유방은 한나라가 건국될 수 있도록 도와준 신하들을 한나라가 건국되고 안정된 이후에 모두 숙청하는 토사구팽을 했다 : Emperor Yubu purged all his subjects who helped the nation to be founded after the country was founded and stabilized
* 토사구팽(兎死狗烹) : 토끼(兎)가 죽으면(死), 개)狗)를 삶는다(烹)는 뜻. 본래 중국의 춘추시대(春秋時代)의 월(越)나라의 재상 '범려'가 한 말로서 "토끼가 죽으면 토끼를 잡던 사냥개도 필요 없게 되어 주인에게 삶아 먹히게 된다 "--> 필요할 때는 쓰다가 필요없을 때는 야박하게 버리는 행위 (Originally, it was said by Beom-ryeo, the prime minister of the Wol Dynasty during BC 770 ~ BC 221, Warring States period, of China, "When a rabbit dies, a hound that used to catch a rabbit is not needed, so it is boiled and eaten by its owner." "—> Use it when someone needs it and throw it away when someone doesn't need it)
* 토사구팽을 하다 : Use it when someone needs it and throw it away when someone doesn't need it
* 토사구팽을 당하다 : passive form of 토사구팽을 하다 by '..을 당하다'
* 건국 : [建國] the founding[establishment] of a country[nation]
- 건국하다 : [建國하다]found[establish] a country
- 건국 기념일 : [建國 記念日] National Foundation [Founding] Day
- 건국 이념 : [建國 理念] the national ideal envisioned on the founding of a country
* ...ㄹ 수 있도록 : in order to do
* 도와주다 : help (with effort) <-- 돕다(help; V consists of ㅂ + 옛이응 ‘ㆁ’. these days V sound changed into '우' for easy pronunciation) + -아(a connection suffix between two verb) + -주다(give; with effort)
* the ㅂ of 돕다 is not 'B' sound but 'V' sound and V consists of ㅂ + 옛이응 ‘ㆁ’. these days V sound changed into '우' for easy pronunciation
- See : https://m.blog.naver.com/nurisejong/221050681781
* 도와준 : past tense of 도와주다 by '-ㄴ'
* 신하 : [臣下] a (liege) subject; a retainer; a vassal; the lieges; vassalage
* 신하들 : 신하 + -들(a plural suffix)
* 안정 : (1) [安定] stability; stabilization; steadiness; [=균형] equilibrium; balance; [=침착] settlement; composure
* 안정하다 = 안정되다 : be stabilized; become stable; balance; settle; be settled
* 안정시키다 : stabilize / equilibrate / balance / put at rest / settle
- 안정이 결여되다 : lack stability / be unstable / be unsettled
- 안정을 유지하다 : keep equilibrium[balance] / maintain[secure] stability
- 안정을 잃다 : lose equilibrium[balance / stability]
- 생활의 안정을 얻다 :secure one's livelihood / find a sure means of living
- 우선 생활의 안정을 꾀하지 않으면 안 되겠다 : First of all I must secure a steady income
- 현 정부하에서는 민심의 안정을 기대할 수 없다 : Under the present government the people can have no peace of mind
- 안정된 사회 : a stable society
- 안정된 마음 : a well-balanced mind
- 안정되어 있다 : be stable / be steady / be in equilibrium / be well-balanced / be settled / be at rest
- 안정되지 않다 : be unstable[unsettled] / lack stability
- 민심을 안정시키다 : put the people's mind at rest
- 정국은 안정되어 있다 : The political situation is stable
- 시세는 좀처럼 안정되지 않았다 : The market would not stabilize. / The market fluctuated[remained unsettled] for a long time
- 소비자 물가가 지금은 안정되어 있다 : Consumer prices are now holding steady
* 안정된 : past tense of 안정되다; stable
* 안정 : [安靜] rest; quiet; repose
* 안정하다 : be tranquil; be quiet; be peaceful
* 안정시키다 : set at ease / quiet / relieve
- 절대 안정 : absolute[complete / thorough] rest[quiet]
- 의사는 절대 안정을 명했다 : The doctor ordered complete bed rest
- 안정하고 있다 : lie[rest] quietly in bed / keep quiet
* 이후에 : after
* 모두 : all (of them)
* 숙청 : [肅淸] a cleanup; a purge; liquidation; housecleaning
* 숙청하다 : [肅淸하다] purge; clean up; houseclean; liquidate
* 숙청되다 = 숙청(을) 당하다 : be purged
- 피숙청자 : [被肅淸子] a purgee
- 숙청 공작을 시작하다 : begin a housecleaning
- 혁명 후에 일련의 숙청이 행해졌다 : A series of (political) purges followed the revolution
- 당내의 유해 분자들이 숙청되었다 : The party was purged of its undesirable elements[members].
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