* 끊다 : [Pronunciation: 끈타; ㅎ + ㄷ should be pronounced as ㅌ]
1) [=절단하다] sever; cut (off); chop off; break
- 둘로 끊다 : cut in two
- 사지를 끊다 : cut off the limbs / dismember a body
- 밧줄을 끊다 : cut[break] a rope
- 직각으로 끊다 : cut at right angles
- 불에 녹여 끊다 : burn off
- 금속 토막을 전기로 녹여 끊다 : cut off a piece of metal with electricity
- 도둑이 금고의 문을 가스 버너로 녹여 끊어 버렸다 : The burglar burned off the safe door with a blowtorch
2) [=단절하다] sever ; break off ; break with; cut ; cut off ; [=중단·차단하다] cut off; stop; shut off; intercept; interrupt; [=끄다] turn off
- 끊을래야 끊을 수 없는 인연 : an indissoluble tie / a fatal connection
- 적의 정보망을 끊다 : cut[sever / break up] an enemy's intelligence network
- 끊을래야 끊을 수 없는 관계에 있다 : be inseparable bound up
- 교제를 끊다 = 절교하다 : sever[cut / drop] acquaintance with / break off friendship with / break with / have done with / be through with
- 연락을 끊다 : sever[cut off] the connection [communication] / [=행방 불명되다] disappear
- 발을 끊다 : stop visiting / keep oneself away from / cease to visit
- 외교 관계를 끊다 : break off[sever] all diplomatic relations
- 전기[가스]를 끊다 : cut off electricity[gas]
- 전류를 끊다 : switch off the electric current
- 회로를 끊다 : kill a circuit
- 보급로를 끊다 : block the supply route
- 적의 퇴로를 끊다 : cut off the enemy's retreat
- 나는 그녀와의 관계를 끊기로 했다 : I decided to break off[sever] my relationship with her
- 나는 폭력단과의 관계를 끊었다 : I have broken off (my connection) with the racketeers
- 나는 그와의 교제를 끊었다 : I've broken with him
3) [=(계속하던 행위를) 그치다] pause; stop; break off; (전화를) cut off; switch off; disconnect; hang up (the receiver); ring off
- 그는 갑자기 말을 끊었다 : He suddenly stopped talking. / He broke off abruptly
- 그는 전화를 끊었다 : He hung up
- 전화를 끊지 말아 주시오 : Hold it[Hold on] just a minute, please. / Hold the line, please. / Please do not cut off (the phone)
4) [=말·문장을 마디지어 자르다] punctuate; mark[set] off by a comma
- 이야기를 끊다 : punctuate a story
- 한 구(句)씩 끊어서 읽다 : read with pauses between phrases
5) [=그만두다] abstain from ; give up ; for(e)go; deny oneself; abjure; abnegate
- 술을 끊다 : abstain from wine / quit[stop / give up / leave off] drinking / forswear[swear off] drinking / be on the water wagon
- 담배를 끊다 : give up[quit] smoking
- 나는 2개월 전부터 술[담배]을 끊었다 : I quit[gave up] drinking[smoking] two months ago
6) [=목숨을 끊다 = 자살하다) kill; take life
- 스스로 목숨을 끊다 : kill oneself / suicide
- 그는 스스로 목숨을 끊었다 : He killed himself. / He committed suicide
- 그는 병든 아내의 간청에 의해 그녀의 목숨을 끊었다 : He killed his sick wife at her own pleading
7) [=사다] buy
- 옷감을 끊다 : buy a piece of cloth
- 차표를 끊다 : buy a ticket / [=개찰하다] clip a ticket
8) [=발행하다] issue; write out; draw <— 예전에는 종이로 된 전표/수표/티켓/딱지에 필요한 정보를 기록하고 절단선을 따라 짤라서 주었기 때문에 “끊다”가 “발행하다”란 의미를 가지게 되었음(In the past, some information was recorded on the paper slip/check/ticket/traffic violation ticket and cut along the cutting line, so "cut off" means "issue")
- 전표를 끊다 : sign[give / write out] a chit / issue a voucher[a payment slip]
- 수표를 끊다 : issue[write out / make out / draw] a check
- 딱지를 끊다 = 딱지를 떼다 : get a traffic (violation) ticket
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