
Let's learn about "넌 똑똑해"

넌 똑똑해 : You’re smart

[other expressions]
- 넌 똑똑하다. (to younger people or friends)
- 넌 똑똑하네. (to younger people or friends)
- 넌 똑똑해. (to younger people or friends)
- 넌 똑똑하군! (to younger people or friends)
- 넌 똑똑하구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 오빤 똑똑하네요. (honourific by '요')
- 오빤 똑똑하군요! (honourific by '요')
- 오빤 똑똑해요. (honourific by '요')
- 오빤 똑똑합니다. (formal; honourific by '-ㅂ‘)

* 너 : you (non-honourific word)
* 오빠 : a brother of a girl; a man is older than a woman (honourific word)
* -는 : a particle makes 너 / 오빠 subjective after a word ends in a vowel

* 넌 : a short form of 너는
* 오빤 : a short form of 오빠는

* 똑똑한 : [Pronunciation: 똑또칸] (1) [=분명한] clear; distinct; plain; definite; vivid; explicit; sharp (2) 2 [영리한] clever; bright; brainy; wise; intelligent; [빈틈이 없는] shrewd; smart
- 똑똑한 발음 : clear[articulate] pronunciation
- 똑똑한 글씨 : clear handwriting
- 똑똑한 구별 : a sharp[clear / clear-cut] distinction
-(텔레비전의)똑똑한 화면 : distinct picture
- 똑똑한 인쇄 : clear printing
- 똑똑한 목소리로 : in a clear[distinct] voice[tone]
- 똑똑한 아이 : a bright child / a clever boy[girl]
- 똑똑한 체하는 사람 : a knowing chap
- 똑똑한 체하다 : try to appear smart / pretend to be wise / behave like a wise man

* 똑똑히 : [Pronunciation: 똑또키] an adverb form of 똑똑한

* 똑똑하게 : [Pronunciation: 똑또카게] an adverb form of 똑똑한

* 똑똑하다 : [Pronunciation: 똑또카다] (1) [=분명하다] be clear; be distinct; be plain; be definite; be vivid; be explicit; be sharp (2) [영리하다] be clever; be bright; be brainy; be wise:; be intelligent; [빈틈이 없다] be shrewd; be smart
- 이 사진은 똑똑치 않다 : This photograph has not come out clear
- 똑똑해 보이다 : look brainy[intelligent] / have an intelligent face
- 그는 똑똑치 못하다 : He lacks sense
- 그는 똑똑한 사람이니까 그런 짓은 안한다 : He is too wise to do such a thing. / He knows better[has more sense] than to do so

* 똑똑해 : 똑똑하(the stem of 똑똑하다; 하 + 어 contracted into 해) + -어(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 똑똑합니다 : 똑똑하(the stem of 똑똑하다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* a verb + -다 / -네 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -군! / -구나 : a non-honourific exclamative verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -어 / -군 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb +  -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ'

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