1. When you want to say you’ll always be someone’s side you can say like these in Korean.
▷ "언제나"(always) can be replaced by "무조건"(all the way) or 항상(always)
▷ ´네’(you) is usually used in written, but ´니’ or ‘너’ or ‘당신’(you) is usually used in speaking because ´네’(you) and ´내’(I) is ambiguous in hearing.
▷ "XXX님" indicates the title of a person instead of "당신", “니”, “너". In Korea If you call his or her name who is elder than you, it is very rude for him or her to be called by the younger.
▷ Therefore when you call someone who is older than you, you must say like "사장님(CEO)”, “대리님(Debuty Manager)”, “과장님(Manager)”, “언니(older sister)”, “오빠(older brother)”, “선배(senior)”, “이모(aunt; elder woman)”, “아저씨(uncle; elder man)”, “교수님(professor)”, “선생님(teacher)”, etc
1) Without honorific to the younger
- (난/나는) 언제나 니 편이다. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 니 편이네. (often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 니 편이야. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 당신 편이다. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 당신 편이네. (often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 당신 편이야. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 너(를) 믿어. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 너(를) 믿는다. (often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 당신(을) 믿어. (very often)
- (난/나는) 언제나 당신(을) 믿는다. (often)
2) With a little honorific regardless of age
- (전/저는) 언제나 XXX님 편입니다. (very often)
- (전/저는) 언제나 XXX님 편이에요. (very often)
- (전/저는) 언제나 XXX님 믿어요. (very often)
3) With honorific to the very elder
- (전/저는) 언제나 XXX님 편입니다. (very often)
- (전/저는) 언제나 XXX님 믿습니다. (very often)
2. The above can be translated like these in English.
- You can always count on me.
- I’m always with you 100 %.
- I’m always behind you 100 %.
- I’m with you all the way. (all the way : 전적으로; 무조건)
- I’ll be there for you.
- I’ll always be your side. (항상 니 편이에요)
3. Dialogue of the above
<A person> 제게 힘이 되어 줄거죠? 그죠? You’ll be always there for me, right?
<B person> 그럼요. 전 항상 당신 편이에요. I’m always behind you 100%.
4. Explanation of the above
▷ 언제나 : [=항상] always; all the time; at any time; ever; never; [=평소] usually; [=습관적으로] habitually; [=…할 때마다] every time; whenever; [=변함없이] invariably; [=끊임없이] constantly
• 언제나 지각하는 사람 : a habitual latecomer
• 경찰관이 언제나 지키고 있다 : Policemen are always on guard
• 내가 언제나 열차를 놓치는 것은 아니다 : I don't miss the train every time
• 그는 언제나 의지가 되는 사람이다 : He can be counted[relied] on at any time
• 밖에 나가면 언제나 차를 조심해요 : Be sure to watch out for cars whenever you go out
▷ 항상[恒常] or 늘 or 언제나 : always, all the time, evermore, year in, ay, aye, year out, still
• 그는 항상 바쁘다고 말하고 있다 : He always says he is busy
• 항상 아껴주셔서 감사합니다 : Thank you very much for your constant patronage
• 그는 항상 자식 자랑을 한다 : He always boasts about his son
• 항상성 : homeostasis
• 그 빨래 건조대는 항상 걸리적거린다 : The clothes horse is always in the way! / The drying rack is always in the way.
• 저는 항상 바빠요 : I'm busy all the time.
• 그는 항상 배운다 : He always learns things.
• 운전자들은 항상 보행인을 살펴야 한다 : Drivers must always be cautious of pedestrians.
• 그리고 아직도, 그 반대 (명제)도 또한 항상 진실이다 : And yet, the contrary is always true as well
▷ 편[便] : (1) [=쪽] a side; [=방향] a direction; a way (2) [=한 패] a party; a ring; a team; one's side (3) [=선택·경향] tendancy to something or someone
• 아버지[어머니] 편의 : on the paternal[maternal] side / on the father's[mother's] side
• 이[저]편에 : this[that] way
• 왼편에 : on the left(-hand) side
• 오른 편으로 : to the right
• 오른편에 앉다 : sit on one's right side
• 아이들은 어머니 평에 붙었다 : The children took side with their mother
• 내 오른편 자리가 비어 있다 : The seat on my right is unoccupied
• 길 건너 편에 : on the other side of the street
• 그 집은 거리의 건너편에 서 있다 : The house stands on the other side of the street
• 이 편에 은행이 있습니까 : Is there a bank around[about / near] here?
• 우리편 : our side[part] / we / a friend / our party[team]
• 상대편 : the other party / the opposite party / one's opponent party
• 우리편과 적 (모두) : friend and foe (alike) / both sides / allies and enemies
• 편들다 support / stand by
• 어느편도 편들지마 : don’t support anybody
• 제편으로 끌어들이다 : win a person over to one's side
• 나는 언제나 네편이다 : I will always stand by you
• 당신은 어느 편이냐? : Which[Whose] side are you on?
• 학급의 농구 경기에서 김군과 나는 각기 다른 평이 되었다 : In the class basketball game, Kim and I were on different sides
• 나는 네편이다 : I stand your friend
• 이렇게 하는 편이 좋을 것이다 : You'd better do it like this[(in) this way]
• 이것도 아직 큰 편이다 : Even this is a relatively large one
• 그와 가느니 집에 있는 편이 낫다 : I would rather[sooner] stay at home than go with him
• 이 편이 훨씬 낫겠다 : (I think) This is for better than that
• 그녀에게 그렇게 말하는 편이 나을 뻔했다 : You had better have told her so.
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