
Let's learn about "터"

* 터 has the following meanings

1) [=자리] a site ; a (building) lot; land ; a place; a plot

- 집터 : land for housing / a house[home / building] lot.ㆍ 장~ a marketplace
- 일터 : [=근무처] one's place of work / one's jobsite / one's post
- 빈터 : a vacant lot
- 옛날의 절터 : the site of an ancient temple
- 공원으로서 좋은 터 : a good site for a park
- 터를 돋우다 : build up[fill in / raise] the land

2) [=일이 벌어지는 장소] an arena; a theater

- 싸움터 : a field of battle / a battlefield
- 빨래터 : a wash place / a place for doing the laundry (at the streamside)

3) [=기초] the foundation; the ground; footing; foothold; groundwork; spadework

- 터를 다지다 : consolidate[solidify] the foundation
- 터가 잡히다 : have a firm foothold / be well grounded

- 터(를) 닦다 : prepare[level] the ground ; clear the foundation

- 터(가) 세다 : ill-omened; unlucky; ill-fated; jinxed; have an unfortunate site

4) [=예정] a plan; an expectation; hope; [=의도] intention

- …할 터이다 : be going to / plan to / expect to / be set to / be expected to / be supposed to
- 너는 어떻게 할 터인가? : What are you going to do? / What do you intend to do?
- 이번에는 성공할 테다 : I hope[expect] to succeed this time
- 서울엔 얼마나 있을 텐가? : How long do you plan to remain in Seoul?

5) [=형편·처지] a state; a condition; a situation; a position

6) [=추측·짐작] conjecture

- 오늘은 물결이 사나울 텐데 : I fear the waves will be high today
- 그렇게 했더라면 잘되었을 텐데 : If he had done so, he might have succeeded
- 지금쯤 도착했을 터인데[텐데] : He ought to have arrived there by this time
- 그것은 잘될 테지 : I trust it will work out well
- 그에게는 이미 알려졌을 테니까, 그것을 말할 필요는 없다 : You don't need to tell him about it, since he is supposed to have already been informed

- 집터 : land for housing / a house[home / building] lot.ㆍ 장~ a marketplace
- 일터 : [=근무처] one's place of work / one's jobsite / one's post
- 빈터 : a vacant lot
- 옛날의 절터 : the site of an ancient temple
- 공원으로서 좋은 터 : a good site for a park
- 터를 돋우다 : build up[fill in / raise] the land

2) [=일이 벌어지는 장소] an arena; a theater

- 싸움터 : a field of battle / a battlefield
- 빨래터 : a wash place / a place for doing the laundry (at the streamside)

3) [=기초] the foundation; the ground; footing; foothold; groundwork; spadework

- 터를 다지다 : consolidate[solidify] the foundation
- 터가 잡히다 : have a firm foothold / be well grounded

- 터(를) 닦다 : prepare[level] the ground ; clear the foundation

- 터(가) 세다 : ill-omened; unlucky; ill-fated; jinxed; have an unfortunate site

4) [=예정] a plan; an expectation; hope; [=의도] intention

- …할 터이다 : be going to / plan to / expect to / be set to / be expected to / be supposed to
- 너는 어떻게 할 터인가? : What are you going to do? / What do you intend to do?
- 이번에는 성공할 테다 : I hope[expect] to succeed this time
- 서울엔 얼마나 있을 텐가? : How long do you plan to remain in Seoul?

5) [=형편·처지] a state; a condition; a situation; a position

6) [=추측·짐작] conjecture

- 오늘은 물결이 사나울 텐데 : I fear the waves will be high today
- 그렇게 했더라면 잘되었을 텐데 : If he had done so, he might have succeeded
- 지금쯤 도착했을 터인데[텐데] : He ought to have arrived there by this time
- 그것은 잘될 테지 : I trust it will work out well
- 그에게는 이미 알려졌을 테니까, 그것을 말할 필요는 없다 : You don't need to tell him about it, since he is supposed to have already been informed

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