당신[너/니] 처지를 알겠어(요)[이해해(요)]
1) I understand your situation.
2) I get what you’re saying.
3) I see where you’re coming from.
4) I understand thenposition where you’re in.
5) I know where you stand.
6) I think i know[understand] now.
7) Now I see your point.
<Example of the dialogue>
<A person> 당신이[너가/니가] 저[나](를) 좀 도와줘야 해(요). You have to help me.
<B person> 당신[너/니] 처지를 알겠어(요)[이해해(요)]. 하지만 제[내]가 좀 시간이 없어(요)[없네(요)]. I understand your situation. but I simply don’t have the time.
<Explanation of the above>
당신, 너, 니 : [to the younger or the same age friendly] you
처지[處地] : (1) [=형편] a situation; a condition; circumstances; one's lot; one's status; [=입장] a standpoint; a position; one's standing; [=신분] a station in life (2) [=사이] relations; terms.
~를, ~을 : a suffix makes a word or a sentence objective.
알다, 안다 : understand; know; see
알겠어(요) : understand <— 알다 + 겠(a quess suffix) + 어/아(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix)
이해[理解] : [=앎] understanding; comprehension
이해하다 : [=알다, 안다] understand; comprehand
이해해(요) : understand <— 이해하다 + 어/아(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix) * 해 is contracted from ‘하’ + ‘어’
당신이, 니가, 너가, 네가 : [to the younger or the same age friendly] you <— 당신/니/너/네 + 가(a suffix makes a word or a sentence subjective)
* “네가” is rerely used because the pronunciation of “내가”(I) and “네가”(you) is vague to listener.
저를, 나를 : me <— 저/나(I) + 를/을/ㄹ(a suffix makes a word or sentrence objective)
좀 : a little; this expresses the nuance of hesitation when one ask some help to the other(s).
돕다 : help
도와주다 : help <— 돕다(‘ㅂ’ erased and inserted ‘오’) + 아/어(a connection suffix makes two verb into one verb) + 주다(give)
하다 : do
~어야 해(요), ~아야 해(요) : have to do <— 어야[아야] 하다(have to do; should do; must do) + 어/아(a descriptive suffix notify my idea or thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome suffix)
도와주어야 해(요) : have to help <— 도와주다 + 어야 해(요)
도와줘야 해(요) : a short form of “도와주어야 해(요)”
하지만 : but
제가, 내가 : I <— 제/내(I) + 가(a suffix makes subjective; ‘나가’ is rarely used)
좀 : a little bit; this expresses the nuance of hesitation when answer to some request of help.
시간 : time
없다 : doesn’t have; not exist
시간이 없다 : don’t have the time
시간이 없어(요), 시간이 없네(요) : don’t have the time <— 시간이 없다 + 어/아/네(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix)
* ‘~네’ : a descriptive ending suffix is attached to '-시-' or tense '-았/었-' or '-겠-' in a tense. to express a fact or feeling to oneself, or to the young or the same age.
1) I understand your situation.
2) I get what you’re saying.
3) I see where you’re coming from.
4) I understand thenposition where you’re in.
5) I know where you stand.
6) I think i know[understand] now.
7) Now I see your point.
<Example of the dialogue>
<A person> 당신이[너가/니가] 저[나](를) 좀 도와줘야 해(요). You have to help me.
<B person> 당신[너/니] 처지를 알겠어(요)[이해해(요)]. 하지만 제[내]가 좀 시간이 없어(요)[없네(요)]. I understand your situation. but I simply don’t have the time.
<Explanation of the above>
당신, 너, 니 : [to the younger or the same age friendly] you
처지[處地] : (1) [=형편] a situation; a condition; circumstances; one's lot; one's status; [=입장] a standpoint; a position; one's standing; [=신분] a station in life (2) [=사이] relations; terms.
~를, ~을 : a suffix makes a word or a sentence objective.
알다, 안다 : understand; know; see
알겠어(요) : understand <— 알다 + 겠(a quess suffix) + 어/아(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix)
이해[理解] : [=앎] understanding; comprehension
이해하다 : [=알다, 안다] understand; comprehand
이해해(요) : understand <— 이해하다 + 어/아(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix) * 해 is contracted from ‘하’ + ‘어’
당신이, 니가, 너가, 네가 : [to the younger or the same age friendly] you <— 당신/니/너/네 + 가(a suffix makes a word or a sentence subjective)
* “네가” is rerely used because the pronunciation of “내가”(I) and “네가”(you) is vague to listener.
저를, 나를 : me <— 저/나(I) + 를/을/ㄹ(a suffix makes a word or sentrence objective)
좀 : a little; this expresses the nuance of hesitation when one ask some help to the other(s).
돕다 : help
도와주다 : help <— 돕다(‘ㅂ’ erased and inserted ‘오’) + 아/어(a connection suffix makes two verb into one verb) + 주다(give)
하다 : do
~어야 해(요), ~아야 해(요) : have to do <— 어야[아야] 하다(have to do; should do; must do) + 어/아(a descriptive suffix notify my idea or thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome suffix)
도와주어야 해(요) : have to help <— 도와주다 + 어야 해(요)
도와줘야 해(요) : a short form of “도와주어야 해(요)”
하지만 : but
제가, 내가 : I <— 제/내(I) + 가(a suffix makes subjective; ‘나가’ is rarely used)
좀 : a little bit; this expresses the nuance of hesitation when answer to some request of help.
시간 : time
없다 : doesn’t have; not exist
시간이 없다 : don’t have the time
시간이 없어(요), 시간이 없네(요) : don’t have the time <— 시간이 없다 + 어/아/네(a descrtiptive suffix notify my idea of thinking or mind) + 요(a winsome ending suffix)
* ‘~네’ : a descriptive ending suffix is attached to '-시-' or tense '-았/었-' or '-겠-' in a tense. to express a fact or feeling to oneself, or to the young or the same age.
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