1. 당하다 : [當하다] has the following meanings
1) [=겪다·만나다] have; encounter; experience; come; arrive; happen; confront; come upon[across]
- 불행을 당하다 : suffer [meet with] a misfortune / experience[encounter] a disaster
- 상을 당하다 : have a death in the family / have a sad bereavement in one's family
- 모욕을 당하다 : suffer an insult[affront / indignity] / be insulted
- 참패를 당하다 : suffer an ignominious defeat
- 비명의 죽음을 당하다 : die an untimely death
2) [=맞서다] match[equal / rival] ; be a match for; compare with; stand ; cope with; keep up with
- 당할 수 없다 : be no match for
- 힘이 두 명을 당하다 : be strong enough to be a match for two men
- 그의 독설에는 당해 낼 사람이 없다 : No one can stand up to his scathing tongue
- 너에게는 당할 수가 없다 : I am no match for you. / I cannot come near you
- 달리기에서는 그를 당할 자가 없다 : He has no equal for running
- 이 난국을 당해 내기에는 그는 너무 심약하다 : He is too weak-minded to stand up to this difficult situation
- 이렇게 많은 적에게는 당할 재간이 없다 : There is no contending against such a heavy odds
- 빈틈이 없는 점에서 그를 당할 사람은 없었다 : No one could match him in shrewdness. / He had no equal in shrewdness
- 계산에서는 너에게 못 당한다 : I am no match for you in calculation
- 햄릿이라면 그를 당할 사람이 없다 : He is unrivaled as Hamlet
- 못 당하겠다는 것을 알자 그들은 도망쳤다 : Seeing that the odds were against them, they ran away
3) [=속다] be deceived[cheated / taken in]; be outwitted; [=얻어맞다] be struck; receive a blow
- 깜쪽같이 당했다 : I was fairly caught. / I was fooled. / I was taken in
- 어른은 때로 아이들에게 꼼짝없이 당하는 경우가 있다 : Grownups are crushed by children sometimes
- 나는 그의 꾀에 꼼짝없이 당하여 기가 죽었다 3 As he had outwitted me, I felt deflated
4) [=사리에 맞다] reasonable; rational; sensible; natural; right
- 당한 말을 하다 = 당연한 말을 하다 : talk[speak] sense
2. a word + 당하다 : [當하다] [접미사(suffix after a word; this makes a word passive form] suffer; undergo; receive; sustain; incur; be afflicted with; encounter, meet with (difficulties, hardship, etc.)
- 거절당하다 :be refused / get turned down
- 섬멸당하다 :be annihilated
- 구타당하다 :be struck / get licked / receive a blow
- 공격당하다 :be attacked
- 저격당하다be shot
- 도난당하다 :be stolen / have stolen / be robbed
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