쿰쿰한 음식은 중독성이 있어요 : Foods that smell like fermented soybeans are addictive
[Usage from 허영만의 백반기행 TV program]
A. 아주 이 비지찌개가 쿰쿰한 게 이런 건 먹어 본 적이 없어! 엄청 맛있다! : I've never tried this kind of Soybean stew before! It's really good!
B. 그런 거 같아요. 이런 비지찌개는 어디에서도 먹어 본 적이 없어요 : I think so. I've never eaten this kind of beef stew anywhere
* 된장 : [식품(food)] doenjang; (fermented) soybean paste
- 된장을 담그다 : make doenjang
* 메주 : (1) [식품(food)] fermented soybean lump; block of fermented soybeans; this is the ingredient of 된장 (2) urgly face of woman
- 메주를 쑤다 : boil soybean
- 그녀는 얼굴이 어쩜 메주 같니 : I think she has an urgly face
* 쿰쿰하다 : 메주 냄새에서 나는 곰팡이나 먼지 따위의 비슷한 냄새가 나다(smell like mold or dust from the smell of fermented soybeans)
* 쿰쿰한 : adjective form of 쿰쿰하다 by '-ㄴ'
- 쿰쿰한 냄새 : (1) when you enter a room a full of molds, you can smell it (2) It rained and you wet and you came back home you threw the clothes on the floor and next day your clothes smell bad
* 음식 : food
* -은 : a particle makes 음식 subjective after a word ends in a consonant
* 중독 : [中毒] poisoning; toxication; intoxication
- 수은 중독 : mercurial[mercury] poisoning / hydrargyrism
- 식중독 : food poisoning / poisoning from eating
- 아편 중독 : opiumism / opium poisoning
- 알코올 중독 : alcoholism / addiction to alcohol / alcoholic poisoning
- 중독의 : intoxicative
- 중독성의 : poisonous / toxic
- 중독 증세를 나타내다 : develop[present / show] toxic symptoms
- 중독되다 = 중독이 되다 = 중독하다 : be[get] poisoned
- 복어에 중독되다 : be[get] poisoned by globefish
- 코카인을 상용하면 중독된다 : Habitual use of cocaine causes toxicosis
- 그는 식중독에 걸려 있다 : He has[is suffering from] food poisoning
- 그는 중독 증세를 나타냈다 : He showed[had] symptoms of poisoning
- 중독사 : death from poisoning
- 중독사하다 : be poisoned to death
- 중독자 : an addict
- 마약 중독자 : a drug addict
- 알코올 중독자 : an alcoholic
- 중독증 : toxicosis
* 중독성 : [中毒性] Toxicity <-- 중독 + 성(having the its character)
* -이 : a particle makes 중독성 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a consonant
* 있다 : (1) be; exist (2) have in the sentence
* 백반 : meal with a bowl of rice, soup, and side dishes
* 기행 : trip; travel
* 아주 : too much
* 비지 : biji; bean-curd dregs; tofu residue
* 찌개 : stew
* 비지찌개 : biji stew; Korean stew made with bean-curd dregs[tofu residue]
* 쿰쿰한 게 = 쿰쿰한 것이 : a thing has the smell like fermented soybeans
* 이런 건 = 이런 것은 : this kind of sth; like this
* 먹어본 적이 없다 = 먹어보지 않았다 : I've never eaten
- 적 : [時: this hanja pronounced as "Jug" in old times in Korea and China, but these days pronounced as "Si"] time
* 그런 거 같습니다 = 그렇다고 생각합니다 : I think so)
* 어디에서도 = 어디에서 + -도(a suffix emphasizes 어디에서)
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