
Let's learn about "쉬다"

1. 쉬다 : [음식(food)] go bad; turn sour; spoil

- 쉰 내 : a sourish[stale] smell
- 쉰 밥 : spoiled rice

2. 쉬다 :  [목소리(voice)] get[become / grow] hoarse[husky / harsh]; hoarsen

- 쉰 목소리로 말하다 : speak in a husky[hoarse] voice
- 목이 쉬다 : become husky[hoarse]
- 목이 쉬도록 응원하다 : cheer oneself hoarse
- 목이 쉬었군요 : You sound hoarse
- 그는 큰 소리를 너무 질러 목이 쉬었다 : He shouted himself hoarse

3. 쉬다 has the following meanings

1) [=휴식하다] rest (up); take[have] a rest ; repose[rest] (oneself); stop

- 5분간 쉬고 나서 : after five minutes rest
- 충분히 쉬었습니까 : Did you have a good rest?
- 누워서 쉬는 게 좋다 : You'd better lie down and rest
- 잠깐 공부를 쉬자 : Let's take a break[rest] from our study
- 저 다방에서 좀 쉬는 것이 어때? : How about stopping at that coffee shop for a rest?
- 쉬어 : <구령(command)> At ease! / Stand at ease
- 그녀는 바느질을 멈추고 10분간 쉬었다 : She stopped sewing and took a ten minutes rest. / She took a rest[rested] from her needlework for ten minutes.
- 새가 한 마리 가지에 앉아서 날개를 쉬고 있다 : A bird is sitting on a branch and resting its wings
- 쉬어 가며 하자꾸나 : Let's relax[take things easy]
- 소파에서 편히 쉬십시오 : Sit on the sofa and relax[make yourself at home / make yourself comfortable], please
- 그는 편히 쉬면서 파이프 담배를 피우고 있다 : He is relaxing with pipe
- 나는 그런 호화로운 방에서는 편히 쉴 수가 없었다 : I could not feel at home[feel at ease / relax] in such a luxurious room
- 너는 좀 쉴 필요가 있다 : You need some relaxation
- 나는 좀 쉬려고 여행했다 : I took a trip to give myself some rest[a break]

2) [일·활동(work•activity)] knock off[drop] ; take a rest from ; give oneself rest

- 휴일에 일한 대신 쉬다 : take a day off to make up for having worked on a holiday
- 오늘은 학교가 쉰다 : We have no school today
- 은행은 일요일은 쉰다 :!Banks are closed on Sundays
- 그는 오늘 하루 쉬고 있다 : He has a day off today
- 당신은 한 달간 쉬어야 합니다 : You need a month off
- 일요일에 운동회가 있기 때문에 대신 학교는 월요일에 쉰다 : As we are going to hold an athletic meet on Sunday, school will be closed on Monday to make up for it
- 그는 결코 일을 쉬지 않는다 : He never misses work

3) [=중단하다] suspend; pause; discontinue

- 쉴 새 없이 : incessantly / continuously / continually / unceasingly / ceaselessly / without (a) letup / without a break
- 쉴 새 없이 지껄이다 : talk without ceasing[a pause] / chatter ceaselessly
- 쉴 새 없이 일하다 : work without rest[stopping].
- 쉴 새 없이 전화가 걸려 왔었다 : I had calls one after another
- 쉴 새 없이 비가 오고 있다 : It has been raining without intermission[raining steadily]
- 우리 공장은 일을 쉬고 있다 : Work is suspended at our factory. / Our factory has suspended operation
- 휴일에는 모두 일을 쉰다 : All work is laid aside on holidays

4) [=결석·결근하다] be absent[absent oneself] ; stay[keep] away ; do not attend

- 나는 어제 학교를[직장을] 쉬었다 : I was absent from school[the office] yesterday
- 상사는 어제 그를 하루 쉬게 했다 :!The boss gave him the day off yesterday
- 나는 아들이 감기에 걸려서 학교를 쉬게 했다 : As he had a cold, I kept my son home from school

5) [=자다·취침하다] go to bed; retire; [=잠자다] sleep

- 푹 쉬다 : sleep well[soundly] / have a good night

4.  [숨(breathing)] breathe; respire; draw (one's) breath; [한숨(sigh)] sigh; heave[draw / fetch] a sigh

- 깊이 숨을 쉬다 : draw[take] a deep[full] breath
- 안도의 숨을 쉬다 : give[heave] a sigh of relief / breathe relief
- 긴 한숨을 쉬다 : draw a long breath
- 깊이[길게] 한숨을 쉬고 : with a deep[long] sigh
- 깊이 숨을 쉬어라. 그리고 나서 내뱉어라 : Breathe in[Take in breath / Inhale] deeply, and then exhale[breathe out]

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