거나 합쳤음을 나타냄] overlap; repeat (2) [크고 무겁거나 중대함을 나타냄] heavy; high; great; serious
- 중모음.: a double vowel; a triple vowel
- 중노동 : heavy labor, hard labor
- 중장비 : heavy equipment

* -중 : [重] [접미사(postfix)] 《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어(attached after some nouns)》 (1) [겹쳤거나 합쳤음을 나타냄] overlap; repeat
- 2중 추돌 : two-car collision
- 3중 추돌 : three-car collision

* 추돌 : [追突] a rear-end collision; a bump
- 추돌을 당하여 차가 대파되었다 : Struck from behind, the car was damaged badly

* 추돌하다 : collide[run into] from behind
- 추돌하지 않도록 주의하시오 : Drive (your car) carefully so as not to collide with another car from behind.

* 사고 [事故] (1) [=나쁜 사건] an accident; [=비교적 작은 불행한 사건] a mishap; [=진행 등의 뜻하지 않은 지장] a hitch; an incident; an untoward event; a crack-up; trouble (2) [=사정·까닭] circumstances; reasons
- 교통 사고 : a traffic accident
- 사고를 일으키다 : cause an accident
- 비행기 사고를 당하다 : be in an airplane accident

* 이다 : be

* 였다 : past tense of 였다 by '-였-'; -었- changed into -였- for easy pronunciation <-- a short form of 이었다

* 였는데요 : 였(the stem of 였다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 였습니다 : 였(the stem of 였다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 정면 : [正面] the front[face]; the frontage; the front part; the facade
- 호텔의 정면 현관[입구] : the front entrance[door] of a hotel
- 정면으로 : [=직접] directly / [=똑바로] straight / [=마주 대하여] to one's face / right in one's face
- 적을 정면에서 공격하다 : make a frontal attack on the enemy
- 계획에 정면으로 반대하다 : oppose a plan squarely [openly]
- …의 얼굴을 정면으로 쳐다보다 : look a person (straight / full) in the face
- 어려운 문제에 정면으로 부딪치다 : tackle a difficult problem head-on[squarely]

* 충돌 : [ 衝突] (1) [=서로 맞부딪침] a collision; a clash; a bump; an impact; [몇 대의 차의] a pileup (2) [=불일치·불화] a conflict; a clash; a collision; a discord; a feud; a quarrel
- 3중 충돌 : a three-way collision
- 정면 충돌 : a frontal clash / a head-on collision
- 자동차의 충돌 : a car crash
- 연쇄 충돌 : a multicar collision / a pileup
- 군사적 충돌 : a military collision
- 무력 충돌 : an armed conflict
- 감정의 충돌 : an emotional[a temperamental] clash
- 이해의 충돌 : a conflict[clash] of interests
- 의견의 충돌 : a conflict of opinions / a collision of views

* 충돌하다 : collide[come into collision] ; run[smash / crash / bump]
- 정면으로 충돌하다 : clash[collide] head-on 
- 충돌하여 침몰하게 하다 : run down
- 5,6대의 차가 연쇄 충돌했다 : There was a pileup of five or six cars. / Five or six cars were involved in a pileup
- 두 대의 자동차가 정면 충돌했다 : The two cars collided head-on[had a head-on collision]
- 나는 상점에서 튀어나온 사나이와 충돌했다 : I collided with a man who dashed out of a shop

* 정면 충돌 : head-on collision

* 어느 : how much

* 정도 : [正道] [정 : low picth and long sound] the right path[way / track]
- 정도에 어긋나는 행위 : an unrighteous[unjust] act
- 정도를 밟다 : tread the path of righteousness[virtue] / be righteous[upright]
- 정도로 이끌다 : guide into the right path
- 그는 어쩌다가 정도에서 벗어났다 : On the spur of the moment he strayed[deviated] from the right path

* 정도 : [程度] [middle picth and short sound] (a) degree; extent; a level; rate; (a) grade; (a) standard
- 생활 정도 : the standard of living / living standard
- 지능 정도 : the intellectual standard
- 손해의 정도 : the extent of loss[damage]
- 고교 졸업 정도의 학력  :academic ability equal to that of a high school graduate
- 정도가 높다[낮다] : be of high[low] standard[grade]

* 사고였습니까? : 사고 + 였(the stem of 였다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)

Let's learn about "피해"

* 피해 : [被害] damage; (an) injury; harm; [=사상] casualtie <-- 피(suffer) + 해(injury; harm)

- 태풍에 의한 피해 : damage caused by a typhoon
- 피해가 많다 : suffer heavily
- 피해가 적다 : suffer lightly
- 피해를 입다 : be damaged / be injured / suffer damage
- 피해를 주다 : [농작물 등에(on crops, etc)] damage / do damage / [주로 남에게(to mainly others)] injure / do harm
- 피해를 모면하다 : be intact / come out unhurt / [사람(human being)] escape injury
- 그 사고로 지나가는 사람이 피해를 입었다 : Some passersby were injured in the accident
- 전원이 피해를 입지 않았다 : No harm came to us. / All of us escaped injury
- 화재를 만났지만 창고의 물건은 피해를 면했다 : The goods in the storehouse remained intact[were undamaged] despite the fire
- 우리 측엔 인명 피해가 없었다 : We suffered no casualties. / There were no casualties on our side
- 올 겨울의 폭설로 중앙선 피해가 가장 컸다 : The Chung-angson of the National Railways suffered most from the heavy snowfalls this winter
- 마을이 입은 홍수 피해는 막심했다[가벼웠다] : The village suffered heavy[only slight] damage from the flood
- 그는 지난번 태풍으로 큰 피해를 입었다 : He suffered a great deal of damage from the recent typhoon.
- 이 고장은 대지진으로 피해를 입었다 : This area was hit by a great earthquake
- 피해액 : the amount of damage; [범위·정도(scope and degree)] the extent of damage; the damage
- 피해자 : a victim; a sufferer; the injured person
- 홍수 피해자 : the victims of the flood
- 피해 지역[지구] : the damaged[stricken / suffering] district

Let&amp;#39;s learn about &amp;quot;손해&amp;quot;

* 손해 : [損害] [=손상] damage; (an) injury; harm; [=손실] a loss <-- 손(lose over; suffer from) + 해(injury; harm)

- 손해와 이득 : losses and gains
- 물적 손해 : property damage
- 완전 손해 : a complete[dead] loss
- 손해보는 거래 : a bad bargain
- 폭격[홍수]에 의한 손해 : damage from[caused by] bombing[a flood]
- 2천만 원의 손해 : twenty million won worth of damage
- 손해를 보다 : lose / suffer a loss
- 큰 손해를 보다 : suffer heavy[serious / extensive] damage / be heavily[seriously] damaged
- 손해를 입히다 : damage / cause damage
- 1만 원 손행보다 : suffer a loss[deficit] of ten thousand won
- 1만 원 손해보고 팔다 : sell at a loss of ten thousand won
- 손해를 변상하다 : make good the damage / cover (up) a loss
- 그로 인해 약 5,000만 원의 손해가 났다 : It caused damage to the extent of[amounting to] some fifty million won
- 태풍으로 벼농사에 큰 손해가 났다 : The typhoon devastated the rice crop
- 우리는 이번 태풍으로 큰 손해를 보았다 : We suffered great damage because of this typhoon
- 「싫다」는 말을 못하는 사람은 결국 손해보기 쉬운 성격이다 : People who can't say no tend to come out on the losing end
- 그것 때문에 손해(를) 보는 일은 없을 것이다 : You won't be the loser by it. / You will lose nothing by it. / You won't come out any the worse for it
- 그는 키가 작아서 손해를 보고 있다 : The fact that he is short works against him
- 손해 보험 : insurance against loss; indemnity[nonlife] insurance; [=재산 손해 보험] property insurance
- 손해액 : the amount of damages
- 손해율 : loss ratio
- 손해 증명 : certification of damage

Let&#39;s learn about &quot;차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌어요&quot;

차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌어요 : The front right is damaged; The right side in the front is damaged.

* 손해를 입다, 피해를 입다 : damage

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌다. (to younger people or friends)
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌네. (to younger people or friends)
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌어. (to younger people or friends)
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 차 오른쪽이 찌그러졌습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -가 : a particle makes 차 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 찌그러진 : [=비틀린] distorted / warped / [=타원형이 된] oval
- 이 원은 찌그러졌다 : This circle is misshapen
- 지진으로 대문간과 창이 찌그러졌다 : The doorways and windows were warped[forced out of shape] by the earthquake
- 구두 모양이 찌그러졌다 : My shoes have lost their shape
- 이런 식으로 만든 웃옷은 모양이 잘 찌그러지지 않습니다 : A coat of this style will keep[retain] its shape

* 찌그러지다 : [=비틀려지다] be distorted / be warped / [=타원형이 되다] be oval <-- 찌그리(the stem of 찌그리다; 리 + -어 contracted into 러) + -어(a connective suffix between two verbs) + -지다(A suffix that means "to have such a quality" or "to be that shape" and makes the word an adjective: ‘그런 성질이 있음’ 또는 ‘그런 모양임’의 뜻을 더하고 형용사로 만드는 접미사)

* 짜그러지다 : a weak form of 찌그러지다

* 찌그리다 : (1) [=찌그러뜨리다•찌그러지게 하다] squish; squash, squeeze; [=눌러서 찌그러지게 하다] press down to crush (2) frown (some of one's muscles or eyebrows)
- 운동화를 찌그려 신다 : wear a pair of sneakers after Fold the back with them

* 짜그리다 : a weak form of 찌그리다

* 찌그러뜨리다 : 찌그리(the stem of 찌그리다; 리 + -어 contracted into 러) + -어(a connective suffix between two verbs) + -뜨리디(A suffix used to mean an emphasis: ‘강조’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사)

* -게 하다 : (1) An expression used to order someone to do a certain thing or to make something work: 남에게 어떤 행동을 하도록 시키거나 물건이 어떤 작동을 하게 만듦을 나타내는 표현) (2) An expression used to accept or allow a certain act of another person: 다른 사람의 어떤 행동을 허용하거나 허락함을 나타내는 표현)
- 자기야! 우리 얘들 원하는대로 하게 하자 : Honey, let's do what our kids want

* 찌그려졌다 : past tense of 찌그러지다 by '-였-'; 지 + -였 contracted into 졌; -었- changed into -였- after 지 for easy pronunciation

* 찌그러졌는데요 : 찌그러지(the stem of 찌그러지다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 찌그러졌습니다 : 찌그러지(the stem of 찌그러지다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 손해 : [損害] [=손상] damage; (an) injury; harm; [=손실] a loss <-- 손(lose over; suffer from) + 해(injury; harm)

* 피해 : [被害] damage; (an) injury; harm; [=사상] casualtie <-- 피(suffer) + 해(injury; harm)

* -를 : a particle makes 손해 / 피해 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 입다 : (1) wear; put on (2) suffer (an injury; a harm etc)
* 당하다 : suffer (an injury; a harm etc)


Let's learn about "갑자기 개가 뛰어들었어요"

갑자기 개가 뛰어들었어요 : A dog came out of nowhere; A dog jumped out from nowhere

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었다. (to younger people or friends)
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었네. (to younger people or friends)
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었어. (to younger people or friends)
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었다. (to younger people or friends)
- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었네. (to younger people or friends)
- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었어. (to younger people or friends)
- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 갑자기 개가 뛰어들었습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

- 개가 갑자기 뛰어들었습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 개 : a dog
* -가 : a particle makea 개 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 갑자기 : [Pronunciation: 갑짜기] [=별안간] suddenly; on a sudden; all of a sudden; all at once; abruptly; [=뜻밖에] unexpectedly; without warning[notice]
- 갑자기 나타나다 : burst on the scene
- 갑자기 돌아오다 : return unexpectedly
- 갑자기 돌아서다 : turn back abruptly
- 갑자기 해고하다 : dismiss without notice
- 그는 지난 달 말(에) 갑자기 해고되었다 : He was fired suddenly at the end of last month
- 갑자기 시험을 치르다 : give an examination without notice
- 그녀는 갑자기 울음을 터뜨렸다 : She burst into tears / She burst out crying
- 갑자기 일이 생겨서 저는 참석할 수 없습니다 : I cannot attend owing to an unexpected business
- 나는 갑자기 제정신으로 돌아왔다 : All of a sudden I came to my senses
- 그 사건 이후 그는 갑자기 늙었다 : He suddenly aged after that incident
- 한랭 전선이 다가옴에 따라 기온이 갑자기 떨어졌다 : The temperature dropped quickly[plummeted] with the arrival of a cold fron
- 부친의 병세가 갑자기 나빠졌다 : My father's illness took a sudden turn for a worse
- 갑자기 물어서 죄송합니다만… : Excuse my abrupt question, but ‥

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -에 : a particle makes 내 차 / 제 차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 뛰다 : run
* 들다 : enter into

* 뛰어 : [Pronunciation: 바다] 뛰(the stem of 뛰다) + -어(a connective suffix between two verbs)
* 뛰어 들다 = 뛰어들다 : jump[spring / plunge / leap / dive] in[into]
- 뛰어들기 : a plunge / [수영의 다이빙] diving / a dive
- 바다에 뛰어들다 : jump into the sea
- 물속으로 뛰어들다 : go[plunge] into the water
- 철도로 뛰어들다 : throw oneself on a track
- 품속으로 뛰어들다 : [Pronunciation: 품쏘그로 뛰어들다] fly to[into] (a person's) arms
- 어제 할머니가 저의 집을 방문했을 때, 손녀는 할머니 품속으로 반가워서 뛰어들었다 : When my grandmother visited my house yesterday, my daughter jumped into her grandmother's arms with pleasure

* 뛰어들었다 : [Pronunciation: 뛰어드럳따] past tense of 뛰어들다 by '-았-'

* 뛰어들었는데요 : 뛰어들었(the stem of 뛰어들었다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 뛰어들었습니다 : 뛰어들었(the stem of 뛰어들었다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific; 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’


Let&amp;#39;s learn about &amp;quot;트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았어요&amp;quot;

트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았어요 : The truck crashed into me from behind ;The truck behind me bumped into my car; The truck came from behind; The truck hit me from behind.


A. 트럭이 뒤에서 받았어 : The truck crashed into me from behind.

B. 안 다쳐서 천만다행이다 : Good thing that you didn’t get hurt

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았다. (to younger people or friends)
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았네. (to younger people or friends)
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았어. (to younger people or friends)
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았다. (to younger people or friends)
- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았네. (to younger people or friends)
- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았어. (to younger people or friends)
- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 트럭이 뒤에서 제 차를 받았습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

- 뒤에서 트럭이 제 차를 받았습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 뒤 : [=뒤쪽] the back; the rear
- 뒤의 : back / rear / hind / posterior / backward
- 뒤에 : after / behind / back / backward(s) / in the rear / at[on] the back
- 뒤에서 : from the back
- 뒤에서 본 모습 : one's appearance from the back
- 차 바로 뒤에 : just behind a car
- 뒤로 돌다 : about-face / about-turn
- 누가 나를 뒤에서 밀었다 : Someone pushed me from behind

* -에서 : a place suffix means "a place where a thing takes place"

* 트럭 : truck
* -이 : a particle makea 트럭 subjective after a word ends in a consonant

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -를 : a particle makes 내 차 / 제 차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 받다 : [Pronunciation: 받따] (1) receive (2) butt; gore; beat[bump] against[on]
- 머리로 벽을 받다 : dash one's head against the wall
- 염소가 그의 배를 받았다 : The goat butted him in the stomach

* 받아 : [Pronunciation: 바다] 받(the stem of 받다) + -아(a connective suffix between two verbs)

* 받았다 : past tense of 받다 by '-았-'

* 받았는데요 : 받았(the stem of 받았다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 받았습니다 : 받았(the stem of 받았다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 버리다 : [=내던지다] throw[fling / chuck / cast] away; dump (waste)
- 쓰레기를 버리다 : dump refuse
- 필요없는 것을 버리다 : drop[throw] a useless thing into the discard
- 한 번 쓰고 버리다 : use only once and then throw away
- 헌신짝처럼 버리다 : throw away[cast aside] like an old shoe[hat]
- 그는 젊고 예쁜 여자와 바람이 나서 그동안 사랑했던 아내를 헌신짝처럼 버렸다 : He had an affair with a young and pretty woman and abandoned his wife, whom he had loved so far

* 버렸다 : past tense of 버리다 by '-였-'; 지 + -였 contracted into 졌; -었- changed into -였- after 버 for easy pronunciation

* 받아 버리다 : (1) receive a gift, etc. unexpectedly  (2) hit a thing badly
- 그날 어떨결에 그가 준 선물을 받아 버렸다. 그날 이후 그래서 우린 사귀는 사이가 되고 말았다 : Somehow I received the gift he gave me that day. That's why we became friends after that day
- 앞차를 받아 버리다 : hit the car in front of one badly

* 버렸는데요 : 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 버렸습니다 : 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 안 : this is equal to "not" in English

* 다치다 : be injured
* 다쳤다 : past tense of 다치다 by '-였-'
* 다치셨다 : honourific form of 다쳤다 by '시'

 * 받아서: 받다(the stem of 받다) + -아서/-어서/-여서(because of; because)

* 천만다행[千萬多幸] = 만만다행[萬萬多幸] great good fortune[luck]; a stroke of good luck <-- 천만(10 million) + 다행(good fortune)
- 천만다행으로 : very fortunately[luckily] / by good fortune
- 천만다행으로 내 시도는 성공했다 : I was fortunate enough to succeed in my attempt
- 다친 것이 그만하기 천만다행입니다 : You were lucky not to have been hurt seriously
- 거기서 그를 만난 것은 천만다행이었다 : It was by a stroke of good luck[It was really providential] that I met him there. / I found him there by pure luck

* 이다 : be

* 다행 : [多幸] (good) luck; good fortune; happiness
- 불행 중 다행 : a happy feature of a misfortune
- 목숨을 건진 것이 무엇보다도 다행이다 : You may bless your stars that you have escaped with your life
- 여기서 너를 만나게 되어 다행이다 : It's rare good luck that I could see you here

* 다행한 = 다행스러운 : lucky; fortunate; happy
- 다행스런 사건 : a happy accident
- 내가 오늘 여기에 있었던 것은 정말 다행한 일이다 : It is a lucky stroke for me that I happened to be here today

* 다행히 : fortunately; luckily; by good luck[fortune]
- 다행히 일이 잘되면 : with luck on one side / if fortune smiles upon on
- 다행히(도) …하다 : be lucky enough to do / have the good fortune[luck] to do

* 다행스럽다 : [=다행하다: rarely used] be lucky; be fortunate; be happy

Let's learn about "앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸어요"

앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸어요 = 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸어요: I didn’t see the car in front of me, and I bumped into it; I crashed into the car in front of me. I didn’t see it; I hit the car in front of me because I didn’t see it.

* 부딪치다 : bump
* 충돌하다 : crash

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸다. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸네. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸어. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸다. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸네. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸어. (to younger people or friends)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 앞(의) 차를 못 보고 받아 버렸습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

- 앞(의) 차를 못 봐서 받아 버렸습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 앞 : [=전면] the front; the fore part; [=전방] ahead; beyond; off; away
- 앞의 차량 = 앞의 차 : the front cars[carriages

* -의 : a suffix makes 앞 possesive: this  can be omittes

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -를 : a particle makes 앞의 차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 못 : this makes a following verb negative: can't ~

* 보다 : see: look: watch

* 보고 : 보(the stem of 보다) + -고(A connective ending used when listing words that have opposite meanings: 서로 뜻이 반대되는 말을 나열할 때 쓰는 연결 어미; in this case, this means "because of")

* 봐서: 보(the stem of 보다; 보 + -아 contracted into 봐) + -아서/-어서/-여서(because of; because)

* 받다 : [Pronunciation: 받따] (1) receive (2) butt; gore; beat[bump] against[on]
- 머리로 벽을 받다 : dash one's head against the wall
- 염소가 그의 배를 받았다 : The goat butted him in the stomach

* 받아 : [Pronunciation: 바다] 받(the stem of 받다) + -아(a connective suffix between two verbs)

* 버리다 : [=내던지다] throw[fling / chuck / cast] away; dump (waste)
- 쓰레기를 버리다 : dump refuse
- 필요없는 것을 버리다 : drop[throw] a useless thing into the discard
- 한 번 쓰고 버리다 : use only once and then throw away
- 헌신짝처럼 버리다 : throw away[cast aside] like an old shoe[hat]
- 그는 젊고 예쁜 여자와 바람이 나서 그동안 사랑했던 아내를 헌신짝처럼 버렸다 : He had an affair with a young and pretty woman and abandoned his wife, whom he had loved so far

* 버렸다 : past tense of 버리다 by '-였-'; 지 + -였 contracted into 졌; -었- changed into -였- after 버 for easy pronunciation

* 받아 버리다 : (1) receive a gift, etc. unexpectedly  (2) hit a thing badly
- 그날 어떨결에 그가 준 선물을 받아 버렸다. 그날 이후 그래서 우린 사귀는 사이가 되고 말았다 : Somehow I received the gift he gave me that day. That's why we became friends after that day
- 앞차를 받아 버리다 : hit the car in front of one badly

* 버렸는데요 : 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 버렸습니다 : 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

Let's learn about "미끄러지다"

* 미끄러지다 has the following two meanings

1) [=활주하다] slide; glide; slip; skid. off

- 미끄러지듯이 : glidingly
- 얼음 위를 미끄러지다 : slide on the ice
- 바나나 껍질에 미끄러지다 : slip on a banana peel
- 미끄러져 내려가다 : slide down
- 미끄러져 넘어지다 : slip and fall
- 얼음판에서 미끄러져 넘어지다 : slip and fall on the ice
- 미끄러져 떨어지다 : slip off[down]
- 계단에서 미끄러져 떨어지다 : slip[slither] down the stairs
- 미끄러지기 시작하다 : start sliding / begin to slide[slip]
- 발이 미끄러졌다 : My foot slipped
- 계단에서 미끄러져 바닥으로 떨어졌다 : I slipped on the stairs and fell to the bottom
- 미끄러지지 않도록 조심하라 : Watch your steps so as not to slip
- 체조 선수가 착지했을 때 왼발이 미끄러졌다 : When the gymnast landed, his left foot slipped
- 카누는 호수 위를 미끄러져 나갔다 : The canoe glided over the lake

2) [낙방하다] fail (in) an examination; get plucked in an examination

- 나는 대학 입시에서 미끄러졌다 : I failed my university entrance examinations

Let&amp;#39;s learn about &amp;quot;빗길에 차가 미끄러졌어요&amp;quot;

빗길에 차가 미끄러졌어요 : The car skidded off because of the rain; The road was wet and the car slipped.


A. 사고가 어떻게 난 거니? : How did the accident happen?

B. 차가 빗길에 미끄러졌지 뭐야 : The car skidded off because of the rain

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌다. (to younger people or friends)
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌네. (to younger people or friends)
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌어. (to younger people or friends)
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 빗길에 차가 미끄러졌습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 빗길 : a rainy road, or a road covered with rainwater <-- 비(rain) + ㅅ(a connective character between two nouns) + 길(a way; a road)
- 빗길에 운전 조심해라 : Be careful driving in the rain road

* -에 : a place suffix

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -가 : a particle makes 차 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 미끄러지다 : slide; glide; slip; skid. off
* 미끄러졌다 : past tense of 미끄러지다 by '-였-'; 지 + -였 contracted into 졌; -었- changed into -였- after 지 for easy pronunciation

* 미끄러졌는데요 : 미끄러졌(the stem of 미끄러졌다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 미끄러졌습니다 : 미끄러졌(the stem of 미끄러졌다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 사고 : [社告] an announcement by a company

* 사고 [事故] (1) [=나쁜 사건] an accident; [=비교적 작은 불행한 사건] a mishap; [=진행 등의 뜻하지 않은 지장] a hitch; an incident; an untoward event; a crack-up; trouble (2) [=사정·까닭] circumstances; reasons
- 교통 사고 : a traffic accident
- 사고를 일으키다 : cause an accident
- 비행기 사고를 당하다 : be in an airplane accident
- 사고를 방지[적게] 하다 : prevent[reduce] accidents
- 사고가 일어났다 : There has been an accident
- 아무런 사고도 없이 끝났다 : It ended without mishap. / [=아무런 지장없이 끝났다]It ended off without a hitch
- 사고로 퇴학[결석]하다 : leave[be absent from] school owing to circumstances beyond one's control
- 무슨 사고로 오지 못했습니까? = 무슨 사고로 못 왔습니까? : What kept you from coming?

* 어떻다 : [Pronunciation: 어떧타] be how
* 어떻게 : [Pronunciarion: 어떠케] (1) [=어찌] how; in what way[manner]; by what means (2) [=몹시] how (much); what; so; to what extent (3) [=어떻게든] anyway; anyhow (4) [=무엇] what
- 이 소란을 어떻게(든) 좀 해주시오 : Do something about this racket

* 나다 : (1) come out; spring out (2) occur; happen
* 난다 : present tense of 나다 by '-ㄴ'

* 난 : 나(the stem of 나다; 나 + -ㄴ contracted into 난) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 거 : a short form of 것(thing)
* 이다 : be

* 거니? : a short form of 것이니?
* 거냐? : a short form of 것이냐?
* 거야? : a short form of 것이야?
* 건가? : a short form of 것인가?
* 건지? : a short form of 것인지?
* 거지? : a short form of 것이지?

* 건가요? : a short form of 것인가요?
* 건지요? : a short form of 것인지요?
* 거지요? : a short form of 것이지요?
* 거죠? : a short form of 것이죠?
* 거예요? : a short form of 것이에요?
* 겁니까? : a short form of 것입니까?

* 미끄러졌지 : 미끄러졌(the stem of 미끄러졌다) + -지(a non-honourific declarative verb ending suffix: A sentence-final ending used when the speaker talks about himself/herself or his/her thoughts in a friendly manner: 말하는 사람이 자신에 대한 이야기나 자신의 생각을 친근하게 말할 때 쓰는 종결 어미)

* 뭐야 : a short form of 무었이야; but this means only "as you know" or "to one's misfortune" when 뭐야 used at the end of a sentence

* 무엇이야 : 무엇(what) + -이(the stem of 이다: be) + -야(a non-honourific declarative verb ending suffix)


Let&#39;s learn about &quot;견인 지역입니다&quot;

견인 지역입니다 : Tow away zone; This is a tow away zone; Cars will be towed at your own expense

* 견인하다 : tow away
* 본인 부담으로 : at one’s own expense


A. 여기는 견인 지역이에요. 견인 비용은 위반자가 부담하실 겁니다 : This is a tow away zone. Your car will be towed at your own expense

B. 아주 잠깐이면 될거예요 : It will take only 30 seconds. That’s all

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 견인 지역이다. (to younger people or friends)
- 견인 지역이네. (to younger people or friends)
- 견인 지역이야. (to younger people or friends)

- 견인 지역이네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 견인 지역이에요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 견인 지역입니다. (honourific by ‘-요’)

* [Memo]
* Extreme honorifics(극존칭) are not used when the subject(주어) is not a person(사람). In other words, extreme honorifics(극존칭) are used only when the subject(주어) is a person(사람) :  주어가 사람이 아닌 경우는 극존칭을 사용하지 않는다. 즉, 주어가 사람인 경우에만 극존칭을 사용한다

* 여긴 : a short form of 여기는
* 여기 : here
* -는 : a particle makes 여기 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 견인 : [堅忍] [=참음•견딤]  (dogged) perseverance; fortitude; stoicism
* 견인하다 : [참다•견디다] persevere; bear patiently; endure undauntedly

* 견인 : [牽引] traction; hauling; towing
* 견인하다 : [=끌다•끌고 가다] pull; draw; haul; tow
- 내 차를 다른 차로 견인하였다 : I had my car towed by another car
- 견인력 : the force of traction; tractive force; pulling capacity; traction (power)
- 견인차 : a tractor; motive power
* 견인되다 : be towed away

* 지역 : [地域] [=구역] an area; a region; a district; a zone
- 공업 지역 : a manufacturing area
- 지역적 = 지역적인 : local / regional
- 지역별로 : by regional groups
- 강수량이 많은 지역 : a region with a great deal of precipitation
- 개발 유보 지역 : reserved development district
- 개발 촉진 지역 : development promoted district
- 개발 제한 지역 : limited development district
- 지역에 따라 다르다 : vary a different localities

* See about "지역•구역•지구•지경 등" : https://wordslanguage.tistory.com/33 (구역,지역,지구의 뜻과 차이_지경, 한자로 의미 파악하기)

* 이다 : be

* 견인 지역이에요 : 견인 지역 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -에(a declarative verb ending suffix; -어 changed inot 에 for easy pronunciation) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 견인 지역입니다 : 견인 지역 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a noun + -(이)다 / -(이)네 / -(이)야 / -인데 : a non-honourific descriptive form of 이다
* a noun + -(이)네 / -인데 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a noun + -이에요 / -예요 / -입니다 : an honourific descriptive form of 이다 by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ'

* -이에요 : this is used after a word ends in a consonant
ex) 생각뿐이에요 : I think of you only
* -예요 : : this is used after a word ends in a vowel
ex) 바다예요 : this is the sea

* 본인 : [=本人] (1) [=자기 자신] oneself (2) [=사람 자신] the person himself[herself] (3) [=(문제의) 당사자] the said person; the person in question; this can be replaced by the followings (너 / 언니 and so on)

* -의 : a suffix makes 본인 possesive

* 부담[負擔] : (1) a burden; a charge; responsibility; an onus; defrayment; a pack hamper
* 부담하다 : bear; take upon oneself; shoulder; share

* -으로/-로 : at; by (A postpositional particle that indicates a method or way to do something: 어떤 일의 방법이나 방식을 나타내는 조사)

[Usage of 부담하다]
* 부담시키다 : charge to / make bear[pay]
* 비용을 부담하다 : bear[shoulder / stand] the expense
* 손해를 부담하다 : account for the loss incurred
* 비용은 각자가 부담했다 : Each bore a part of the expense
* 부담이 되다 : be a burden[strain] / weigh
* 부담이 크다 : have too many things on one's hands
* 과중한 부담에 시달리다 : groan under a heavy burden
* 부담에 견디지 못하다 : cannot stand one's burden / be unable to bear a burden

* 비용 : [費用] [=지출] an expense; expenses; a cost; [=경비] costs
- 여행 비용 = 여행비 : traveling expenses
- 가변 비용 = 변동 비용 = 가변비 = 변동비 : variable cost
- 간접 비용 = 간접비 :: non-operation expenses
- 공공 비용 : public expense
- 제(諸) 비용 : (sundry[miscellaneous]) expenses
- 직접 비용 = 직접비 : direct expenses
- 소송 비용 = 소송비 : legal expenses
- 생활 비용 = 생활비 : living costs
- 생산 비용 = 생산비 : production costs
- 비용을 절감하다 : cut down[back] on expenses
- 불필요한 비용을 줄이다 : cut down on unnecessary expenses

* -은 : a particle makes 견인 비용 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a consonant

* 위법 : [違法] illegality; unlawfulness; lawbreaking
- 위법적인 : illegal / unlawful
- 위법적으로 : illegally / unlawfully / against the law
- 마약 매매는 위법이다 : It is against the law[illegal] to buy or sell narcotics
 -위법 건축물 : an illegally built house
- 위법성 illegality
- 위법 처분 : illegal disposition; illegal disposal
- 위법 행위 : an illegal[unlawful] act; an illegality; a delict; an injury; an irregularity; a malfeasance

* 위법하다 : break the law; violate[infringe / contravene] the law

* 위법자 : a lawbreaker; an offender (against the law) <-- 위법 + 자(a person)

* -가 : a particle makes 위법자 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 부담[負擔] : (1) a burden; a charge; responsibility; an onus; defrayment; a pack hamper
* 부담하다 : bear; take upon oneself; shoulder; share

* 부담하시다 : an honourific form of 부담하다 by '-시-'

* 부담하실 : 부담하시(the stem of 부담하시다; 시 + -ㄹ contracted into 실) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing; a stuff)
* 이다 : be

* 겁니다 : a short form of 것입니다
* 것입니다 : 것 + 이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -ㅂ contracted into 입) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific declarative verb ending suffix)

* 부담할 겁니다 / 부담하실 겁니다 : someone will bear[shoulder / stand] (the expense)

* -ㄹ 것이다 / -ㄹ 거예요 / -ㄹ 것이에요 / -ㄹ 겁니다 : It will ~
- 더 오래 걸릴 거예요 / 더 오래 걸릴 것이에요 : It will take long more

* 거다 = 것이다
* 거네 = 것이네 : 것 + -이다 + -네
* 거야 = 것이야 : 것 + -이다 + -야
* 건데 = 것인데 : 것 + -이다 + -ㄴ데
* 거예요 = 것이에요 : 것 + -이다 + -에 + -요
* 겁니다 = 것입니다 : 것 + -이다 + -ㅂ니다

* 아주 : (2) [=대단히] very (much); exceedingly; excessively; extremely; remarkably; greatly (2) [=전혀·완전히] quite; utterly; entirely; completely; perfectly; altogether

* 잠깐 = 잠시 : a while; a short time; <부사> just a minute[moment]; for a moment[while]; briefly
- 잠깐의 = 잠시의 : momentary / brief
- 그들의 즐거운 생활은 아주 잠깐이었다 : Their happy life together lasted but a short while
- 오래 기다렸던 휴일도 잠깐으로 끝나 버렸다  :My long-awaited holiday was over in a moment[flash]
- 잠깐 사이에 마을이 완전히 변했다 : The village changed completely in a very short time
- 잠깐만 기다려 주세요 = 잠시만 기다려 주세요 : Just a moment, please
- 잠깐 뵙고 싶은데요 : May I see you for just a moment[for a (little) while]?

* 이다 : be

* 잠깐이면 : 잠깐 + -이(the stem of 이다) + -면(if)

* 되다 : [=가능하다] can ; be able to ; be capable of ; be possible
- 될 수 있는 대로 as ‥ : as possible
- 만약 된다면 : if possible

* 될거다 : a short form of 될 것이다
* 될 : 되(the stem of 되다; 되 + -ㄹ contracted into 될) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing; a stuff)
* 이다 : be

* 거예요 : a short form of 것이에요
* 것이에요 : 것 + -이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -어 contracted into 에) + -어(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)


Let&#39;s learn about &quot;주차할 수 없어요&quot;

오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없어요 : No parking from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m; You can’t park here between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m; Parking is not allowed from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m; No standing or parking from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.


A. 오전9시부터 오후 7까지는 여기에 주차할 수 없어요 : You can’t park here between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

B. 7시 10분 전인데, 좀 봐주세요, 네? : Come on, it’s ten to seven. Give me a break, would you?

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없다. (to younger people or friends)
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없네. (to younger people or friends)
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없어. (to younger people or friends)
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없는데. (to younger people or friends)

- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없는데요. (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
-오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지는 (정차나) 주차할 수 없습니다. (formal; more honourific by ‘스-’)

* 죄송 : sorry
* 죄송하다 : be sorry
* -지만 : ..., but ~

* 오전 : [午前] the forenoon; the morning; a.m.[A.M]
* 오후 : [午後] afternoon; p.m[P.M]

[words about a day]
1) 3시 ~ 6시 30 분 : 새벽(dawn)
2) 6시 30 분 ~ 9시 : 아침(morning)
3) 9시 ~ 12시 : 오전(forenoon)
4) 12시 : 정오(at noon)
5) 12시 30분 ~ 17시 : 오후(afternoon)
6) 17시 ~ 20시 : 저녁(evening)
7) 20시 ~ 3시 : 밤(night)
8) 24 시 : 자정(midnight)

* 9시 : [Pronunciation: 아홉시] 9 o'clock
* 부터 : from

* 7시 : [Pronunciation: 일곱시] 7 o'clock
* 까지 : to; upto
* -
* -는 : a particle makes 오전 9시부터 오후 7시까지 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this emphasizes the phrase

* 여기 : here
* -에 : a place suffix

* 정차 [停車] a (short) stop; (short) stoppage
* -나 : either ... or ...
- 둘 중 하나를 선택하세요 : Choose either one or the other

* 주차 : [駐車] parking
* 주차하다 : park

* 주차할 : 주차하(the stem of 주차하다; 하 + -ㄹ contracted into 할) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 주차할 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* 없다 : [Pronunciation: 업따] be not ; don’t exist; there is not ; there are not

* 없는데요 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -는데(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 없어요 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 없습니다 : 없(the stem of 없다] + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific: 스 + -ㅂ니다 contracted into 습니다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -어 / -는데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -어 / -는데 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb +  -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ' / ‘-스-’

* 7시 : [Pronunciation: 일곱시] 7 o'clock
* 10분 : [Pronunciation: 십분] 10 minutes

* 전 : [前]1 before; once; formerly; previously
- 전처럼 : as before
- 전부터 : for some time (past)

* 이다 : be

* 전인데 : 전 + 이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -ㄴ contracted into 인) + -ㄴ데(A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow: 뒤의 말을 하기 위하여 그 대상과 관련이 있는 상황을 미리 말함을 나타내는 연결 어미)

* 좀 : Please (this doesn't mean "a little")

* 보다 : (1) see; look; watch (2) [=참다] bear; stand; put up with (3) [=허락하다] permit; allow
- 보자보자 하니 그가 너무 거만하여 참을 수 없다 : I can no longer put up with his arrogance. / His arrogance has almost exhausted my stock of patience

* 봐주다 : a short form of 보아주다
* 보아주다 : 보(the stem of 보다) + -아(a connective suffix between two verbs) + 주다(give; do an effort to do)

* 봐주다 : (1) take a look at (2) [=참다] bear; stand; put up with (3) [=허락하다] permit; allow

* 좀 봐주세요  has the following 3 meanings
(1) [=나 좀 보실래요] Please look at me 
(2) [=제발 제가 하게 해 주세요] Please give me a break
(3) [=허락해 주세요] please permit me

* 봐주세요 : 봐주(the stem of 봐주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -어 contracted into 세) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 네 / 예 : yes; ok

* 네? : this is a word used to strengthen a urge or plea and has the same nuance as "don't you. would you? would you?" at the end of an English sentence(독촉 혹은 간청을 좀 강하게 하기 위해서 사용하는 단어로서 영어 문장 끝의 “don’t you. wouldn’t you? would you? 같은 뉘앙스를 가진다)


Let's learn about "차를 빼 주시겠어요?"

(제 차가 나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주시겠어요? : Could you move your car?; Do you mind backing up?; Could you move up a little?; Would you let me out?; Mind moving your car so I can get out?


A. 차를 좀 빼 주세요. 우리 차를 막고 있어서 나갈 수가 없어요. : Could you move your car? It’s blocking our car in, and we can’t get out

B. 죄송하지만 제가 열쇠를 안 가지고 있어요. 아내가 가지고 갔는데 좀 있으면 올 겁니다 : I’m afraid I don’t have the key on me. My wife took the key, and she’ll be here shortly

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 줘. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 줘라. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 줄래. (honourific by ‘-요’)

- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 줘요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 줄래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주실래요. (more honourific by '시')
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주세요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주셔요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주시지요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주시죠. (more honourific by ‘시’; -시죠 is a short form of -시지요)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘시’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주시겠어요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- (나갈 수 있도록) 차를 빼 주시겠습니까. (more honourific by ‘시’)

* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -가 : a particle makes 차 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 나다 : come out; spring out
* 가다 : go
* 나가다 : go[get / head / stir / turn] out; step out <-- 나(the stem of 나다; 나 + -아 contracted into 나) + -아(a connective suffix between two verbs) + 가다
- 방에서 나가다 : go[get] out of a room
- 뜰로 나가다 : go out into the garden
- 산책 나가다 : go out for a walk

* 나갈 : 나가(the stem of 나가다; 가 + -ㄹ contracted into 갈) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 나갈 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do

* 있도록 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -도록(in order to do;
A connective ending used when the preceding statement is the purpose, result, method, amount, etc., of something mentioned in the following statement: 앞에 오는 말이 뒤에 오는 말에 대한 목적이나 결과, 방식, 정도임을 나타내는 연결 어미)

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck
* -를 : a particle makes 차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 빼다 : (1) take[put] out; get out; draw[pull / pluck] out; extract; draw off[pump out] ; drain off[away]; trim off (2) =[감하다] subtract ; [공제하다] deduct[subtract] ; take away[off] (3) move something to another place
- 서랍을 빼다 : pull[draw] out a drawer
- 이를 빼다 : extract[draw / pull out] a tooth / have a tooth out
- 권총을 빼다 : draw a revolver
- 칼을 번개같이 빼다 : whip out a sword
- (구경하려고) 목을 길게 빼다 : crane one's neck.
- 급료에서 세금을 뺀 금액 : the amount (left) after taxes are deducted from one's salary
- 5에서 3을 빼다 : subtract 3 from 5
- 차를 빼다 : move one's car to another place

* 빼 : 빼(the stem of 빼다; 빼 + -어 contracted into 여) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs)

* 주다 : (1) give (2) have an effort to in the sentence

* -어 주다 / -아 주다 / -여 주다 : (2) allow; permit (2) do an effort; keep (on)
- 결혼해 주다 : You allow someone to get married you
- 도와줄게 : I'll (do an effort to) help you
- 함께 있어 주다 : keep staying with

* 빼 주다 : move (with an effort) something

* 줘 : 주(the stem of  주다; 주 + -어 contracted into 줘) + -어(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please  ~")
* 줘라 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -어 contracted into 줘) + -어라(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래요 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄 + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주세요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -어 contracted into 세)+ -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주셔요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -여 contracted into 셔) + -여(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주실래요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -ㄹ contracted into 실) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주십시오 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -ㅂ contracted into 십) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 주시겠어요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주시겠습니까 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific: 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니까(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")

* a verb + -어 / -어라 / -ㄹ래 : a non-honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~"
* a verb + -어 / -ㄹ래 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -세요 / -셔요 / -실래요 / -십시오 / -ㅂ시오 / -시겠어요 / -시겠습니까 : an honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~”

* 후진 : [後陣] [=예비대] reserves; reserve troops[forces]; troops held in reserve; [=후위] a rear guard

* 후진 : [後進] (1) [=후배] a junior; a younger man[fellow]; the rising[younger] generation (2) [=후퇴] backing; backward motion; retreat; sternway (3) [=미발달] underdevelopment; backwardness; lagging (behind)
- 후진국 : [後進國] a backward country[nation]; a less developed country; an underdeveloped country
- 선진국 : [先進國] advanced country, developed country
- 후진성 : [後進性] backwardness

* 후진하다 : back up; back (away from); retrocede; go[move] astern; make sternway;

* 앞 : [=전면] the front; the fore part; [=전방] ahead
* -으로/-로 : to; towards

* 빼다 : move something to another place

* 앞으로 빼다 : move up

* 우리 : we (non-honourific word)
* 저희 : we (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 우리 / 저희 possesive like 우리의/저희의(our); this omitted

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck
* -를 : a particle makes 차 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 막다 : [Pronunciation: 막따] stop up; close; block: obturate; prevent; obstruct
* 막히다 : passive form of 막다 by '-히-'

* 막고 : 막(the stem of 막다) + -고(a connective suffix between two verbs makes a verb progressive)

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do
* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* -고 있다 : be ...ing; be in the middle of ...ing

* 있어서 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -어서/-아서/-여서(because of)

* 나가다 : go[get / head / stir / turn] out; step out <-- 나(the stem of 나다; 나 + -아 contracted into 나) + -아(a connective suffix between two verbs) + 가다

* 나갈 : 나가(the stem of 나가다; 가 + -ㄹ contracted into 갈) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 나갈 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* 없다 : [Pronunciation: 업따] be not ; don’t exist; there is not ; there are not

* 없는데요 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -는데(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 없어요 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 없습니다 : 없(the stem of 없다] + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific: 스 + -ㅂ니다 contracted into 습니다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 죄송 : sorry
* 죄송하다 : be sorry
* -지만 : ..., but ~

* 내 : my (non-honourific word)
* 제 : my (honourific word)
* -가 : a particle makes 내 / 제 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 열쇠 : key
* -를 : a particle makes 열쇠 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 안 : this is equal to "not" in English

* 가지다 : take; have
* 가지고 : 가지(the stem of 가지다) + -고(a connective suffix between two verbs makes a verb progressive)

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do
* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* -고 있다 : be ...ing; be in the middle of ...ing

* 있어요 : 있(the stem of 있다) + 어(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 있습니다 : 있(the stem of 있다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* 아내 : wife
* -가 : a particle makes 아내 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 가다 : go
* 갔다 : past tense of 가다 by '-았-'; 가 + -았 contracted into 갔

* 가지고 가다 : take something to someplace

* 갔는데 : 갔(the stem of 갔다) + -는데(A connective ending used to talk in advance about a situation to follow: 뒤의 말을 하기 위하여 그 대상과 관련이 있는 상황을 미리 말함을 나타내는 연결 어미)

* 좀 : a short form of 조금(a little)

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] [=경과하다] pass by[away]; go by; elapse
- 그는 1시간만 있으면 돌아옵니다 : He will be back in an hour('s time)
- 2, 3년만 있으면 만사가 잘될 것이다 : A few years more[out], and everything will be all right

* 있으면 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으면(if)

* 오다 : come

* 올 : 오(the stem of 오다; 오 + -ㄹ contracted into 올) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing; a stuff)
* 이다 : be

* 겁니다 : a short form of 것입니다
* 것입니다 : 것 + 이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -ㅂ contracted into 입) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific declarative verb ending suffix)

* 올 겁니다 : someone will come (here)

* -ㄹ 것이다 / -ㄹ 거예요 / -ㄹ 것이에요 / -ㄹ 겁니다 : It wil ~
- 더 오래 걸릴 거예요 / 더 오래 걸릴 것이에요 : It will take long more

* 거다 = 것이다
* 거네 = 것이네 : 것 + -이다 + -네
* 거야 = 것이야 : 것 + -이다 + -야
* 건데 = 것인데 : 것 + -이다 + -ㄴ데
* 거예요 = 것이에요 : 것 + -이다 + -에 + -요
* 겁니다 = 것입니다 : 것 + -이다 + -ㅂ니다

Let&#39;s learn about &quot;다른 차가 막고 있어요&quot;

다른 차가 막고 있어요  :We’re blocked in by another car; Another car is in the way; There’s a car blocking the way; A car is blocking our car in; There’s a car blocking us in

* 방해가 되는 : in the way


A. 이런! 어떤 차가 막고 있어요 :  Oh no. We’re blocked in by another car.

B. 전화번호를 남겼어요? 이중 주차는 불법 아닌가요? : Did he leave his number? Isn’t double parking illegal?

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 다른 차가 막고 있다. (to younger people or friends)
- 다른 차가 막고 있네. (to younger people or friends)
- 다른 차가 막고 있어. (to younger people or friends)
- 다른 차가 막고 있군! (to younger people or friends)
- 다른 차가 막고 있구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 다른 차가 막고 있는데. (to younger people or friends)

- 다른 차가 막고 있네요. (honourific by '요')
- 다른 차가 막고 있군요! (honourific by '요')
- 다른 차가 막고 있어요. (honourific by '요')
- 다른 차가 막고 있는데요. (honourific by '요')

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 다른 차가 막고 있습니다. (formal; honourific by '-ㅂ')

* 다르다 : be different
* 다른 : different; 다르(the stem of 다르다; 르 + -ㄴ contracted into 른) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb adjective)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 차 : [車] [=탈 것] a vehicle; a carriage; a conveyance; [=자동차] a motorcar; an automobile; a car; [=택시] a taxi; a van; a wagon; a lorry; a truck

* -가 : a particle makes 차 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 막다 : [Pronunciation: 막따] stop up; close; block: obturate; prevent; obstruct
* 막히다 : passive form of 막다 by '-히-'

* 막고 : 막(the stem of 막다) + -고(a connective suffix between two verbs makes a verb progressive)

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do
* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* -고 있다 : be ...ing; be in the middle of ...ing

* 있습니다 : 있(the stem of 있다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* a verb + -다 / -네 / -어 / -는데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -군! / -구나! : a non-honourific exclamatory verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -어 / -는데 / -군! + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb +-습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스' / '-ㅂ'

* 방해 : [妨害] an obstacle; a hindrance; disturbance; interruption; obstruction; interference
* 방해하다 : disturb; interrupt; interfere with

* -가 : a particle makes 방해 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 되다 : (1) become (2) [=…하게 되다] begin to ; come[get] to ; learn to ; set in; [=…으로 발전하다] develop into; grow into (3) [=결과가 생기다] result[end] in; turn out; prove (4) [=…으로 변하다] turn[change] into; pass into

* 되다 is a suffix and has the following meanings

1) <동사적 명사에 붙어(attached to a verbial noun)> be; become; get to be
- 걱정되다 : be worried[anxious] about
- 시작되다 : begin / have a beginning
- 자리가 준비되었다 : A table was ready

2) <형용사적 명사나 부사적 어근에 붙어(attached to adjective nouns or adverbial stems)> be
- 막 되다 : be ill-mannered[-bred] / be wild
- 못 되다: [사람·행동(humn being•behavior)] be bad-natured / be evil[wicked / bad]
- 속되다 : be vulgar[common]
- 참되다 : be true
- 헛되다 : be false / be in vain / be futile

* 방해되다 / 방해가 되다 : be an obstacle[a hindrance] to something
* 방해되었다 / 방해가 되었다 : past tense of 방해되다

* 되는 : 되(the stem of 되다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb adjective)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 이런 : (1) [=이러한] such; this; like this; such ‥ as this; of this kind[sort] (2) [=놀라울 때 내는 소리] Oh; Oh dear!; [a man's word] Oh, damn!; [a woman's word] Good gracious[heavens]!; Oh, my!

* 저런 : (1) [=저러한] such; that; that sort[kind] of; like that (2) [=가볍게 놀라는 모양] Dear me!; Oh, dear!; Great[Good] heavens!; Good[My] gracious!; My god!

* 전화 : [電話] a telephone; a phone; a phone call;  a ring; a cell phone; a mobile phone

* 번호 : number
* -를 : a particle makes 전화 번호 objective after a word ends in a vowel

* 남다 : [Pronunciation: 남따] (1) [=여분이 있다] remain (over); be left (over); [=너무 많다] be too many[much]; be in excess[surplus] (2) [=잔존하다] remain; linger
- 마음에 남다 : remain[stay] in one's mind
- 역사에 남다 : be written[recorded] in history
- 귀에 남다 : linger[ring] in one's ears

* 남았다 : past tense of 남다 by '-았-'

* 남기다 : (1) [=뒤에 남게 하다] leave (behind); keep back[in]; [=후세에 전하다] leave; hand down (2) [=하지[쓰지] 않고 두다] leave over[undone]; [=따로 떼어 두다·돈을 저축하다] save; spare; have in store; set aside
- 발자국을 남기다 : leave one's footprints
- 나쁜 인상을 남기다 : leave a bad impression behind[on]
- 일을 남기다 : leave one's work unfinished[half-done] / leave one's job over

* 남겼다 : past tense of 남기다 by '-였-'; 었 changed into 였 after 기 for easy pronunciation

* 남겼어요? : 남겼(the stem of 남겼다) + -어?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 이 : two
* 중 : fold

* 이중(의) : double

* 주차 : [駐車] parking
* 주차하다 : park

* -는 : a particle makes 주차 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 불법 : [不法] [=위법] unlawfulness; illegality; illegitimacy; [=무법·무리함] lawlessness; outrage; [=도리에 어긋남] wrong(fulness); injustice; iniquity
- 불법 카르텔 : an unauthorized cartel
- 불법으로 : illegally / unlawfully / wrongfully

* 불법하다 : unlawful; illegal; unjust; illegitimate; iniquitous; injurious; malfeasant; wrong(ful); outrageous; unwarrantable; unwarranted; unjustifiable; unjustified
- 불법한 짓을 하다 : act unlawfully[outrageously] / do wrong[an injustice]

* 합법 : [合法] lawfulness; legality; legitimacy
- 합법적 : [=적법한] lawful / [=법정의] legal / [=법률상 적당한] legitimate
- 합법적 투쟁 : a law-abiding struggle
- 합법적 수단으로 : by lawful means
- 비합법적으로 = 불법으로 : unlawfully / illegally / illicitly
- 합법적 거래 : white market
- 합법적 암시장 : grey market
- 거래는 합법적으로 행해졌다 : The transaction was conducted lawfully[legally / legitimately]
- 그 행위가 합법임은 논의할 여지가 없다 : The legality of the act cannot be disputed

* -이 : a particle makes 불법 subjective after a word ends in a consonant

* 아니다 : be not; no <--> 이다(be)
- 아니다. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니네. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니야. (to younger people or friends)
- 아닌데. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아니예요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아닌데요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아니오. (honourific by ‘-오’)
- 아뇨. (honourific by ‘-요’; a short form of "아니오")
- 아닙니다. (formal; honourific by ‘-ㅂ’)

* 아닌가요? : 아니(the stem of 아니다; 니 + -ㄴ contracted into 닌) + -ㄴ가?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)


Let's learn about "저희가 주차해 드리겠습니다"

저희가 주차해 드리겠습니다 : We’ll park it for you; It’s valet parking; We’ll have it parked for you; You can leave it to us for parking; We’ll park the car for you


A. 어디에 주차하면 되죠? : Where do I park my car?

B. 저희가 주차해 드립니다 : We’ll have it parked for you

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 우리가 주차해 준다. (to younger people or friends)
- 우리가 주차해 주네. (to younger people or friends)

- 우리가 주차해 줄게. (to younger people or friends)

- 저희가 주차해 주네요. (honourific by '-요')
- 저희가 주차해 줍니다. (honourific by '-ㅂ')

- 저희가 주차해 줄게요. (honourific by '-요')
- 저희가 주차해 주겠습니다. (formal; more homourific by '-스')

- 저희가 주차해 드려요. (honourific by '-요')
- 저희가 주차해 드립니다. (honourific by '-ㅂ')

- 저희가 주차해 드릴게요. (honourific by '-요')

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 저희가 주차해 드리겠습니다. (formal; more homourific by '-스')

* 우리 : we (non-honourific word)
* 저희 : we (honourific word)
* -가 : a particle makes 우리 / 저희 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel

* 주차 : [駐車] parking
* 주차하다 : park

* 주차해 : 주차하(the stem of 주차하다; 하 + -어 contracted into 해) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs)

* 주다 : (1) give (2) have an effort to in the sentence
* 준다 : present form of 주다 by '-ㄴ'
* 드리다 : an honourific form of 주다

* 주차해 주다 = 주차해 드리다 : I have it parked for you

* 줍니다 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㅂ contracted into 줍) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 주겠습니다 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -겠(one’s will) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 드려요 : 드리(the stem of 드리다; 리 + -여 contracted into 려) + -여(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 드립니다 : 드리(the stem of 드리다; 리 + -ㅂ contracted into 립) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 드리겠습니다 : 드리(the stem of 드리다) + -겠(one’s will) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 줄게요 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -게(one’s will) + -요
* 드릴게요 : 드리(the stem of 드리다; 리 + -ㄹ contracted into 릴) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -게(one’s will) + -요

* a verb + -ㄴ다 / -네 / -어 / -여 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix has an honourific
* a verb + -네 / -어 / -여 + -요 : an honourific ending suffix
* a verb + -요 / -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix has an honourific by ‘-요’ / ‘-스'’

* 어디 : where
* -에 : a place suffix

* 주차 : [駐車] parking
* 주차하다 : park

* 주차하면 : 주차하(the stem of 주차하다) + -면(if)

* 되다 : (1) become (2) can; be able to do

* -하면 되죠? : Can I do ~?
* 되죠? : a short form of 되지요?
* 되지요? : 되(the stem of 되다) + -지?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

Let&#39;s learn about &quot;주차권 좀 확인해 주세요&quot;

주차권 좀 확인해 주세요 : Could you validate my parking permit?; Could I have a parking pass?; I need you to validate my ticket.


A. 주차권 좀 확인해 주시겠어요? : Could you validate my parking ticket?

B. 모퉁이 뒤에 있는 안내 센터에서 하시면 됩니다 : You’ll have to get it done at the information center just around that corner

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 주차권 좀 확인해 줘. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 줘라. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 줄래. (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 주차권 좀 확인해 줘요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 줄래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주실래요. (more honourific by '시')
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주세요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주셔요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주시지요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주시죠. (more honourific by ‘시’; -시죠 is a short form of -시지요)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주십시오. (formal; more honourific by ‘시’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주시겠어요. (more honourific by ‘시’)
- 주차권 좀 확인해 주시겠습니까. (more honourific by ‘시’)

* 주차 : [駐車] parking
* 주차하다 : park

* -권 : [券] [접미사(suffix)] 《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어》 어떤 가치나 자격 따위를 나타내는 쪽지임을 뜻함(It means that it is a note attached to the back of some nouns and represents a certain value or qualification)

* 주차권 : [Pronunciation: 주차꿘] parking pass; a parking ticket

* -을 : a particle makes 주차권 objective after a word ends in a consonant

* 좀 : a little with the meaning of "please"

* 확인[確認] : confirmation; affirmation; certification; validation
* 확인하다 : confirm; affirm; certify; validate; identify; ascertain; make sure
* 확인되다 : be confirmed; be affirmed; be cerrified; be validated: be identified; be asxertained
* 확인되지 않은 : unconfirmed / naked
- 않다 : be not
- 않은 : adnominal form of 않다 by '-은'

* 확인해 : 확인하(the stem of 확인하다; 하 + -어 contracted into 해) + -어(a connection suffix between two verbs)

* 주다 : (1) give

* -어 주다 / -아 주다 / -여 주다 : (2) allow; permit (2) do an effort; keep (on)
- 결혼해 주다 : You allow someone to get married you
- 도와줄게 : I'll (do an effort to) help you
- 함께 있어 주다 : keep staying with

* 줘 : 주(the stem of  주다; 주 + -어 contracted into 줘) + -어(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please  ~")
* 줘라 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -어 contracted into 줘) + -어라(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a non-honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 줄래요 : 주(the stem of 주다; 주 + -ㄹ contracted into 줄 + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주세요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -어 contracted into 세)+ -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주셔요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -여 contracted into 셔) + -여(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주실래요 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -ㄹ contracted into 실) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -래(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주십시오 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific; 시 + -ㅂ contracted into 십) + -ㅂ시오(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")
* 주시겠어요 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -어(a propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~") + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 주시겠습니까 : 주(the stem of  주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -겠(a suffix asks rhe listener's will) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific: 스 + -ㅂ contracted into 습) + -ㅂ니까(an honourific propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~")

* a verb + -어 / -어라 / -ㄹ래 : a non-honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~"
* a verb + -어 / -ㄹ래 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -세요 / -셔요 / -실래요 / -십시오 / -ㅂ시오 / -시겠어요 / -시겠습니까 : an honourific imperative or propositive verb ending suffix means "Please ~”

* 인증 : [認證] certification; attestation; authentication
- 인증서 : a certificate of authentication
* 인증하다 : certify; validate; attest; authenticate

* 모퉁이 : corner
* -의 : a suffix makes 모퉁이 possesive

* 뒤 : after
* -에 : a place suffix

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] be; exist; there is[are]

* 있는 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb attributive/adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 안내 : [案內] [=인도] guidance; conduct; lead; [=청해 들임] showing in; [=통지] information; (a) notice; [=초대] invitation
* 안내하다 / 안내를 하다 : to guide

* 센터 : center
* -에서 : a place suffix means "a place a thing takes place"

* 하다 : do
* 하시다 : an honourific form of 하다 by '-시-'

* 하시면 : 하시(the stem of 하시다) + -면(if)

* 되다 : (1) become (2) can; be able to do (3) [=성취되다] succeed; be accomplished[attained (4) [as the form of -(이)면 되다•-만 있으면 되다] [=충분하다] be enough; be sufficient; will do; answer[serve] the purpose
- 이것이면 된다 : This will do. / This will serve[answer for] my purpose
- 이젠 됐습니다 = 많이 먹었습니다 : No more, thank you. / Thanks a lot, but I've had enough[plenty] (of it)
- 백 원만 있으면 됩니다 : A hundred won will do[answer the purpose / be enough for the purpose

* 된다 : present form of 되다 by '-ㄴ'

* -하면 돼요 / -하면 됩니다 : [non-honourific] You’ll have to do
* -하시면 돼요 / -하시면 됩니다 : [honourific] You’ll have to do

* 돼요 : 되(the stem of 되다; 되 + -어 contracted into 돼) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 됩니다 : 되(the stem of 되다; 되 + ㅂ contracted into 됩) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)