* 이런 has the following meanings
1) [=이러한] such; this; like this; such ‥ as this; of this kind[sort]
- 이런 정세 아래 : under these (special) circumstances
- 이런 편지 : such a letter as this / a letter of this sort
- 이런 때[경우]는 : in a case like this
- 이런 곤란한 때에는 : in these hard times / in hard times such as these
- 이런 실정이니 양해해 주시기 바랍니다 : Such being the case, please understand our position
- 이런 일은 좀처럼 일어나지 않는다 : Such things seldom happen. / Things like this seldom happen
- 이런 종류의 범죄는 드물다 : This sort of crime is rare
- 나는 이런 것을 들어 본 적이 없다 : I have never heard of such a thing[anything like this]
- 이런 좋은 기회가 다시는 없을 것이다 : There will never be such a good chance as this again
- 이런 까닭에 나는 하루 종일 집에 있었다 : Such being the case, I stayed home all day. / That was why I was at home all day
2) [=놀라울 때 내는 소리] Oh; Oh dear!; [a man's word] Oh, damn!; [a woman's word] Good gracious[heavens]!; Oh, my!
- 이런, 또 실수를 했군! : Oh, damn! I've made a mistake again
- 이런, 어처구니없군! : Oh, how stupid!
- 이런, 벌써 돌아갈 시간인 걸! : Why! It's time to go home already
- 이런, 웬 소동일까! : What's that noise, I wonder
- 이런, 벌써 10시인가! : My, is it already ten o'clock?
* 저런 has the following meanings
1) [=저러한] such; that; that sort[kind] of; like that
- 저런 남자 : a man like that / such a man as that
- 저런 나쁜 짓은 반드시 드러나고야 만다 : Such evildoing as that never fails to come out
- 저런 사람들은 참을 수가 없다 : I cannot endure those like them[men of that sort]
- 이런 일 저런 일로 바쁘다 : I am very busy with one thing or other
2) [=가볍게 놀라는 모양] Dear me!; Oh, dear!; Great[Good] heavens!; Good[My] gracious!; My god!
- 저런, 야단났군! : Mercy on me! / Good gracious!
- 저런, 또 시작했군! : There you go again!
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