What does 무탈하신가요? mean?
1. The above is equal to "별일없으신가요" or "별고없으신가요?" and have been often used by the elderly.
2. The above means :
1) 병이나 변고가 없다 (There is no disease or accident)
• 변고[變故] : an accident, a mishap, trouble, a misfortune, a disaster
<To the younger or friend without honorific nuance>
그동안 무탈하냐? : Is everything all right with you've been doing?
<To any pereon with honorific nuance>
그동안 무탈하신가요? : Is everything all right with you've been doing?
2) 까다롭거나 스스럼이 없다 (be not picky and unshy
우린 무탈한 사이이에요 : we feel free.
3) 탈을 잡힐 데가 없다. (There's no place for trouble; harmless)
무탈한 행동이었으므로 별문제 없을 것이다 : It's been a harmless act, so there won't be
3. Explanation of the above
• 스스럼없다 : unreserved; unconstrained; free (from constraint); unshy
ㆍ 스스럼없는 친구 : a friend you can feel free with
ㆍ 스스럼없는 태도로 말하다 : talk in a free and easy manner
• 탈 :
(1) [=사고] an accident; an incident; an untoward event; [=장애] a hitch; a snag; a failure; a trouble; a mishap; [=지장] a hindrance; an impediment; interruption
ㆍ 별 탈이 없는 한 : if nothing interferes
ㆍ 탈없이 : without a hitch[trouble] / smoothly / well / [=순조로이] all along / safely / in safety / safe and sound / [=무사히] with a whole skin / [=건강하게] in good health
ㆍ 탈없이 진행되다 : go on without hitch[trouble] / keep going in good shape / go all right[well] / run smoothly
ㆍ 탈이 나지 않도록 조심해라 : See to it that nothing goes wrong[there are no slipups]
ㆍ 우리 계획에 탈이 생겼다 : Something went wrong with our plans
(2) [=병] sickness; illness; a disease; a trouble; a disorder; [=고장] something wrong; breakdown; ruin
ㆍ 기계가 탈이 나다 : a machine breaks down / something goes wrong with a machine / have[run into] trouble with the machine
ㆍ 몸에 탈이 나다 : get ill[sick] / have (health) difficulties
ㆍ 배탈이 나다 : have a stomach trouble / suffer from indigestion
ㆍ 무리를 한 것이 탈이 된 겁니다 : This comes of the strain of work. / The strain has begun to tell on me
ㆍ 그는 탈없이 아주 잘 있다 : He is in the best of health. / He is as fit as a fiddle
(3) [=흠] a fault; a defect; a flaw; [=트집] faultfinding
ㆍ 그 친구는 게으른 것이 탈이다 : The bad thing about him is his laziness
4 [=빌미·저주] : a curse; an evil spell; retribution; a trouble
ㆍ 뒤탈 : (a) future trouble / an evil consequence
ㆍ 탈이 없도록 : so as to prevent any future trouble that might occur in future / so there will be no future troubles
ㆍ 탈이 나다 : incur the divine wrath / be cursed / suffer
ㆍ 탈이 없도록 하다 : leave no seeds of future trouble
ㆍ 뒤탈이 두려워 깡패의 공갈을 신고도 하지 못하다 : do not report a blackmail by hoodlums for fear of reprisals
• 탈- [脫] : get out of something
ㆍ 탈공업화 : the post-industrialization process.
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