
Let’s learn about "배달”(delivery of goods)”

1. In Korea any goods or foods can be delivered accurately, just in time and timely to a house or building if customers want to.

2. When you want to got an item delivered to your house, you can say "집까지 배달해 주세요" in Korean. It means "Can I get it delivered to my house?".

• The above can be expressed like these

- 집까지 배달해 줘요. (to the younger)

- 집까지 배달해 주실래요.

- 집까지 배달해 주십시오. (more polite)

- 집까지 배달해 주시겠어요.

3. If you want to know when you can got the item delivered, you can say "언제 배달해 주시겠어요?". It means "When can you deliver it?".

• The above can be expressed like these

- 언제 배달해 줘요? (to the younger)

- 언제 배달해 줄래요? (to the younger)

- 언제 배달해 주는거예요.

- 언제 배달해 주실거예요?

- 언제 배달해 주실겁니까?

- 언제 배달해 주시는겁니까? more polite)

- 언제 배달해 주시는겁니까? (more polite)

- 언제 배달 가능해요? (to the younger)

- 언제 배달 가능하세요?

- 언제 배달 가능한가요?

- 언제 배달 가능하십니까? (formal)

4. When you want to receive the item delivered on saturday, you can say "토요일에 받고 싶어요”. It means "I want to receive it on saturday".

• The above can be expressed like these

- 토요일에 받고 싶네요.

- 토요일에 받고 싶습니다. (formal)

- 토요일에 받고 싶군요.

5. If you have to got the item bought by delivery by next week, you can say "다음 주까지 그 제품을 받아야 해요”. It means "I have to receive the product by next week".

• The above can be expressed like these

- 다음 주까지 그 제품을 받아야 합니다. (formal)

6. Dialogue about delivery.

<You> 배달 해 줘요? : Do you offer delivery service?

<a storekeeper> 네. 해 드립니다 : Yes. we do.

<You> 언제쯤 배달 돼요? : When can I get it delivered?

<a storekeeper> 모레까지 됩니다 : By the day after tomorrow.

<You> 그 날은 사람이 집에 없어요 : I am not at home that day.

<a storekeeper> 그럼 3일 후에 배달해 드리겠습니다 : Then We can deliver it after three days.

<You> 배달 당일 전화해 주세요 : Please give me a call again on the delivery day.

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