
님이여(My darling) - 정의승(Jeong Eu-Seong) in 2019

 님이여(My darling) - 정의승(Jeong Eu-Seong) in 2019

The lyrics of this song have many poetic expressions, so it's very difficult to translate the feeling of Korean accurately

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5kGT91vn9g (김태연 cover song)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-JXRwgD3Iw (정의승 - original singer)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB8lOjq-l78 (정의승 - Korean Lyrics)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCwTwxl6tt8 (윤태화 cover song on Miss Trot song contest)

님이여 님이시여 기어이 가시나요

뒷산에 접동새가 여태도록 우는데

가시면 떠나시면 어쩌라 어쩌라고

아니되요 못 가오 나를 두고 못 가오

이사랑 다 주기 전 에

살아가는 오늘 또 내일이

님 의 향기 뿐 인데

님이여 님이시여  차라리 죽으려오

님이없는 세상은 온통 암흑천지요

내 사모하는 님이여 아~ 내 님이여

가시면 떠나시면 어쩌라 어쩌라고

아니되요 못 가오 나를 두고 못 가오

그  사랑 다 받기 전엔

가슴 가슴마디 뼈마디 마다

님의 손길뿐인데

님이여 님이시여 차라리 죽으려오

님이 없는 세상에 살아 무엇하리요

내 사모하는 님이여 아~ 내 님이여

아~ 내 님이여

[English Translation]

My dear, are you crawling?

The butterfly bird still cries in the mountain behind me

If you leave, what do you want me to do

No, you can't. You can't leave me

Before I give you all this love

Today and tomorrow

It's just your scent

Dear my dear, I'd rather die

The whole world is dark without you

My beloved you. Oh, my dear

If you leave, what do you want me to do

No, you can't. You can't leave me

Before you get all that love

Every chest, every bone

It's just your touch

Dear my dear, I would rather die

What would I live in a world without you

My beloved you. Oh, my dear

Oh, my dear you

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