
Let's learn about "숙맥"

너 정말 숙맥이다. 그것도 몰라 = 너 정말 순진하다. 너는 그것도 몰라 : You are so naive. You don't even know that

* 숙맥 : [菽麥] [Pronunciation: 숭맥•쑥맥]  (1) 콩과 보리(beans and barley) (2) "보리"인지 "콩"인지 구분 못하는 사람(Someone who can't tell if it's barley or beans) (3) [a short form of 숙맥불변] 어리석은 사람(a foolish[stupid] person) (4) 순진한 사람(a naive person)
- 그걸 모르다니 숙맥이로군 : I can't believe you don't know that; How stupid of you not to know that

- 숙맥이 상팔자 : 콩인지 보리인지를 구별하지 못하는 사람이 팔자가 좋다는 뜻으로, 모르는 것이 마음 편함을 비유적으로 이르는 말(It means that a person who can't tell whether it's beans or barley has a good fortune, and it's figuratively a word that means that ignorance is comfortable)

* 팔자 : [Pronunciation: 팔짜] [八字] (a) destiny; fate; (a) lot; fortune; doom; one's star
- 기구한 팔자 = 사나운 팔자 : a hard[a hapless / an evil] fate / [기이한 팔자] a curious turn of fate
- 팔자에 맡기다 : leave one's fate to Heaven / trust to Providence
- 팔자로 알고 체념하다 = 팔자를 알고 소관으로 돌리다] : resign oneself to one's fate[lot] / be reconciled to one's fate / accept as fate
- 팔자를 잘[잘못] 타고나다 : be born under a lucky[an unlucky] star
- 불행을 팔자로 돌리다 : ascribe one's ill luck to fate
- 팔자를 한탄하다 : bemoan[bewail] one's ill fate
- 팔자를 탓하다 : grumble at[quarrel with] one's lot
- 큰 사람 될 팔자다 : be destined to become a great man
- 일찍 죽을 팔자다 = 일찍 죽을 운명이다 : be fated to die young
- 그녀는 젊어서 죽을 팔자였다 = 그녀는 젊어서 죽을 운명이었다 : It was fated that she should die young. / She was destined to die young
- 모두가 내 팔자다 = 모두가 내 운명이다 : It is all due to the stars I was born under
- 걱정도 팔자다 : Mind your own business. / It's none of your business
- 팔자(를) 고치다: (1) [=개가하다•재혼하다] marry again; remarry (2) [=벼락 출세하다] rise suddenly in the world (3) [=벼락 부자가 되다] gain quick riches; get[become] rich suddenly
- 팔자(가) 늘어지다 : be in easy circumstances; be comfortably off; be blessed with good fortune
- 팔자(가) 사납다 : be unlucky[unfortunate]; be out of luck; be ill-fated
- 팔자가 사나운 사람 : an unfortunate[ill-fated] person / a hapless person
- 팔자(가) 좋다 = 상팔자다 : be lucky[fortunate]; be in luck; be blessed with good fortune
- 팔자가 좋은 사람 : a lucky fellow[dog] / a fortune's favorite / a child of fortune

* 상팔자 : [上八字] [Pronunciation: 상팔짜] [=썩 좋은 팔자] good fortune; a happy lot; a lucky star
- 상팔자다[로 지내다] : live in (ease and) comfort / live in easy circumstances / live in clover / live
- 무자식이 상팔자라는 옛말이 딱 들어맞는다 : The old saying that a childless persons live in easy and comfort is just right

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