
Let's learn about "결혼은 인륜지대사이다"

결혼은 인륜지대사이다 : Marriage is a major life event. 


A. 얘야! 결혼은 인륜지대사이니만큼 정말 잘 생각해서 여자를 골라야 한다. 근검 절약하고 자상하고, 남편 사랑하고 존경하고, 사소한 일에 화내지 않고 아이들들 잘 키우는 지혜가 있고, 부모 공경하고, 주변에 평판이 좋아야 한다. 물론 예쁘기까지 한다면 2세를 위해 금상첨화이겠지만 무엇보다 여자는 성격이 좋아야 한단다 : Son! Marriage is the great thing that humans do in life, so you have to think about it carefully and choose a woman. Women should save money, be caring, love and respect their husbands, have the wisdom to raise their children well without getting angry at trivial things, respect their parents, and have a good reputation around them. Of course, if she is pretty, it would be the best for the second generation, but above all, you have to have a good personality

B. 아버지 어머니! 며느리에 대해서 너무 많이 바라시는 거 같아요. 쬐끔만 마음을 내려놓으시죠 : Father and mother! You two seem to want too much about your daughter-in-law. Just put your mind down for a little bit

A. 그래 알았다. 요즘 같은 MZ세대에 너만 좋으면 되지 우리 같은 늙은이가 이래라 저래라 할 일은 아닌 가 보다 : Okay, we got it. You'd better choose the only daughter-in-law who likes these MZ generation days, but it's not something an old man like us should tell you what to do

* 인륜지대사(人倫之大事) : 인간이 살아가면서 하는 큰 일. 조선시대의 유교사상과 맞물려 일반적으로는 혼인을 의미. 결혼을 하고 아이를 낳음. 종족보존을 위해 인간이 해야할 가장 중요하고 우선순위의 일이기 때문(The great thing that humans do in life. It generally means marriage in conjunction with Confucian ideas of the Joseon Dynasty. Marrying and having children. This is because it is the most important and priority for humans to do to preserve their species)

See : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJomHonOfgo

* 금상첨화 : [錦上添花]  (1) 비단 위에 꽃을 보탠다는 뜻(It means adding flowers on top of silk) (2) 좋은 일에 또 좋은 일이 더함(Good things add good things)
- 이것은 금상첨화다 : This is an additional attraction

* 근검 : [勤儉] thrift and diligence[industry]; diligence and economy
- 근검과 저축을 장려하다 : promote thrift and saving

* 절약 : [節約] economy; saving; frugality; thrift
- 경비의 절약 : reduction of overhead[costs / expenditures]
- 시간 절약 : the saving of time.
- 일광 절약 : daylight saving

* 절약하다 : economize; spare; save; be frugal[economical / thrifty]; [=절감하다] curtail; cut (down)
- 전기를 절약하다 : economize on electric power
- 경비를 절약하다 : cut down expenses
- 시간과 돈을 절약하다 : save[be frugal of] time and money
- 이 방법으로 하면 시간을 절약할 수 있다 : This method will save time
- 그것은 경비가 절약된다 : That will cut down on[reduce] expenses
- 이것은 많은 시간[노력]이 절약된다 : This will save a great deal of time[labor]
- 근검 절약하다 : thrifty (and diligent); frugal

* 자상 : [仔詳] [the stem of 자상하다] 
* 자상하다 : [=상세하다] minute; detailed; full; [=생각이 깊다] thoughtful; considerate
- 자상한 배려 : attentive consideration
- 아내에게 자상한 남편  :a thoughtful husband
- 자상히 : (1) thoughtfully (2) [=자세히•자세하게] in detail; minutely; in full; at (full) length
- 자상히 설명하다 = 자세히 설명하다 = 자세하게 설명하다 : explain in detail[minutely] / give a detailed explanation
- 일어난 일에 대해 자상히 기록되어 있었다 : The full particulars of what had happened were recorded

* 자상 : [刺傷] a stab (wound); a pierced[puncture] wound

* 존경 : [尊敬] respect (for), admiration (for), regard (for), (formal) esteem, (formal) reverence (for), respect (sb for sth), admire (sb for sth), (formal) esteem, (formal) revere, look up to
* 존경하다 : have a respect to
* 존경(심)을 표하다 : show ones's respect to

* 지혜 : wisdom

* 공경 : [恭敬] respect; reverence; veneration; deference
* 공경하다 : respect; esteem; honor; revere
- 공경할 만한 : respectable / venerable / esteemable
- 어른을 공경하다 : be respectful to one's elders
- 스승을 공경하다 : honor[respect / revere] one's teacher

* 평판 : [評判] [=비평하는 일] criticizing; [=명성] fame; (a) reputation; (a) repute; [=세평] the world's opinion; public estimation; [=인기] popularity; [=악명] notoriety; [=소문] a report; a rumor; gossip
- 대단한 평판 : a sensation
- 평판이 난 : reputed / famed / notorious
- 평판이 좋은 소설(정평이 있는) : a well-received novel / (대중적인) a popular novel
- 평판이 좋다 : be well[highly] spoken of / have[enjoy] a good reputation[character / name] / be in high repute / be popular
- 평판이 나쁘다 : be ill spoken of / have a bad reputation[character] / have an ill name / be unpopular
- 평판이 자자하다 : be talked about / (come to)be much spoken[talked] of / become popular / win popularity
- 평판을 얻다 : win reputation / become popular / win popularity

* 성격 : [性格] character; personality
- 성격이 좋은 사람  :a good-natured person / an agreeable character

* 늙은이 : an old person; an aged person; an elder; an oldster; the aged[old]; old people; the elders
- 늙은이나 젊은이나 : both young and old[old and young] (alike)
- 늙은이 같은 말을 하다 : use an old man's speech / talk older for one's age

* 이래라 저래라 하다 : tell sb what to do this or that

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