그녀는 생머리예요 : She has straight hair; Her hair is straight; She has really straight hair.
A. 저 곱슬머리 여자 얘기하는 거야? : Are you talking about the girl with curly hair?
B. 아니, 걔 말고. 그 옆에 있는 여자 말이야. 생머리네 : No, not her, it’s the one next to her. She has straight hair
[other expressions]
- 그녀는 생머리다. (to younger people or friends)
- 그녀는 생머리네. (to younger people or friends)
- 그녀는 생머리야. (to younger people or friends)
- 그녀는 생머리네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 그녀는 생머리예요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 그녀는 생머리입니다. (formal; honourific by ‘ㅂ’)
* 그녀 : she
* -는 : a particle makes 그녀 subjective after a word ends in a vowel
* 생 : [生] this has the following meanings
(1) [=조리하지 않은] raw ; uncooked; [=덜 조리된] underdone; half-boiled; rare; [=날것의] unripe; green; [=가공치 않은] crude; raw; natural; unprocessed; wild
- 생야채 : fresh vegetables
- 생콘크리트 :concrete which has not yet hardened
- 생밥 = 반숙 : half-boiled rice
- 생우유 : raw milk
- 생나무가 그을며 타고 있다 : The green wood on the fire is smoldering
(2) [=방송 등이 녹화[녹음]가 아님] live
- 생방송 : a live broadcast
- 생연주 : a live performance
- 생음악 : live music
- 쇼를 생방영하다 : telecast a show live
- 개회식 상황이 생방송되었다 : The opening ceremony was broadcast live
(3) [=살아 있는] live; living; green
- 생백신 : live vaccine / live-virus vaccine
- 생울타리 : a live[quick] fence
(4) [=엉뚱한·공연한] unreasonable; irrational; arbitrary; forced
- 생트집 : a false change[accusation]
- 생사람 잡다 : inflict injury upon an innocent person
(5) [=생년의] born in [on ]
- 저는 5월생입니다 : I was born in May
- 오빠는 몇 년생입니까 : In what year were you born?
(6) [=식물의 나이] living
- 다년생 : perennial
(7) [=학생] a student of ‥
- 법학생 : a law student
- 의학생 : a medical student
* 머리 : (1) head (2) hair
* 생머리 : (1) (파마 따위를 하지 않은) 나서 자란 그대로의 머리(not curly; not wavy) (2) 아무렇지도 않다가 특별한 이유 없이 갑자기 아픈 머리(someone didn't feel anything, but for no special reason, his head suddenly hurt)
- 생머리를 길게 늘어뜨린 소녀 : a girl with long straight hair
- 생머리를 앓다 : for no special reason, one's head suddenly hurt abruptly
- 골머리를 앓다 : bother[trouble, worry] one's head (about)
* 앓다 : [Pronunciation: 알타] (1) [=병으로 고생하다] suffer (from), be ill (with), be sick (with), (formal) be afflicted (with) (2) [=근심으로 괴로워하다] be worried (about), be troubled, be distressed
* 걔 : he or she (non-honourific word means "그 아이”(that boy or girl) / "그 사람(that man or that woman is younger than us)
* 이다 : be; have
* 입니다 : 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -(이)다 / -(이)네 / -(이)야 : a non-honourific descriptive form of 이다
* a verb + -(이)네 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -이에요 / -예요 / -입니다 : an honourific descriptive form of 이다 by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
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