셀프 서비스입니다 : It’s self-service; You would need to do it yourself; You’ll have to pump it yourself; You need to pump your own gas.
A. 여기 직원을 한 15분은 기다렸어요 : I’ve been waiting for the attendant for at least 15 minutes now.
B. 여기는 셀프 서비스 주유소예요. 직접 넣으시는 거죠 : This is a self-service gas station. You would need to do it yourself
[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 셀프 서비스다. (to younger people or friends)
- 셀프 서비스네. (to younger people or friends)
- 셀프 서비스야. (to younger people or friends)
- 셀프 서비스네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 셀프 서비스예요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 셀프 서비스입니다. (honourific by ‘-요’)
* [Memo]
* Extreme honorifics(극존칭) are not used when the subject(주어) is not a person(사람). In other words, extreme honorifics(극존칭) are used only when the subject(주어) is a person(사람) : 주어가 사람이 아닌 경우는 극존칭을 사용하지 않는다. 즉, 주어가 사람인 경우에만 극존칭을 사용한다
* 셀프 서비스 : self-service
* 이다 : be
* 셀프 서비스예요 : 셀프 서비스 + 이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -여 contracted into 예 after a noun ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 셀프 서비스입니다 : 셀프 서비스 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a noun + -(이)다 / -(이)네 / -(이)야 / -인데 : a non-honourific descriptive form of 이다
* a noun + -(이)네 / -인데 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a noun + -이에요 / -예요 / -입니다 : an honourific descriptive form of 이다 by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ'
* -이에요 : this is used after a word ends in a consonant
ex) 생각뿐이에요 : I think of you only
* -예요 : : this is used after a word ends in a vowel
ex) 바다예요 : this is the sea
* 기름 : (1) [=식물유·동물유·광물유] oil; grease; [=동물의 지방] fat; lard; suet; blubber (2) [=석유] petrol
* -을 : a particle makes 기름 objective after a word ends in a consonant
* 넣다 : [Pronunciation: 너타] put into
* 기름을 넣다 : pump the gas
* 여기 : here
* 직원 : [Pronunciation: 지권] [職員] the staff; the personnel; [대학] the faculty; a member of the staff; attendant
* 여기 직원 : the attendant
* -을 : a particle makes 여기 직원 objective after a word ends in a consonant
* 한 : [=약] approximately
* 15분 : [Pronunciation: 십오분] 15 minutes
* -은 : a particle makes 15분 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a consonant
* 기다리다 : wait for
* 기다렸다 : [Pronunciation: 기다렫따] past tense of 기다리다 by '-였-'; 리 + -였 contracted into 렸; -었 changed into -였 after 리 for easy pronunciation
* 기다렸어요 : [Pronunciation: 기다렫셔요] 기다렸(the stem of 기다렸다) + -어(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an hnourific ending suffix)
* 여긴 : a short form of 여기는
* 여기 : here
* -는 : a particle makes 여기 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this emphasizes 여기
* 주유 : [注油] oiling; lubrication; [=급유] oil supply
* 주유하다 : oil; lubricate; fill; feed
- 기계에 주유하다 : oil[lubricate] a machine
* 주유기 [-器] a lubricator; an oiler
* 주유소 : an oil[a filling] station; a gas[service] station
* 이다 : be
* 주유소예요 : 주유소 + -이(the stem of 이다; 이 + -여 contracted into 예) + -여(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an hnourific ending suffix)
* 직접 : [Pronunciation: 직쩝] [直接] firsthand
- 직접 얻은 정보 : firsthand information
- 직접의 : direct / immediate / personal / firsthand
- 직접(으로) :direct(ly) / immediately / at firsthand / firsthand / [=몸소] personally / in person
- 직접 간접으로 = 직간접으로 : directly or indirectly
- 직접 듣다 : hear at firsthand
- 직접 말하다 : tell with one's own lips
- 직접 면회하다 : see personally
- 직접 인도하다 : deliver personally
- 직접 주다 : hand over personally
- 직접 조사하다 : investigate at firsthand
* 넣으시다 : an honourific form of 넣다 by '-으시-'
* 넣으시는 : 넣으시(the stem of 넣으시다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb adnominal)
* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb
* 거죠 : a short form of 것이지요
* 것 : a thing; a word makes the preceding verb infinitive in English
* 이다 : be
* 것이지요 : 것 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -지(a declarative verb ending suffix; A sentence-final ending used when the speaker confirms and says something that the listener thought he/she already knew: 사람이 듣는 사람이 이미 알고 있다고 생각하는 것을 확인하며 말할 때 쓰는 종결 어) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
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