
Let’s learn about 단풍잎, etc from Korea TV"

1. 단풍잎 : maple leaf

* 단풍[丹楓] : fall foliage, autumn colors

2. 너만 기다렸어... : You're the only one who's been waiting for.

3. 정답[正答] : correct answer, right answer

- 정답을 맞히다 : get the right answer

4. 몰라요 ㅠㅠ : (1) [=알지 못하다] do not know; [=이해하지 못하다]do not understand (2) [=경험이 없다•경험을 못했다] have no experience, be ignorant of (3) [=느끼지 못하다] be unaware (of), be unconscious (of)

5. 이것이 정답이라니... 참나~~ : I can't believe this is the answer

6. 춘천가는 기차 : a train to Chuncheon; It is a representative word for romance and also the title of a K-pop song

7. 춘천하면 닭갈비(가 유명하죠) : Chunchon is famous for its chicken ribs.

8. 술렁이는 군중들 : a noisy crowd; the crowd suddenly started making a commotion.

9. 도라지 : balloon flower (root), bellflower (root)

- 말린 도라지 : dried balloon flower roots

10. 지금은 아주 중요한 상황이예요 : It's a very important situation right now.

11. 제가 막을 게요 : I’ll stop him; I’ll stop her

12. 제가 설명하고 있는 말에 해당하는 속담이 무엇인지 맞혀주세요 : Guess what the proverbs I'm describing are.

- 속담[俗談] : adage (old) saying, proverb

- 설명[說明] : explanation

- 설명하다 : account, explain, give an explanation (of); account for, give an account (of)

- 말 : (1) [=언어] word, language, speech, (literary) tongue (2) [=이야기•얘기] talk (3) expression term ; [=단어] word; [=구] phrase; [=문장] sentence (4) horse

- 해당[該當] : [관계되다•일치하다] be relevant, be applicable (to), apply (to), correspond (to), come under (a category)

- 맞히다 : guess right, guess correctly, make a good guess

13. 대기석 : a waiting seat

* 대리석[大理石] : marble

14. 정답 유추를 끝낸 사람은 먼저 정답을 말해 보세요 = 정답을 먼저 생각한 사람은 정답을 먼저 말하세요: If you have guessed the answer first, tell me the answer first.

- 먼저 : (1) [=앞서서] first, earlier, before, beforehand, in advance (2) [=우선] first of all, before anything else

- 유추[類推] : inference, conjecture, infer, conjecture

15. (제가) 알아요 : I know first of all

- 알다 : (1) [=정보나 지식을 갖추다] know, learn, have (good) knowledge (of), be familiar (with) (2) [=이해하다] understand, know, see, follow, appreciate, (informal) get, make out (3) [깨닫다•인지하다] realize, recognize, find, notice, sense, (formal) perceive, be aware (of), be conscious (of)

16. 첫 만남 : First meeting

- 첫 (번째) : first

- 만남 : meeting <— 만나다(meet) + ㅁ(a suffix makes a verb a noun)

- 만남의 광장 : a meeting place

- 광장[廣場] : square, plaza

- 시청 앞 광장에서 음악회가 열리고 있다 : A concert is taking place in the City Hall square.

17. 공부의 힘 그리고 공부의 신 : The power of study and a student who is good at studying

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