
Let's learn about "그릇"

* 그릇 has the following meanings

1) [=용기] a receptacle; a container; a bowl; [=액체를 담는 용기] a vessel

- 밥그릇 : a rice bowl
- 놋그릇 : a brazen vessel
- 질그릇 : an earthen vessel / an earthen ware

2) [=능력·도량] caliber; (calibre); capacity; capability; ability

- 그릇이 큰[작은] 사람 : a man of high[poor] caliber
- 그 사람은 그 일을 할 만한 그릇이 못 돼 : He is not equal to it. / He is by no means qualified for it. / He has not got what it takes
- 그는 대통령이 될 그릇이 아니다 : He is not of the stature of a president. / He is not presidential material. / He doesn't have what it takes[isn't cut out] to be president. / He is not of presidential caliber[stature]

3) [=그르게] wrongly; misguidedly; falsely; erroneously; mistakenly

- 그릇 생각하다 : misunderstand / mistake
- 그릇 판단하다 : judge wrong / misjudge / miscalculate / error in one's judgement
- 사람을 그릇보다 : judge a person wrongly / misjudge a person / make a wrong estimation of a person / make a mistake in one's estimate of a person / be deceived in a person

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