
Let's learn about "멀다"

* 멀다 has the following meanings

* 먼 : an adjective form of 멀다 by '-ㄴ'
* 멀게 : an adverb form of 멀다 by '-게'
* 멀었다 : [Pronunciation: 멀얻따] past tense of 멀다 by '-었-'

1) [거리(distance)] far; distant; remote; far-off; faraway

- 먼 곳 : a distant place
- 먼 곳의 : distant / remote
- 먼 곳에 : far away / in the distance
- 먼 앞바다에 : far out in the offing
- 그는 먼 곳에서 왔다 : He came from far away[a distant place]
- 먼 곳을 와 주셔서 감사합니다 : You are very kind to come so far[all this way]
- 이 학교에서 그리 멀지 않은 곳에 오래된 절이 하나 있다 : There is an old temple not too far (away) from our school
- 우체국은 여기서 멉니까? : Is the post office far from here?
- 시청은 버스 정류소에서 꽤 멀다 : The city hall is quite a long way from the bus stop
- 먼 곳으로 이사 가신다지요 : I hear you are moving a long way off
- 그것은 어떤 먼 나라에서 일어난 일이야 : It happened in some far-off[distant] country
- 먼 산골에 들어가고 싶다 : I wish I could go deep into the mountains

2) [시간적으로(as the time)] remote

- 머지않아 : before long / one of these days / [=조만간] in the near future
- 그 전설은 먼 옛날부터 전해 내려오고 있다 : The legend has been handed down from ancient times[the remote past]
- 그것은 먼 옛날에 일어난 일이었다 : It happened a long time[while] ago. / That's something that happened in the distant past
- 나는 먼 앞날을 예견할 수 없다 : I cannot foretell the remote future
- 머지않아 그는 그것을 이해하게 될 것이다 : He will come to understand it before long[in due time]
- 먼 장래를 생각해 봅시다 : Let's look far (ahead) into the future
- 이리로 이사 온 것이 먼 옛날처럼 느껴진다 : It seems to me as if it were ages ago when I moved here[I had lived here for ages]
- 그가 임원으로 승진하는 것도 그리 멀지 않다 : It will not be long before he is promoted to director
- 그는 사흘이 멀다하고 내게 전화를 한다 : He calls me at least once every three days
- 그의 일이 완성되기까지는 아직 멀었다 : He has a long way to go before he finishes his work.

3) [사이(between)] distant

- 그는 먼 친척이다 : I am distantly related to him. / He is one of my distant relatives
- 어제 먼 친척 한 분이 찾아왔었다 : A distant relative of mine called on me yesterday
- 두 사람의 사이가 점점 멀어졌다 : Gradually they became estranged from each other. / Gradually a gulf grew up between them
- 그는 친구들로부터 멀어지게 되었다 : His friends began to avoid[keep away from] him

4) [정도(degree) be no match ; be far inferior ; [=미숙련] poor; unskilled

- 그녀는 미인하고는 거리가 멀다 : She is far from beautiful. / She can't be called beautiful
- 수상의 발언은 서민의 감정과는 거리가 먼 것이었다 : The Premier's remarks showed little understanding of the feelings of ordinary people
- 그녀는 예술가의 수준에는 아직 멀었다 : She is far from artistic. / She is not in the least artistic

5) [눈(eye)] become[go] blind; become sightless; lose[be deprived of] one's (eye) sight

- 먼 눈 : a blind eye
- 한쪽 눈이 먼 : blind of an eye
- 눈이 멀다 : be[become] blind
- 돈에 눈이 멀다 : be blinded by money. 

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