
Let’s learn about "찬성해요” or "찬성합니다”

1. When you want to agree with someone, you can say “찬성해요” or “찬성합니다”.

2. The above can be expressed like these in Korean.

1) To the younger or your friends without honorific nuance.

- (나는/나도) 찬성.

- (나는/나도) 찬성한다.

- (나는/나도) 찬성해.

- (나는/나도) 찬성하고 말고.

- (나는/나도) 동의.

- (나는/나도) 동의한다.

- (나는/나도) 동의해.

- (나는/나도) 동의하고 말고.

2) To any person with honorific nuance.

- (저는/저도) 찬성해요.

- (저는/저도) 찬성합니다. (more honorific)

- (저는/저도) 찬성하고 말고요. (more confirmative)

- (저는/저도) 동의해요.

- (저는/저도) 동의합니다. (more honorific)

- (저는/저도) 동의하고 말고요. (more confirmative)

3. The above can be translated to these in English.

- I agree with you.

- I am with you. (나는 네 편이야 or 나는 네 의견에 찬성이다)

- I am in favor of that.

- I’ll go along with that.

- I’m in. (난 찬성이야 or 나도 끼워줘 or 난 할래)

- It’s a deal. (그래. 그렇게 하지 or 좋아. 그렇게 하지)

4. The above dialogue

<A person> 어린이들은 공공장소에서 어떻게 하는지 배워야 합니다 : Children should learn how to behave in public.

<B person> 저도 찬성이에요 : I am in favor of that.

5. Explanation of the above

• 찬성 [贊成] : approval; approbation; agreement; assent; suffrage; [=동의] seconding; support; endorsement; favor

• 동의[同意] : [=같은 의견] the same opinion; [=승낙·찬성] consent; assent; agreement; approval

• 동의[同義] : synonymy; synonymity; the same meaning

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