자동차 점검을 하러 왔어요 : I’m here for the inspection; I need to check up on my car; My car needs to be checked out; I need to get my car inspected.
* ~을 조사하다/확인하다 : check up on
[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔다. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔네. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔어. (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔는데! (to younger people or friends)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)
<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 자동차 점검을 하러 왔습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')
* 내 : my (non-honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 제 : my (honourific word); a short form of 나의
* 나 : I (non-honourific word)
* 저 : I (honourific word)
* -의 : a suffix makes 나 / 저 possesive like 나의/저의(my)
* 자동차 : [自動車] a car; <英> a motorcar; an automobile; an auto
- 고물 자동차 = 고물차 : a used car / a flivver / a jalopy / an old banger.
- 영업용 자동차 = 영업용 차 : motorcars for business use / trade cars
- 임대 자동차 = 임대차 : a rent-a-car / a rental car
- 소형[중형/대형] 자동차 : a compact[medium-sized / large] car
- 유개[무개] 자동차 : a closed[an open] car
- 지붕을 접을 수 있는 자동차 : a convertible car
- 장갑차 : [장갑(裝甲車] an armored car
- 전기 자동차 = 전기차 : an electromobile / an electric motorcar
- 포장형 자동차 : a convertible (coupe[sedan])
- 화물 자동차 = 화물차 : a truck / a (motor) lorry
- 자동차로 가다 : go by (motor) car
- 자동차로 여행하다 : make a motor trip
- 자동차로 드라이브 가다 : go (out) for a drive
- 자동차에 타다 : ride in a car / take[go for] a ride in a car
- 자동차로 운반하다 : motor
- 휴일에 자동차로 놀러 가다 : drive out on one's holiday tour
- 자동차에 태워 주다 : give a ride[lift](in a car)
- 자동차를 운전하다 : drive a car[an automobile].
- 자동차를 세워 두다 : park a car
- 지금은 자동차시대(이)다 : This is an[the] age of motorcars
- 댁까지 자동차로 모셔다 드리지요 : [자기 차로(by his car)] I'll drive you home. / [택시로(by taxi)] I'll take you home in a cab
* -를 : a particle makes 자동차 objective after a word ends in a vowel
* 조사 : [照査] (an) examination by reference ; a check (up); verification; collation
* 조사하다 = 조사를 하다 : check; check up (on); examine by reference ; verify; collate
* 조사 : [弔詞·弔辭] [=죽음의 슬픔을 나타낸 글] words[a letter] of condolence; a memorial[funeral] address
* 조사를 하다 : express one's condolence / [=연설을 하다] make a memorial address (조사하다 not used for this meaning)
* 조사 : [早死] [=일찍 죽음] a premature[an untimely / an early] death
* 조사하다 : [=어려서 죽다•일찍 죽다] die young; die an early[a premature] death; die at an early age; die before one's time
* 조사 : [助詞] 『문법(in grammer)』 a postpositional word functioning as an auxiliary to a main word; a postposition
* 조사 : [祖師] [=학파를 세운 사람] the founder of a religious sect[a school]
* 확인 : [Pronunciation: 화긴] [確認] confirmation; affirmation; certification; validation
- 무효의 확인을 청구하다 : 『法(in law)』 call for the affirmation of the nullity of resolution
* 확인하다 = 확인을 하다 : confirm; affirm; certify; validate; identify; ascertain; make sure
- 확인되지 않은 : unconfirmed / naked
* 점검 : [點檢] (1) (an) inspection; (an) examination; (a) check (2) [인원(the number of persons)] a roll call
- 불시 점검 : a spot check[test]
- 엔진 점검 : an engine checkup
- 피복 점검 : inspection of clothing
- (자동차의) 정기[6개월] 점검 : a periodical[semiannual] inspection (of a car)
* 점검하다 = 점검을 하다 : (1) inspect; examine; check (2) call the roll
- 기계를 점검하다 : inspect[check] a machine
- …을 점검하겠습니다 : Please let me check ‥
- 그는 작업 인원을 점검했다 : He took a[the] roll call of the workers
* 점검했다: past tense of 점검하다 by '-었-'; 하 + -었 contracted into 했
* 점검하러 : 점검하(the stem of 점검하다) + -하러(in order to)
* 오다 : come (here)
* 왔다 : [Pronunciatin: 왇따] past tense of 오다 by '-았-'; 오 + -았 contracted into 왔
* 왔는데요 : 왔(the stem of 왔다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 왔습니다 : 왔(the stem of 왔다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’
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