1. -니?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-ni"
3) Role: (formal, highly addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending referring to a question: 아주낮춤으로) 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" doesn't follow
6) Example:
- 춥니? : Are you cold?
- 바쁘니? : Are you busy?
2. -나?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-na"
3) Role
(1) (formal, moderately addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending referring to a question: 예사 낮춤으로) 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
(2) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when asking or assuming something: (두루낮춤으로) 물음이나 추측을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 춥나? : (1) Are you cold? (2) Is it cold?
- 바쁘나? : Are you busy?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 춥나요? : (1) Are you cold? (2) Is it cold
- 바쁘나요? : Are you busy? (this rarely used, 바쁜가요? is often used)
1. -냐?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-nya"
3) Role: (formal, highly addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending referring to a question: (아주낮춤으로) 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" doesn't follow
6) Example:
- 춥냐? : Are you cold?
- 바쁘냐? : Are you busy?
4. -ㄴ가?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-n-ga"
3) Role
(1) (formal, moderately addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending referring to a question about a fact of the present: (예사 낮춤으로) 현재의 사실에 대한 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
(2) A sentence-final ending used by the speaker when questioning himself/herself or guessing: 말하는 사람이 스스로에게 묻거나 추측할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 추운가? : (1) Are you cold? (2) Is it cold?
- 바쁜가? : Are you busy?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 추운가요? : (1) Are you cold? (2) Is it cold?
- 바쁜가요? : Are you busy?
5. -아?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-a" (this is a plus/positive letter in phonetics
3) Role:
(informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to describe a certain fact, ask a question, give an order, or advise((두루낮춤으로) 어떤 사실을 서술하거나 물음, 명령, 권유를 나타내는 종결 어미)
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 가? : (1) Do you go? (2) Are we going? (가 + -아 contracted into 가)
- 맞아? : Is it right?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 가요? : (1) Do you go? (2) Are we going? (가 + -아 contracted into 가)
- 맞아요? : Is it right?
6 -어? / -여
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-eo" / "yeo" (this is a minus/negative letter in phonetics
3) Role:
(informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to describe a certain fact, ask a question, give an order, or advise((두루낮춤으로) 어떤 사실을 서술하거나 물음, 명령, 권유를 나타내는 종결 어미)
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 추워? : Are you cold?
- (그 여자분) 갔어? : Did she leave?
- 오셔? : Do you coming?
- 조용히 해 = 조용히 하셔 : Be quiet; Shut up; Don't make so much noise!
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 추워요? : Are you cold?
- (그 여자분) 갔어요? : Did she leave?
- 오셔요? : Do you coming?
- 오세요? : Do you coming?
- 조용히 해요 = 조용히 하셔요 : Be quiet; Shut up; Don't make so much noise!
▣ 하 + -어 contracted into 해
▣ 시 + -어 contracted into 세 of 오세요?
7. -ㄴ지? / -는지?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: -nji / -neunji
3) Role
(informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate a "vague" doubt: (두루낮춤으로) "막연한" 의문을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 그 사람 오는지? : Is he coming?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 그 사람 오는지요? : Is he coming?
8. -지?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: -ji
3) Role
(1) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when the speaker confirms and says something that the listener thought he/she already knew: (두루낮춤으로) 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람이 이미 알고 있다고 생각하는 것을 확인하며 말할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 어제는 무척 추웠지요? : It was very cold yesterday, wasn't it?
- 내일 모임에 오실거지요? : Will you come to the meeting tomorrow?
- 누가 오기로 했지요? = 누가 오기로 했죠? : Who's coming?
(2) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to ask something that the speaker already knows to cross-check the information: (두루낮춤으로) 이미 알고 있는 것을 다시 확인하듯이 물을 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 니가 이거 쏟았지? : You spilled this, didn't you?
- 너 애인 있지? : You have a girlfriend, don't you?
(3) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when the speaker talks about himself/herself or his/her thoughts in a friendly manner: (두루낮춤으로) 말하는 사람이 자신에 대한 이야기나 자신의 생각을 친근하게 말할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 우리 고등학교 다닐 때 정말 친했지, 안 그래? : We were really close in high school, weren't we?
- 어렸을 때 저는 운동을 꽤 잘했지요 : When I was young, I was pretty good at sports
(4) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when the speaker asks the listener in a friendly manner: (두루낮춤으로) 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람에게 친근함을 나타내며 물을 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 엄마가 이 반찬 했지? 너무 맛있다 : Mom made this side dish, right? It's so good
(5) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to advise the listener to do something together: (두루낮춤으로) 듣는 사람에게 어떤 행동을 함께 하기를 권유할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 우리가 하지 = 우리가 함께 같이 하자 : Let's do togather
- 그냥 이걸로 하시지요 = 그냥 이걸로 하시죠 : (1) Let's just do this (2) Let's just choose this
- 한 잔 더 하시지요 = 한 잔 더 하시죠 : Let's have another drink
- 이리 와서 같이 차 한잔 하시지요 = 이리 와서 같이 차 한잔 하시죠 : Come here and have a cup of tea together
- 저희 집에서 같이 주무시지요 : Let's sleep together at my house
(6) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate the speaker's regret that something did not turn out the way he/she wanted: (두루낮춤으로) 말하는 사람이 원했던 것을 말하며 원하는 대로 되지 않은 아쉬움을 나타내는 종결 어미
- 니가 했어야지 = 니가 했어야 했는데 : You should've done it
- 저도 좀 극장에 데리고 가시지요 : Take me to the theater, too
- 제 것도 좀 남겨 놓으시지요 : Leave some of mine, too
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 그 사람 왔지? : He's here, right?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 그 사람 왔지요? = 그 사람 왔죠? : He's here, right?
9. -ㅂ니까?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-pnikka"
3) Role
(formal, highly addressee-raising) A sentence-final ending used when the speaker asks the listener politely: (아주높임으로) 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람에게 정중하게 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the elder people or the elderly
5) Remark: An highly honourific final ending can be "-십니까?" or "-습니까?" used to the elder people or the elderly
6) Example with honourific attitude
- 내가 합니까? : (1) Do I do it? (2) [=제가 해야 됩니까?•제가 해야 합니까?] Do I have to do it?
10. -습니까? / -십니까?
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-seupnikka" / “-sipnikka"
3) Role
(formal, highly addressee-raising) A sentence-final ending used when the speaker asks the listener politely: (아주높임으로) 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람에게 정중하게 물음을 나타내는 종결 어미
4) To a person: this used to the elder people or the elderly
5) Remark: this is often used to show one's highly respect
6) Example with hightly honourific attitude
- 교수님이 하시겠습니까? : Would you like to do it, professor?
- 선생님이 그걸 하십니까? : Does the teacher do that?
11. -래
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-rae"
3) Role
(1) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when strongly denying the fact of the preceding statement or raising a question about it: (두루낮춤으로) 앞말이 나타내는 사실에 대하여 강하게 부정하거나 의문을 제기할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 그래? = 그거 사실이 아니지? : That's not true, is it?
(2) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used when strongly denying the preceding order or raising a question about it: (두루낮춤으로) 앞에 오는 명령의 내용을 강하게 부정하거나 그 내용에 의문을 제기할 때 쓰는 종결 어미
- 엄마가 그렇게 하래? = 엄마가 그렇게 하라고 말했니? : Did Mom tell you to do that?
(3) (informal addressee-lowering) An expression used to indirectly tell the listener something the speaker knows from having heard it: (두루낮춤으로) 다른 사람이 말한 내용을 간접적으로 전할 때 쓰는 표현
- 선생님이 교무실로 오래 = 선생님이 너가 교수실로 오라고 나한테 (말)하더라 : The teacher told me you should come to the professor's office
(4) (informal addressee-lowering) An expression used to ask about something the listener knows from having heard it: (두루낮춤으로) 듣는 사람이 이전에 들어서 알고 있는 사실을 물어볼 때 쓰는 표현
- 그가 뭐래? : What did he say?
(5) (informal addressee-lowering) An expression used to convey another person's order, request, etc: (두루낮춤으로) 다른 사람이 말한 명령이나 요청 등의 내용을 옮겨 말할 때 쓰는 표현
- 엄마가 저녁 준비는 김치찌개로 하래 : My mom told me to make kimchi stew for dinner
(6) (informal addressee-lowering) An expression used to ask the listener about the order, request, etc., the listener knows from having heard it: (두루낮춤으로) 듣는 사람이 이전에 들어서 알고 있는 명령이나 요청 등을 물어볼 때 쓰는 표현
- 거기로 오래? = 그가 거기로 오라고 (말)하더냐? = 내가 거기로 가야한다고 그가 너한테 말했니? : Did he tell you I had to go there?
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 거기로 오래? = 그가 거기로 오라고 (말)하더냐? : Did he tell you I had to go there?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 거기로 오래요? : 그가 거기로 오라고 (말)했어요? = 내가 거기로 가야한다고 그가 형님께 한테 말했어요? : Did he tell you I had to go there?
12. -을래 / -ㄹ래
1) 「어미」 Ending of a Word
2) Pronunciation: "-eullae" / "-llae"
3) Role
(1) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to expresse the desire to do something. It shows hope rather than an expression of will: 화자가 어떤 일이 하고 싶다는 의사를 나타내는 종결어미. 의지의 표현이기보다 희망을 나타냄
- 나도 갈래. 엄마 : I want to go too, mom
(2) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate the speaker's intention to do something in the future, or to ask for the listener's thoughts about that: (두루낮춤으로) 앞으로 어떤 일을 하려고 하는 자신의 의사를 나타내거나 그 일에 대하여 듣는 사람의 의사를 물어봄을 나타내는 종결 어미
- 나 좀 도와줄래? : Can you help me?
- 거기로 올래? : Do you want to come over there?
(3) (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to scold someone for something that has already been done: (두루낮춤으로) 이미 행해진 행동에 대해 야단치는 용도로 사용하는 종결 어미
- 정말 말 안들을래? : Don't you really do what I tell you to do?
4) To a person: this used to the younger people or your friend only
5) Remark: An honourific final ending "-요" follow when someone say with an honourific word to person who is older than my age
6) Example with non-honourific attitude
- 지금 올래? : Do you want to come now?
7) Example with honourific attitude
- 지금 올래요? : Do you want to come now?