
Let's learn about "인정"

* 인정 has the following two meanings

1) 인정 : [Low pitch long sound] [人情] [=동정심] sympathy; compassion; fellow feeling; [=연민] pity; [=자비심] mercy; charity; benevolence; [=친절] kindness
- 따뜻한 인정 : kindly feelings
- 세상의 메마른 인정 : the hardness of the world
- 인정사정없이 : with unrelenting sternness / without mercy[pity]
- 인정에 끌리다 : be moved with compassion / be touched with pity
- 그는 인정이라고는 없는 사람이다 : He has no heart[tender feelings]. / He is lost[dead] to pity
- 그는 인정이 많다 : He is warmhearted[kindhearted / tenderhearted]. / He has a feeling heart
- 그는 인정이 없다 : He is coldhearted[heartless / unfeeling]. / He has an unfeeling heart

2) 인정 : [High pitch short sound] [認定] [=인식] recognition; acknowledgment; [=승인] approval; [=인가] sanction; authorization; [=허가] permission
- 교육부 인정 교과서 : a textbook approved by the Ministry of Education
- 자격 인정 시험 : a qualifying test / a qualification test
- 그의 위업은 세상의 인정을 받았다 : His great achievement was recognized by the public

- 인정하다 : admit; acknowledge; accept; [=좋다고 평가하다] approve of; recognize; [=허가하다] allow; permit; [=인가하다] authorize; sanction

- 일반적으로 인정되어 있는 사실 the generally accepted fact
- 그것을 사실이라고 인정하다 acknowledge the truth of it / acknowledge it as true[to be true / that it is true]
- 부채가 있음을 인정하다 acknowledge a debt
- 자기의 잘못을 인정하다 acknowledge one's mistakes / admit[allow / concede] that one was wrong / admit[own / avow] oneself (to have been) in the wrong
- 패배를 인정하다 : recognize defeat

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